favorite Wild Varieties-What is your favorite

Pr0digal_son said:
How stubborn can a wild capsicum seed be?


I always plant multiple seeds per starter cell and this happens to me often,although not on this scale. 400+ day germination time.
are you sure this is another seed and not just a new growth from the roots of the bigger plant?
Portuge said:
Dang John, your one heck of a Wilds Grower... Beautiful plants brother
True Dat!!!
My first Cap 1530 flower opened this morning. While labelled as C.cardenasii in the seed bank, it just isn`t. Stunning plant and flowers, though!


I`m also excited about my first ever C.galapagoense pod!!!
And Yes, I see the Aphids. They are no longer with us.............


Portuge said:
Dang John, your one heck of a Wilds Grower... Beautiful plants brother
I just sit back and watch. They do all the work. I need to pot up my praetermissums so bad. 1 and 2 gallon pots don't cut it.

Nigel said:
True Dat!!! My first Cap 1530 flower opened this morning. While labelled as C.cardenasii in the seed bank, it just isn`t. Stunning plant and flowers, though!     I`m also excited about my first ever C.galapagoense pod!!! And Yes, I see the Aphids. They are no longer with us.............   

The 1530 is a great looking flower,my overwinter died on me a couple months ago while inside.
I tried to get some good pics of mind including what is supposed to be a white flowered Praet, which had me worried at first as the first few to open looked like Chinense flowers with green markings on the petals with a little blue/purple mark at the tip of the petals, so I was worried that some how it had crossed with a C. chinense a couple years back, but now that they are fully open they lost the light creamy green hue except for the green markings on the petals,  they still have a little bluish purple spot at the tips. The leave and fuzzy growth all point to it being a baccatum var praetermissum. My pics that I took looked terrible as my cheap Camera doesn't take good close ups and the pics of the flowers were blurry. I use yahoo Flickr for my photos, but I seem to have forgot how to download them. I know there is some info about that somewhere so I will look around. I'll post what I have of my wilds as soon as I figure out how to down load them again.
It is early and I haven't tasted any peppers yet, but the CGN 24360 pepper is an amazing little plant. I have a few of them in small pots and they are doing very well. The plant is maybe a foot tall and even though it is only June, there are several pods that have set and tons of buds/flowers - I stopped counting at 60. According to pepperlover.com, it produces tiny yellow pods but mine are still only green at this point. One of its best characteristics is that it is tough as nails. It didn't droop when being transplanted, when the cat flipped the pot over, nothing broke off and it just keeps growing. It grows dark and healthy, produces buds and flowers like none other this year and hasn't dropped any flowers yet.
CGN 24360 is really compact and would do great for somebody in an apartment or with limited space. I imagine when the small yellow pods are ripe on the plant it will be decorative as well since it isn't lanky or weedy.
Definitely one of my new favorites. If anyone recalls the taste of the pods, I would be curious what they're like since I anticipate dealing with a lot of them soon...
Hey Nigel sorry to hear your cardenasii turned out to be a eximium, it seems that they are
rarer and harder to find that first thought. I wonder if Rocoto.com has any true cardenasii they clamed to have some, I need to stop in and say hi as I got my first rocoto and rocopica from them back around 99 or 2000.
John I really love your photo's of the Lance and Tovari, Did you get your seeds locally or do you have contacts down south?
The photos of the Galapagoense sure makes mine look sick, I have a bad aphid problem going on and my wilds don't like them one bit. I have been using D.E. and Seven Dust,  but they just brush it off and keep going.
wildseed57 said:
Hey Nigel sorry to hear your cardenasii turned out to be a eximium, it seems that they are
rarer and harder to find that first thought. I wonder if Rocoto.com has any true cardenasii they clamed to have some, I need to stop in and say hi as I got my first rocoto and rocopica from them back around 99 or 2000.
John I really love your photo's of the Lance and Tovari, Did you get your seeds locally or do you have contacts down south?
The photos of the Galapagoense sure makes mine look sick, I have a bad aphid problem going on and my wilds don't like them one bit. I have been using D.E. and Seven Dust,  but they just brush it off and keep going.
Rocoto.com has eximium not cardenasii as the seeds are tan not black
Hi Nightshade, I must have been mistaken then as I was under the impression that the eximium had light tan seeds and cardenasii had dark brownish seeds while the Rocoto had deep brown to Black seeds. I believe that the rocopica had dark brown seeds much like the rocoto only smaller. But as I have only grown the eximiun and the Rocoto in the last few years I could be off on some of the seed colors as I have not grown a true cardenasii yet. When July comes I will be looking for and buying seeds of several wild species, hopefully I will get some true cardenasii seeds.
wildseed57 said:
Hey Nigel sorry to hear your cardenasii turned out to be a eximium, it seems that they are
rarer and harder to find that first thought. I wonder if Rocoto.com has any true cardenasii they clamed to have some, I need to stop in and say hi as I got my first rocoto and rocopica from them back around 99 or 2000.
John I really love your photo's of the Lance and Tovari, Did you get your seeds locally or do you have contacts down south?
The photos of the Galapagoense sure makes mine look sick, I have a bad aphid problem going on and my wilds don't like them one bit. I have been using D.E. and Seven Dust,  but they just brush it off and keep going.
Hi George, 
what I meant was that CAP 1530 is not C.cardenasii, in my and other`s opinion (John first pointed it out to me), even though it is listed as such by the seed bank. I actually do have 2 plants of real C.cardenasii as well, but the seeds were extremely difficult to find and I didn`t get many. 
In terms of seed colour, eximium are tan, but a little variable in how dark. C.cardenasii are light brown and a bit darker, but there is overlap in the colour and it isn`t a good diagnostic, in my opinion. 
wildseed57 said:
Hi Nightshade, I must have been mistaken then as I was under the impression that the eximium had light tan seeds and cardenasii had dark brownish seeds while the Rocoto had deep brown to Black seeds. I believe that the rocopica had dark brown seeds much like the rocoto only smaller. But as I have only grown the eximiun and the Rocoto in the last few years I could be off on some of the seed colors as I have not grown a true cardenasii yet. When July comes I will be looking for and buying seeds of several wild species, hopefully I will get some true cardenasii seeds.
Yes yes you are correct I got mixed up with rocopica there is some color difference in eximium and cardenasii seeds as the card seeds are darker I just got some real card seeds so I will be starting them soon
The seed coloration depends on quality and how they were removed/dried. Even a pro could not tell a card seed from and exim. I have seen dark seed from both species. When saving or sowing, I look for plump seeds that are not brown.

Here are some eximium complex seeds,CGN21502 to be exact.. Yes, I am crazy enough to document my plants from seed.


Rocopica are all over the place. Brown to black depending on the dominant species of that certain hybrid you are growing.
