• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Wild, Indeed, Community Thread

Just getting this started so I can get a url.
I will post more about this in a couple of days.

Happy New Year, 2021!
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I'm currently using the zip lock method to germinate my seeds, these were started on 3/12 and as of yesterday I have 2 C. Flexuosum sprouts emerging. 15 days is the quickest I've seen a wild germinate, Temps during the day average 70-75 under the led lights.

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Is there a place to read up on Capsicum species and how to discern one from another? (For people not hindered by to much knowledge on this subject...)
I just picked this link up here a few weeks ago and found it really helpful for the different capsicum varieties. I found it really interesting to see where they come from geologically. Maybe there are some information you are interested in :)
Curious to how you wrapped the glasshouse and how tiny it is.

Any idea of the minimum temperatures these two survived?
Tiny in comparison to what I'd call a proper walk-in greenhouse. You can't walk inside mine, it's a two tier thing. Around 2m x 0.8m footprint, around 1.8m tall.

I used 25mm bubble-size horticultural bubble-wrap which was doubled up. That was just to try and reduce the crazy heating costs given current UK electric prices. Ran a fan heater on very low thermostat setting. The coldest it probably got inside was 3-4C.

I had others in there, such as C.galapagoense, C.cardenasii, C.lanceolatum, C.chacoense and friends. None of those showing signs of life as yet, I doubt everything will have made it but that's OK as started new backups anyway.
Amazing with the C.flexuosum pepper, maybe I should give it a go in the Danish winters 🤔 How big/tall is yours in the ground?
The one in the ground isn't the biggest, only 1m/3ft. Planted last year and I didn't prep that area at all, just dropped it in a hole and left it to find whatever it could. Lots of that plants branches will be dead now, so will be shorter once it's had a trim. I didn't expect that one to make it as drainage in that area isn't the best. The one I started last year in a 40L airport grew the best, all fresh compost and good drainage.
Not only Italians or Brazilians, others also use fake profiles, I don't think I'm wrong ;) , Leo-c is an old name I used but I don't access that account anymore, I couldn't use it, otherwise I wouldn't have used leo72,

Non solo italiani o brasiliani, anche altri usano profili fake, non credo di sbagliarmi ;) , Leo-c è un vecchio nome che usavo ma non accedo più a quell'account, non potrei usarlo, altrimenti non avrei usato leo72,

Just type in english. Anybody that searches your other account here will see you understand it well...... but to address your comments.

You must be eluding to the account I created to further incriminate your Brazilian friends. The Solanum diplocomos? Remember your friend pawning them off as C.caballeroi? You guys really liked that. I would love to post receipts of yours and others deceit,lies,extortion,theft. And all the accounts you use to troll Clayton. In due time,and to whoever is interested. There is plenty--4 months of work atleast.

This is a close community that has always protected it's members from clowns. You'd be better suited hiding on other social media platforms playing games.

I'm not going to continue ruining this thread. I will start another one soon posting reciepts that deal with you,Europeans,Brazilians,etc.

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Final score on C.flexusoum plants left outside, unprotected, all winter.
C.flexuosum 3 - 0 UK Winter

Two were in pots and even the one direct in the ground has made it.


UK winters are piece of piss for these guys. It was very mild here but still a few times it reached -24C and they can't deal with that. I had mine outside way more than normal this winter. Crazy to see a Capsicum with leaves when it's -2C.
I'm not going to continue ruining this thread. I will start another one soon posting reciepts that deal with you,Europeans,Brazilians,etc.

Please do so. I haven't noticed much "damage" inflicted by the Brazilian cartel here on this forum, but FB is a very different story. A warned person counts for two, or

This is a close community that has always protected it's members from clowns.