Will Goats eat my plants?

My neighbour walks his Goats past my new house twice a day, and I wondered if they are going to be a pest.
I understand they will eat almost anything, but I don't know if chilli is on their preferred list?
My neighbour walks his Goats past my new house twice a day, and I wondered if they are going to be a pest.
I understand they will eat almost anything, but I don't know if chilli is on their preferred list?

does a fat baby poot?
Everything is on goats preferred list :cool:

Friends of mine had goats, and when they escaped their fencing (they are pretty good 'highjumpers')they ate the filling from garden chair cushions, as well as almost all their flowers and vegetation :shocked:

So watch out :D
As much as I didn't believe it would happen, I really hoped you guys would say they don't like the taste!
Looks like I am going to have to grow a hedge around the property.
I haven't moved in yet because it needs a lot of work done, so there is another thing on the list. Does anyone have any suggestions, I would rather use plants that produced something useful as well as keeping the wildlife out.
When the time comes I will need some advice on growing in Spain too.
goats will eat dang near anything...google or bing "what does a goat eat" and see how many responses you get...
I'd talk with your new neighbor first before growing a hedge or building a fence. Just because he has them doesn't mean they're free range goats. He could keep them under control.

Good luck with everything.
I'd talk with your new neighbor first before growing a hedge or building a fence. Just because he has them doesn't mean they're free range goats. He could keep them under control.

Good luck with everything.

We had 3 goats on our place last week. The wife came and told me she had seen them in the bush on our driveway. She then told me to get the gun cos she wanted to eat them. I was getting the gun to protect my chillies but they had buggered off by the time I got down there.(Our driveway up the side is 1200 meters long and the one up the middle of the farm is 800 meters.)
She said they looked like 3 tasty young nannies.
Weve got wild pigs and kangaroos in the bush on the farm too but they dont come in the backyard.
There was a bungarra(goanna) about a meter long sleeping next to my chillies today.
We had 3 goats on our place last week. The wife came and told me she had seen them in the bush on our driveway. She then told me to get the gun cos she wanted to eat them. I was getting the gun to protect my chillies but they had buggered off by the time I got down there.(Our driveway up the side is 1200 meters long and the one up the middle of the farm is 800 meters.)
She said they looked like 3 tasty young nannies.
Weve got wild pigs and kangaroos in the bush on the farm too but they dont come in the backyard.
There was a bungarra(goanna) about a meter long sleeping next to my chillies today.

I just had to "Bing" bungarra, nothing came up, but Goanna yielded some results. A meter long lizard?? Excuse me, let me by, I am getting the flock outa there!!!!!
A .22 with some subsonics works wonders.... Just a soft little "patt" is all you get. If you are really worried craft a 20oz bottle on the end with a 1/4in hole in the bottom. Fill it halfway up with cotton balls to absorb the shockwave and it will be quieter than a pellet gun. All you will hear is the action.

Make sure it's the right season where you are at to eat them. They carry worms in the summer that you will catch too! They die after the frost of winter, so you should be good to go after that.
My parents always kept a few Spanish Goats on the property for weed control. They are not dumb. They will strip the leaves off and won't touch the pods. They broke in our gardens a few times and were always generous enough to leave the peppers. Everything else the completely devoured but never the pods. Of course now the plants die.......
I just had to "Bing" bungarra, nothing came up, but Goanna yielded some results. A meter long lizard?? Excuse me, let me by, I am getting the flock outa there!!!!!

Our little blokes look like this one. We have 3 living in our garden and you see them pretty often. They are good to have around because they eat snakes and we havent had any snakes at all this year. Just gotta keep em out of the chookhouse. They dont seem to like chillies which is good.
Sandgroper, I know that some reptile hobbyists will keep monitor lizards as pets.

Does anyone keep Goanna lizards as pets. They are a sharp looking specimen.

And I noticed that the base of tail in the pic looks enlarged...do they use their tail as a storehouse for future energy much like a Gila Monster does?
