A few tidbits of news.
One of Matt's (
c. lanceolatum seeds he sent
a few weeks ago hooked overnight. Seed sown on 5/7, eight-
teen days in. Tiny trichomes visible on the cotys and stem un-
der ridiculous enlargement
Two more seeds still on the
heat mat. This one is under the T5HO lights on the grow shelf.
c. chacoense purple flower is starting to ripen a few of
the older berries. Now we just need some more sun! Now
catching full morning sun (when it happens) and afternoon
shade. This is the volunteer plant from Fall 2021.
The second-year wild Cumari
annuum is showing a bit
of color on one of the very first berries set in the green-
house. Now on the deck in the shade of a Sangu Kaku
Japanese Maple during mid-day, along with most of the
wild varieties.