overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

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  • A muppet

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Thats a pretty epic list, mate :party:
I take it, you mean outdoor hydro? not indoors under lights?
Cause I'm a nosy bastard, why are you doing some hydro? Do you find it any quicker, easier or more convenient than good organics in ground or decent sized pots or is it just 'cause you can or maybe you have plenty of previous hydro experience :high:?
And yes, I grew a certain 'herb superb' hydroponically for about 10 yrs. (in a previous lifetime, ofcourse :liar: )
I harness the energy from that big star up there. Truth be told I may be practising with hydro for usage of less than legal means however with five nosey kids that won't happen for another decade, I should be dialed in by then aye :)

For now though I use it because of the speed factor. I will take a pic and edit this post to show the difference of my bubblegum 7's. The one in hydro is bigger already and its roots haven' t even touched the water yet. My units are just ones that I designed myself so no doubt they could be better but probably could be worse too :)

Top pic was taken two weeks ago when the San Marzano Tomato plant and the Bubblegum 7-Pot went into their new home. Other pics were taken yesterday. The small dirt pots are 125mm and the hydro net pots are 200mm for comparison.
We had a hail storm a few days ago and it damaged some leaves on the BBG so i had to remove them. I am still waiting for the roots to hit the water with that one, once that happens it should start growing faster and faster.
They are getting fed a very light quantity of Canna Classic Veg at the moment (1ml per litre) as i am STILL waiting for my EC Truncheon to be delivered. It was supposed to get here early last week but after about 100 phone calls to the spastic bastards at the "Courier" mob i have found that they are about as useful as tits on a bull.
One question, will Hydrogen Peroxide clear up that green algea like stuff on the perlite or should i just leave it there as it looks so pretty?
Also went into another unit yesterday was a C. Galapagoense, THSC Choc Scorpion, Mortalli (thanks ikeepfish) and another BBG 7. I shall endeavour to put pics up of those as they get a little bigger.

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Pic of inside the unit for anyone that may be interested. I have an airstone going 24/7 and as the roots have not touched the water yet i am running the pump for 15 minutes every couple of hours to keep them nice and wet.
Garretts Bitch said:
One question, will Hydrogen Peroxide clear up that green algea like stuff on the perlite or should i just leave it there as it looks so pretty?
Yer H2O2 will kill off the algae but FLAP doing that! For one, it's only a bandaid solution - the algae will just reappear again. Also, if your H2O2 solution is too strong your gonna burn the crap outta the root system. The algae is growing because your top layer of perlite must be pretty constantly wet and it's getting plenty of light. You need to either pile in more perlite so that the top layer stays dry and/or block out the sunlight from reaching the perlite.
And no ... algae is not pretty ... EVER :P
I have decided to remedy the algae with a spritzing of H202 directly on the effected areas. I also made up some 3mm thick HDPE discs that will cover the top of the pot and stop sunlight getting onto the perlite.
Whilst cutting the discs i managed to slice the top of my finger open :D Use a panel saw to cut the squares, no prob's. Use the lathe to make the squares circle, no prob's.
Use a stanley blade to cut from centre hole to the outside........ ouchies!
Damned non power tools!
Garretts Bitch said:
Whilst cutting the discs i managed to slice the top of my finger open :D Use a panel saw to cut the squares, no prob's. Use the lathe to make the squares circle, no prob's.
Use a stanley blade to cut from centre hole to the outside........ ouchies!
Damned non power tools!
I know I shouldn't laugh 'cause it's 'rude n all' but

You bastard.

Update on the Truncheon. I got it today and the mother fucker does not work. I have decided to use baby dolphin eyes as an ec meter. Will report back on casualties.
Oh and I'm not paying 30$ for one litre of peroxide Mr hydro dude. Or madam as it may be.

Who drops a Feminised mully seed on their garage floor? I do that's who bitch, come help me find it!
Oh Fathead, you just make everything hilarious! :rofl: That setup looks awesome by the way!
Here's what's going on in my neck of the woods.
Apologies in advance for shitty photos taken by my tablet...
Trinidad Scorpion CARDI yellow not - Overwinter -

Rocoto San Isidro -

I'll try get some clearer pics of all my goodies tomorrow. C.Pubescens need to move to a more shaded spot now anyway due to the hot sun finally arriving.
Well i have a little story about that.
You see i lived in a rather shady neighbourhood for quite a few years and in that time i managed to make a few connections in regard to purchasing less than legal organic matter.
They have consistantly sold the best quality, everyone else the quality goes up and down. So anyway they become my go to, have been for the last 15 odd years.
Over that time i would notice that very rarely the organic matter would contain a seed, so being me i collected them. Bring on September and i would plant them, keeping the strongest seedling. I did this two years in a row and produced plants of outstanding quality on yield. The first year i called the plant Medusa as it just spread EVERYWHERE. I harvested 3.3lb of dried flowers off of that pretty plant.
Next year i repeated the process, coming in at around 3lb this time. It is at this point in my life that i start to have kids and lots more responsibilities so the less than legal growing gets put on the backburner indefinantly.
Fast forward 12 years and it was last night.  I had just received a half ounce of sticky icky.
As i get it out of the bag i get the surprise that i used to get all those years ago, a single solitary seed in the bottom of the bag. My mission is clear, i must grow this seed and produce many pounds of pretty flowers.
I remind myself to not lose this seed as that would suck and promptly lose the seed after it falls from where i stupidly placed it. A good while later with sore knees and back i curse the gods and drink more beer. The agony of losing the seed quickly deminishing as i :high: and :high:
Such is life.

  • QGJV4Ks.jpg
DWC 2.
Heres hoping the little C. Galapagoense on the bottom right doesn't die on me!
Garretts Bitch said:
The half connected to the roots had no foliage. Top had two or three small sets so I got rid of all but one or two and dumped it into a Rockwell cube after dipping in rooting hormone. It is still standing today so it may just make it.
Turns out that this kills the plant.
May your newly rediscovered seed comfort you in your hour of despair  :p
The goat has eaten my grape vines, pomegranate, fig tree and today the silver beet, but aside from that one mouthful has not eaten the chillies (yet).
I can't eat her, she was a Christmas gift.  
You must have some :crazy: friends.

Here, have this animal that will surely eat everything that is in front of it! I love you THAT much :d
I don't think I've spammed these shots on this site b4 so here's a couple of my hothouse I built a while ago:
I live on the side of a hill so we don't have any flat land which made things a bit more of a challenge.
Starting location:

After a few weekends of sweating and swearing this is the result:

The hothouse is 12 feet long by 8 feet wide, the height at the peak is about 7.5 feet tall:

It's one of those Ebay cheapies, I've reinforced it heaps with additional steel and a dozen or so tubes of silica gel and it's bolted down to the sleepers with chunky bolts.
Before I did that, it was that flimsy that when I farted in it the sidewall panels would fall out!