Just getting this started so I can get a url.
I will post more about this in a couple of days.
Happy New Year, 2021!
I will post more about this in a couple of days.
Happy New Year, 2021!
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I feel the same way about my OW purple flower chaco.Great to see the Lanceolatum hook, @PaulG !
My PF Chacoense has shown about zero recognition that we're well into spring, despite that almost every other OW has made significant strides.
Great to see the Lance sprouted..hope to see it bear fruit this Summer..I didn't have any luck with my seeds.A few tidbits of news.
One of Matt's (@catchthebear) c. lanceolatum seeds he sent
a few weeks ago hooked overnight. Seed sown on 5/7, eight-
teen days in. Tiny trichomes visible on the cotys and stem un-
der ridiculous enlargementTwo more seeds still on the
heat mat. This one is under the T5HO lights on the grow shelf.
The c. chacoense purple flower is starting to ripen a few of
the older berries. Now we just need some more sun! Now
catching full morning sun (when it happens) and afternoon
shade. This is the volunteer plant from Fall 2021.
The second-year wild Cumari annuum is showing a bit
of color on one of the very first berries set in the green-
house. Now on the deck in the shade of a Sangu Kaku
Japanese Maple during mid-day, along with most of the
wild varieties.
Yeah, buddy! Gotta hand it to Matt. I am@PaulG congrats on getting some C.Lanceolatum up and runningMatt to the rescue again I see!
I double checked my records. I dropped 10 seeds from Matt, I had 7 germ!! 1 was a bit weak and didn't make it. So I have 1 plant outside going well and a solo cup with 5 small ones in that are just getting their first true leaves. I'll probably split those between some indoor and outdoor plants, possibly one in a small hydro as well to try.Yeah, buddy! Gotta hand it to Matt. I am
amazed such a tiny seed can even pro-
duce a plant. The other two seeds in the
rockwool have not popped, yet. sure
would like to have a back-up or two! I
hope your seedling is growing straight
and true!
The little lanceolatum seedling finally stood up.
Sporting a nice crop of tricomes! This is the farth-
est I have gotten with a lance in four tries. Fingers
@Datil - Your plants look absolutely perfect,
Fabrizio! So healthy and robust with awe-
some growth habits. Keep 'em coming, my
friend! Can't wait to see them full of nice,
ripe berries!
Is the Chiltepin Guatamala the 'Tolito/Torolito'?