overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

Who will win?

  • A muppet

    Votes: 20 34.5%
  • A muppet

    Votes: 15 25.9%
  • A muppet

    Votes: 23 39.7%

  • Total voters
Yup there is the quick and the losers. :rofl:

Now she goes and up's the heat! Don't suppose i can reserve number 4 again Candy? :lol:
Hey gassy, your clones would have been ok if you had halved the leaves, like they do with mullies! :lol:
Gas with the cloning def do what Nova said next time. Slice all the leaves in half and put it in a humidity dome. You really want the soil to be sterile also so you might find using rockwool better. I use the purple cloning gel which works really well and water the clones with CCS - a rooting hormone. It just helps the roots develop quicker.
Wait..... who said that I didn't? ;)

Fortunately they bounced right back after I brought them back inside and into the dome. Damn solar power ruin my plans to exploit it and save myself the clams on electricity! :lol:

Day 4 and still alive. :D


This may sound like a stupid question--OK, it probably IS a stupid question--but what's with the whole keeping things sterile thing?
Hahaha, hey nice work with the leaves gassy. Next time go ALONG the leaf!
Great that they bounced back for ya!

Thanks Candice four has four ones. Good for WINNING!
It has to be sterile because otherwise it is like an open wound and is susceptible to diseases etc.
If there are any little flower buds on there then nip them off so they don't put their energy into them like the leaves.
They are looking good so far.

Scott just remind me when the time comes and I release Incinerator again. My memory is shot!
Yeah down it uno what i mean lol. About the sterile thing it has to do with getting rid of any problems before they start by not allowing anything but the own plants matter out

into the incision. Just as if you were under the knife yourself.

For what we do no biggy but if you are in it professionally you would be a goose not to implement all and every precaution. Proper prior planning prevents piss poor performance so to speak. If it was the rarest chilli plant in the world you would use sterile everything!
Found almost a whole lettuce in the back of my fridge that was just past its time. So cut it up and filled up the little homemade bokashi. :eek: Now I need to go get some more buckets and make another one.

YAY BOKASHI :woohoo: