Just getting this started so I can get a url.
I will post more about this in a couple of days.
Happy New Year, 2021!
I will post more about this in a couple of days.
Happy New Year, 2021!
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Hi Paul...seedlings looking great...seems like the galap seeds are really sprouting ..lovely plant does well indoors under lights/does notPaulG said:A couple of transplants...
Wiri-Wiri. Nice little starts. Sandy, if you see this,
what size pots did you grow your Wiri-Wiri plants in?
Some of Devv’s hand picked wild pequins:
Thanks, Sandy, I appreciate your input. I thinkwiriwiri said:Hi Paul...seedlings looking great...seems like the galap seeds are really sprouting ..lovely plant does well indoors under lights/does not
like too much sun...in the AM Aok,..the leave are sort of velvety & the sun does a # on them...my favoriite wild..I have 4 OWing & I planted
another on 12/20 & already it's has many green peppers & lots of flowers...will have to do a photo...
Re: Wiri plants...I use from I gal to 3 gal pots & they seem to do well...somewhat compact/not a very tall plant more of a spreader.
I use them regularly so I grow enough to carry me over till I get new stock.
Keep up the good work with the WIlds & all others...you're sailing into Spring & hopefully good weather.You said a mouthful there, girl!
1. No pruning...don't believe in it usually....but,ah there's a but...if I have a plant in a big container then I do a mild haircut. let nature take care of that,PaulG said:That is a little beauty, alright. Stalk nice and
beefy and lignified. Have you done any pruning?
Do you do anything special for OW, or just bring
them and let them keep growing under some light?
What do you usually use the berries for?
Do you like playing 20 questions?
Thanks for sharing that, Sandy. Gives me something
to look forward to! Enjoying your contributions to the
community thread!
I didn’t plant these this year; saving them forCaneDog said:
Will definitely post some detail pix this Spring and summer, John.Pr0digal_son said:This tolito is an interesting one. I wish Bob Jarrett and the USDA would be more diligent when documenting these plants. Without seeing a flower and node sites,it's tough to I.D. Would love to see some other photos from you guys if possible.