seed-train Wild seed train 2015 2016

If there is room, I would love to join. I have TONS of super hots I would love to give away. No wilds, but a few interesting varieties. Do you have to have wilds to join?
mpicante said:
Im in for round two,if there is still room!
plenty of room for round 2.

Round 2 is going to be just a little bit different. The pack is so full right now and going to a med flat rate box more or less doubles shipping cost. So here is what I have planned. I am going to split the pack into two padded envelopes and run one forward and the second backwards. you still get to inspect the entire content of the train but in halves with twice the amount of time. If you are joining this train for the first time, now is the time to order your flat rate padded envelopes from USPS. the link is back in this same thread.
I better get cracking. I'm coming up. I've got a bunch of seeds but haven't set them aside for the train. I don't want to duplicate efforts & be the 6th person to put in red Bhut seeds so I'm trying to pick things I think might not be in there. If it's as big as it sounds though... Looking forward to it!
coachspencerxc said:
I better get cracking. I'm coming up. I've got a bunch of seeds but haven't set them aside for the train. I don't want to duplicate efforts & be the 6th person to put in red Bhut seeds so I'm trying to pick things I think might not be in there. If it's as big as it sounds though... Looking forward to it!
It's bigger.