• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Windchicken Grow 2012

Looks like I'm getting a late start again this year...Should be setting seeds to sprout in the next few days....Anyway, here's the order I made from Beth this morning. It's not really my complete grow list, because I'm planting lots of saved seeds (from my 2011 Grow and from trades with my THP friends) for the first time this year. Also, I don't know that I will plant everything from this order, but I am excited about some of the new varieties:


Absent from the above list but going in the ground this year:
Trinidad Scorpion
Congo Trinidad
True Jamaican Scotch Bonnet
Thai Chile (Garden Bird Seed variety)
Nambe Pueblo
Birgit's Locoto

Several bird types from THP friends, including, but not limited to (because I can't remember them all right now):
Texas Chiltepin
Prik Ki Nue
Siling Labuyo
Cumari do Para

Edited 1/9/2012 to add the following:

Last minute order from Hippy, plus some other trades I had forgotten about:
Yellow 7 Pot
Pusa Jwala
Looking guuud! Even with your 'late' start, you are sure to rocket along if those Zapotecs are an indicator.

I've got several of your Congo Trinidad up and running, some in containers, some in the ground, some to other gardeners locally. NW Wx has not been primo, but not as bad as last year. The Congo seedlings grew strong, so we have a shot here! Everyone is really enthused about trying to grow this pepper. I'll be sure to post an 'end of the season' report featuring the Boise Congos.

Your earlier post about stubborn germination for the Guampinha de Veado rang true with me also. I thought I was doing something wrong, but I did get 3 nice specimens out of about 20 seeds. Can't wait to see if I can get some of those little beauties to pod up.

I'm able to try container planting this year and they are doing way better than in-ground, even as I experiment with soil mixes.

Also, thanks for your recco for Peppermania. I've enjoyed everything from Beth--I have some really nice looking Zapotecs and Chilhaucle Rojo, as well as some mystery plants all very good stuff.... :cool:

Hi Ken! One thing about Guampinha—Once you get them big and healthy, they seem to be indestructible. Almost every plant I grew last year came back for another season, including the ones I had cut back to stumps, both in-ground and in containers, left outside or brought into the garage.

I'm glad you've got a patch of Boise Congos going! My belly is burning from one of those bad boys as I type this...It's probably my No. 1 All-Around workhorse for big heat.

Beth is The Freaking Deal for sure! She has never let me down, and there's always that "little something extra," or as we say in Louisiana—Lagniappe.

Have a great M Day!

Almost forgot—I've got 7 of your Siling Labuyo in No. 1 nursery pots, but they are destined for the big garden in the country. It's been a couple years since I grew C. frutescens—I had forgotten how different they are...Nice! They're looking really pretty—bushy and tall, with large, light green leaves. We'll see what my Cajun and Redneck chilehead co-workers think about the Filipino Tabasco...
Thanks Mike! Your stuff is absolutely blowing me away this year...just amazing!

Almost forgot about Chilhuacle Rojo—I think this is going to be a big favorite for me this year:

You already have pods?

You just put them in the ground:-)

Going to be a big year......as usual.

Thanks Rodney! Believe it or not, except for the Thai Birdseed, all those plants are still in 6-inch containers! It's amazing to me that they can produce fruit when they are that root bound!

Looks great, Gary. Those mounded rows looks awesome, lots of space too grow too!

Thanks Meat!
Thanks, yes. I don't plan it that way, however, the long-term pay-out is what I always seem to end up with. Every year I think that I will get stuff planted in time to harvest ripe pods during the nice temperate weather of May and early June, before the Mid-June-Through-Late-September-Big-Heat-Months-Of-Blossom-Drop set in...but never seems to happen, and I always end up with a huge harvest in October and November....

Not that I'm complaining—It's pretty cool to have 2 harvest seasons every year...
Nice plant out, Gary. Those babies look great in your raised bed!
Looks like you are well on your way to a great summer!
Thanks Mike! Your stuff is absolutely blowing me away this year...just amazing!

Almost forgot about Chilhuacle Rojo—I think this is going to be a big favorite for me this year:


I read a lot about this one, they say the taste is very nice? have you taste it gary?
very nice pods and beautiful plants

Thanks Pinoy! This is the first year I can remember having actual fresh pods in June from the current year's plants.

Nice plant out, Gary. Those babies look great in your raised bed!
Looks like you are well on your way to a great summer!

Thanks PG! I'm trying to do everything right this year—no shortcuts allowed for any of my babies!

I read a lot about this one, they say the taste is very nice? have you taste it gary?

Thanks for asking Firditra! Forgive me if I repeat something here that you already know—As I understand the tradition of the ancient Mayan Chilhuacle chile, it's primarily used fully ripened, dried, and ground to a powder as an ingredient in one of the seven mole sauces of Oaxaca. I've not had it in that form, but I am currently gobbling them down daily in the fresh "blush" stage you see in the photo above—Excellent! Very much like a Northern New Mexico chile such as the Chimayo: crunchy, very nice sweetness, just a little bite. The flesh is thin and the skin is a bit thick. The plants are very robust and productive. Germination rate of Peppermania's outstanding seeds was very near 100%.
Great pic! I didn't know pubescens could have those long skinny pods.