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Wild, Indeed, Community Thread

Here are the assumed offspring of the Pequin Rojo Chihuahua.
Found in the same pot, a whole berry's seeds sprouting in a clump.
I rescued seven. Two are in #1 nursery pots now, the other four in a
four-cell germination tray. I have no idea what is next for the Pequin
Rojo volunteers :rofl:

I would give them to anyone who showed up at my door!
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I grew the Hermosillo Chiltepin from Jim Duffy, this year. It had a very short (less than 2 feet), but erect and tree-like growth habit, with notably small leaves, along with strong lignification in its main stem and branches. I made a mental note that it seemed perfect for bonchi. I’m not experienced enough with glabriusculums to know how common those traits were, but it was a gorgeous plant.

I also have seeds of Hermosillo Chiltepin Dwarf from Peter Merle, which sounds like it might be similar if not from the same population… although the branches visible in his photos seem a more spindly and don’t show lignification. I’ll have to grow it out and see for myself, I suppose.

Likely not in 2022, though, and I’m not sure when. My main interest is in culinary applications, and I’m not sure I want to invest growing space in such small fruits. I doubt I would have the patience to harvest more than needed for seeds.

And now a new “problem” has arrived in the form of unexpected wilds from Fatalii Seeds. I was ordering anyway when he had a promotion to help him buy a tractor, and the reward wound up being:

C. praetermissum ‘Goat Pepper’ (CGN 22794, PI 260595)
C. flexuosum (no accession)
C. frutescens ‘Cabai Burung Ungu’ (not wild, I think)

He certainly values his wild seed highly, hm? Yikes.

Anyway, I’m not sure when if ever I would find time to grow these. Maybe someone else wants them and would trade for Venezuelan Tiger or another of my current wants? It seems like the wilds community here mostly provides for itself (which is awesome), but figured I’d ask.

Anything I should know about these that would explain Jukka’s prices? I’d hate to find out I’d passed on something irreplaceable later, but as far as I can see these seeds aren’t super rare among enthusiasts.
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Anything I should know about these that would explain Jukka’s prices? I’d hate to find out I’d passed on something irreplaceable later, but as far as I can see these seeds aren’t super rare among enthusiasts.
His prices on those are complete and utter bullshit. I don't care if that offends him or anyone else. €30 for 10 seeds is bullshit!!!!!!!!!! Please,do not spend that kind of money. We can lead you to honest vendors or share from our personal stock. He is also selling CGN19189,an eximium,as a possible different species. Please do not get grifted.
Thank you, yes I’ve since gravitated toward other vendors. Peter Merle at Semillas La Palma seems reliable and reasonable, so far, for instance.

I’ve pretty much finished making my initial selections, so in the future I’ll use my own seeds and rely on the community for new stuff.
Thank you, yes I’ve since gravitated toward other vendors. Peter Merle at Semillas La Palma seems reliable and reasonable, so far, for instance.

I’ve pretty much finished making my initial selections, so in the future I’ll use my own seeds and rely on the community for new stuff.
No problem. If you want a list of vendors to avoid PM me. There are plenty of charlatans and crooks out there. One of the supposed bests has even PUBLICLY slandered a physically handicapped person. This hobby/industry is filled to the brim with dregs. I would suggest using forums like this one for seed info. There is still a sense of community here.
Here are the assumed offspring of the Pequin Rojo Chihuahua.
Found in the same pot, a whole berrie's seeds sprouting in a clump.
I rescued seven. Two are in #1 nursery pots now, the other four in a
four-cell germination tray. I have no idea what is next for the Pequin
Rojo volunteers :rofl:

I would give them to anyone who showed up at my door!

@PaulG nice to be getting plants appearing for free!
No problem. If you want a list of vendors to avoid PM me. There are plenty of charlatans and crooks out there. One of the supposed bests has even PUBLICLY slandered a physically handicapped person. This hobby/industry is filled to the brim with dregs. I would suggest using forums like this one for seed info. There is still a sense of community here.
PM sent, @Pr0digal_son. Thanks, John!
No surprises, waiting on a few including the usual culprits (C.Lanceolatum and C.Tovarii). Will start some more batches soon.
We are in the same boat, there, my friend!

Sprouts at present here:

CGN 22795 c. praetermissum, my seed x 2
CGN 22795 c. praetermissum, Semillas x 3
CGN 20497 c. cardenasii, @Mr.joe x 2
CAP 500 c. eximium, Semillas x 2
CAP 524 c. chacoense, Semillas x 2
Dwarf Chiltepin c. annuum v Glabriusculum, Semillas x 2

So maybe I'll at least have a few going into Spring/Summer!
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We are in the same boat, there, my friend!

Sprouts at present here:

CGN 22795 c. praetermissum, my seed x 2
CGN 22795 c. praetermissum, Semillas x 3
CGN 20497 c. cardenasii, @Mr.joe x 2
CAP 500 c. eximium, Semillas x 2
CAP 524 c. chacoense, Semillas x 2
Dwarf Chiltepin c. annuum v Glabriusculum, Semillas x 2

So maybe I'll at least have a few going into Spring/Summer!

As of today @PaulG I'll join you in the CAP 524 club.
