• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Wild, Indeed, Community Thread

Just getting this started so I can get a url.
I will post more about this in a couple of days.

Happy New Year, 2021!
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Good example of the variability of
wild seed germination...
Guatemalan Chiltepin 'Tolito' or 'Torolito',
pix from yesterday. Seed sown on 2/1.
Hooks on 2/12 and 2/13:

Hook on 2/20, a real slow grower:

Latest hook, 3/7, 35 days. You can see it in the first pic:

"Heat Miser says Spring is almost here!"

PaulG said:
A couple of transplants...
Wiri-Wiri. Nice little starts. Sandy, if you see this,
what size pots did you grow your Wiri-Wiri plants in?
Some of Devv’s hand picked wild pequins:
Hi Paul...seedlings looking great...seems like the galap seeds are really sprouting ..lovely plant does well indoors under lights/does not
like too much sun...in the AM Aok,..the leave are sort of velvety & the sun does a # on them...my favoriite wild..I have 4 OWing & I planted
another on 12/20 & already it's has many green peppers & lots of flowers...will have to do a photo...
Re: Wiri plants...I use from I gal to 3 gal pots & they seem to do well...somewhat compact/not a very tall plant more of a spreader.
I use them regularly so I grow enough to carry me over till I get new stock.
Keep up the good work with the WIlds & all others...you're sailing into Spring & hopefully good weather. ;)
wiriwiri said:
Hi Paul...seedlings looking great...seems like the galap seeds are really sprouting ..lovely plant does well indoors under lights/does not
like too much sun...in the AM Aok,..the leave are sort of velvety & the sun does a # on them...my favoriite wild..I have 4 OWing & I planted
another on 12/20 & already it's has many green peppers & lots of flowers...will have to do a photo...
Re: Wiri plants...I use from I gal to 3 gal pots & they seem to do well...somewhat compact/not a very tall plant more of a spreader.
I use them regularly so I grow enough to carry me over till I get new stock.
Keep up the good work with the WIlds & all others...you're sailing into Spring & hopefully good weather. ;) You said a mouthful there, girl!
Thanks, Sandy, I appreciate your input. I think
I will be using #2 containers with most of the wilds.
Those are 1.5 gallons. Maybe something a bit smaller
for the c. galapagoense.
Still a few days to a week until transplant:


You can see the results of helmet heads on the
Blue Mystery seedlings, and one of the c. galapagoense
seedlings is still wearing its helmet.
Forgot to add this one:
Another Cumari Flibu hook yesterday, 37 days
from dropping seeds:

Yay   :party:   in a seperate cell so I might get two plants!
Germination total across all segments of the grow 62%.
The Wilds are inching up there. And I mean inching!
Here's my latest #5 Galapagoense it's small in stature but big on production for it's short life of approx. 3mths..I'd say it has ~25 pods & many in the works.
I have it one of those < 5 inch party cups & it doesn't seem to slow down .less attention..more production  ie do the basics & watch me grow. :D

That is a little beauty, alright. Stalk nice and
beefy and lignified. Have you done any pruning?
Do you do anything special for OW, or just bring
them and let them keep growing under some light?
What do you usually use the berries for?
Do you like playing 20 questions   :rofl: ?
Thanks for sharing that, Sandy. Gives me something
to look forward to! Enjoying your contributions to the
community thread!
PaulG said:
That is a little beauty, alright. Stalk nice and
beefy and lignified. Have you done any pruning?
Do you do anything special for OW, or just bring
them and let them keep growing under some light?
What do you usually use the berries for?
Do you like playing 20 questions   :rofl: ?
Thanks for sharing that, Sandy. Gives me something
to look forward to! Enjoying your contributions to the
community thread!
1.  No pruning...don't believe in it usually....but,ah there's a but...if I have a plant in a big container then I do a mild haircut. let  nature take care of that,
 I don't grow plants that are keepers in very big containers so I can haul them in & not get any objections.
2. I put them near the windows for the most part..we are blessed in that our property is prime for sun...used to be a farm yrs ago & then our home
was built  ..I have  grow lights but only few share that...like the many galaps..those older Gs are just resting...for now..in their qt containers.
under light...warm but chilling. ;)
3. Berries/seeds are for sharing....they are hot but not much substance...it's such a different type of pepper plant & many people grow them but unable to
get them to the next level...ie fruit...& usually only 1 or 2 pods...if that many. :P ...we all have a fav pepper  this is mine..so I go ape over it.
4..No play on  20 ?s ... ...gardening is in my genes .as is cooking,it offers a great relaxation from a VERY stressful choice in 
career..but no regrets there......hobbies are great...I have too many . :P
Great to see others having activity.  Things are kind of slow for me on the wild front.  Most of my varieties are OW's just waiting for warmer weather and of the ones I planted recently only a few have come up.  I have a couple of early ones ready for transplant.
Chacoense Most Prolific - thanks Wiri!
20200313 ChacMP.jpg

Perola Laranja
20200313 PerolaLaranja.jpg
After giving up hope, I finally had a bunch of the wilds pop up. W - wiri wiri & J = jelly bean. Since I had multiple seeds in a single block, I had to separate them. Now we wait and see if they continue to grow! The first jb that germinated just dried up after a week so I'm hoping these guys do better.
Nice group of seedlings J and W.
Are these the yellow Jumping Bean?
I have found the Wiri2 is a super variety.
This will be my second season with it.
Being a c. chinense, it has the nice foliage,
and the plants branch out readily, like
most wilds. Have fun growing those out.
The Yellow Jelly Bean has a similar growth
habit. My plant last year had a stalk thicker 
than my thumb.
Looking forward to some great pics this
My Tolito seeds (courtesy originally of Wiri!) started sprouting a couple days ago at day 25 and are now at either 80% or 100% - I don't remember if I planted 4 or 5. 
This is an interesting one as from what I've read, it was originally classified as annuum, reclassified as frutescens, then again reclassified as c. annuum var. glabriusculum.  If you look it up in the plant accession database, it shows pictures of the pods maturing to red, but last year the one small plant I grew seemed to mature to yellow - at least I left the pods on for a good while after they turned from green to yellow and they didn't go red.  Also, while I didn't really focus on trying to classify it, I had thought it to be a frutescens.
Anyhow, it was a really cool pepper and I'll grow it bigger this season and pay more attention to it.
20210316 Tolito.jpg
@CD - Great success with the Tolito, my
friend! My own specimen is turning out to be
a robust little plant.

Going to try to let the wilds grow without
topping this season now that I have a
lighted space with some headroom. I am
trying to grow them in their natural growth
habit without topping this time around. We'll
see how smart that was this Summer  :rofl:.
Here's a few samples:
Pr0digal_son said:
This tolito is an interesting one. I wish Bob Jarrett and the USDA would be more diligent when documenting these plants. Without seeing a flower and node sites,it's tough to I.D. Would love to see some other photos from you guys if possible.
Will definitely post some detail pix this Spring and summer, John.
Between everyone growing it, we might be able to nail it down!
I'm anticipating fun times ahead!
BTW added a pic of the plant in the last post.