Most of my wild this season are OW's, but I have a few I started from seed. With the days getting longer and sunnier I'm starting to see the OW's get things into gear.
Here's a few new ones.
Heatmiser's Texas Tepin. I have 3 of these from his 2014 seeds collected in the wild. I had all 3 in one container until a recent transplant. Now it looks like they've rooted in and are starting to grow more quickly.
Chacoense Most Prolific
Perola Laranja
Tolito - hiding in back. I have 5 of these guys, but they sprouted late and are all playing catch-up.
And here's a few of the OW's
OW USDA Cardenasii. I started this late last season then cut it back before OW, so it hasn't bloomed. It's from a different source than my other USDA Card so I'm curious whether they'll be very similar or show differences.
My last of 3 original Lanceolatum, going into it's 3rd growing season. Just got a big haircut and needs some new soil. I'm trying to get this guy back to a well shaped plant as they're such a great looking variety.
Last one is a Baccatum Fragilis - not sure it belongs in the "wilds" thread. Maybe. I'll stick it in anyway. These guys seem to grow very (very) slowly at first, then speed up a bit as they get bigger. That's been my experience anyway. I'm hoping this one is far along enough to produce outside this season, versus having to transition it back inside.