favorite Wild Varieties-What is your favorite

John any secrets to sprouting lance seeds?

The secret to sprouting the lanceolatum is to get the freshest seeds you can. Agreed with Nigel, seeds from Semillas La Palma never failed and neither has the seedlings.

I have 2 Lanceolatum plants, one is starting to make buds and the other one I have no clue. I just leave it alone.

If you want I can root a branch and give it to you or maybe more if you want.

My main goal is to obtain the most seeds I can and if I succeed I will share after I get enough for a little project I want to try with the Lanceolatum.

We both live in Vegas so let me know for sure if you want and I can do that for you or I can give you fresh seeds or berries when they start pumping out.


Ok, I posted a few pics of the lanceolatum before but I thought if I post some more it would have to be new ones from right now. Lol

Lanceolatum with CGN 21502 - C. Eximium. This Lanceolatum is the one that has some buds on it. I'll have to wait til my wife gets back so I can use her phone. Macros sucks on Sony Xperia V1s...

And here's #2.

This one is for Portuge.

CAP 1141.

CGN 22795 - indoors as well but still healthy in a 4 inch pot. Lol

It's my second year growing wilds, I have a chacoense and a pratermissimum plant. Last year they didn't do much, but this year are growing fast. It's realy interesting to see chacoense's tiny flower and pods:

Thanks guys for the info,  I had been going with old information that I had read and copied to my files from several years back its great getting new and accurate info about their growth cycle most of the info I had came from old documents written by the USDA people which was sketchy at best, and from people who were growing them back in 2004+ so its great to get a update on things.
Here we go Walt, that lance is making progress.. Cap 1141 is looking good also, looks like its in a 1 gal still right?

Thanks Portuge, yeah it's still in a one gal. I'm debating on potting it up and take it outside like te cumari verdaidera. We'll see, they're very tough plants and I'm sure it'll do great but I don't want to mess it up. It has a few tiny buds too. So excited to see them open.

Not sure if you remember back acouple of pages, I had posted the flower of Cap1141.. Well that has been the only one so far... By the looks of my plant right now it wont be long till there are flowers opening up again... Same goes for my Cumari V.
I keep all wild varieties a shade under 80°. It has done OK so far. Fresh seeds is always a good start for lance or any other plant. I never had any issues with getting lance to germinate,anywhere from 9-60 days. I have however had problems with stuck seed hulls.

As Nigel mentioned,all the plants that had helmets struggled after removal and either died or I pulled them for not keeping up. Seems like those plants are genetic weaklings,and not vigorous enough to pop the shell. That is just an uneducated guess though,no scientific proof.
Nigel that is one pretty flower,  I think that they have it wrong as it looks more like a C. baccatum var praetermissum more than it does a C. baccatum var baccatum, but who am I to disclaim the great and powerful USDA.
I went out this morning and there it was the first bloom on Judy's  Blue mystery the flowers are very pretty compared to the almost white flowered Praetermissum that I have.
I use Flickr to host my photo's but since I changed my pass word they are not letting me get into my photo's even when I try using my old password with them, so I have to try and fix the problem as I have some good photo's of my wilds that I took with my grand daughter's smart phone just before I messed things up by changing my password.
Sounds good to me, I do believe there are acouple of the Cap 501 x bhuts pods on my plant. So when they are ready I will send some your way along with some Blue mystery if they ever ripen
What are you using to take those macro pics Walt? Whatever your using to take those photos is doing a great job..
C. rhomboideum, has been reclassified a lot, its a very unusual plant the juicy berries have little taste to them at least the one I grew
didn't taste like much.
I get a bit nervous when I try eating some of the not so well known supposedly capsicum species that have berries rather than pods, being that they are in the solanum family, still they are very nice speciums.