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overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

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  • A muppet

    Votes: 20 34.5%
  • A muppet

    Votes: 15 25.9%
  • A muppet

    Votes: 23 39.7%

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Now your trippin Trippa :D
If I saw that I would think twice about having any more :beer: I would have seen it all!


:lol: :lol: No... dead sober coming home from work in Brisbane ... heading home to the Gold Coast ... I wouldn't have believed it (or possibly remembered it) if I had been in any form of altered state :beer:
I got that itch today... you know what I mean, we all get it...

My grow cupboard proved far too small so I dug out my old light fittings and put up some shelves... and now my seedlings are bathed in purple goodness.


All these people with their light set-ups are now pushing (nay Forcing me :lol: :cool: ) to look into my own light set up again ... oh the wife will be so happy :hell: :lol:
Awwww now its out :lol: Yeah some person in some sort of "official" job told me I wasn't allowed :shame:
Ahh another 3 months to go and all sweet! Been busing it if it rains then pushy if it's clear. Looked really funny riding in 1.5Deg.C temp the other morning wearing my stack hat and beanie underneth it.

I bet you will be the best driver on the road then!

You should try a balaclava and then stack hat and with a cliche black and white striped jumper and see what kind of looks you get.

Funny I was going home a month or 2 ago and some dude was just wearing a big square paper bag with eye holes cut out biking along with a suit on ... was a pretty funny scenario ... :rofl:

And I thought I looked funny a month ago. My son always wants me to walk him home from school with his scooter, So one day when i was running late to pick him up I rode it to school. It must have looked very funny a 8month pregnant lady wobbling all over the footpath on a razor scooter! I'm just glad I didnt fall off. :dance:

I got that itch today... you know what I mean, we all get it...

My grow cupboard proved far too small so I dug out my old light fittings and put up some shelves... and now my seedlings are bathed in purple goodness.


Looking good. They should be happy little seedlings now!
All these people with their light set-ups are now pushing (nay Forcing me :lol: :cool: ) to look into my own light set up again ... oh the wife will be so happy :hell: :lol:

Hey Trippa, a cheap way to do a setup I have found is to go down to a Salvage yard that has used twin Flouro Battons from offices/workshops(they cost around 10 bucks), then go to a supermarket and buy a cheap extension cord(around 5 bucks), then go to a good sammy store and buy a cheap book case to house your seedlings(around 10-20 Bucks) and of course your tubes as well. I use 1 normal daylight tube and one glowlux or Aquaglow light tube. You will also need something to cover the front of the bookcase(ie.black/white plastic from hardware). Thats how I have built mine, just thought it was pretty cheap way of doing it.

I bet you will be the best driver on the road then!And I thought I looked funny a month ago. My son always wants me to walk him home from school with his scooter, So one day when i was running late to pick him up I rode it to school. It must have looked very funny a 8month pregnant lady wobbling all over the footpath on a razor scooter! I'm just glad I didnt fall off. :dance: Looking good. They should be happy little seedlings now!

Watch out Pregnant Woman on the road :D

:rofl: Well lucky it wasn't documented and I wont be getting pregnant again so it was a once in a lifetime sighting!

Yeah you say that now.................................

Hey Megamoo great to see some light on the little babies, sweet!

Hey Trippa, a cheap way to do a setup I have found is to go down to a Salvage yard that has used twin Flouro Battons from offices/workshops(they cost around 10 bucks), then go to a supermarket and buy a cheap extension cord(around 5 bucks), then go to a good sammy store and buy a cheap book case to house your seedlings(around 10-20 Bucks) and of course your tubes as well. I use 1 normal daylight tube and one glowlux or Aquaglow light tube. You will also need something to cover the front of the bookcase(ie.black/white plastic from hardware). Thats how I have built mine, just thought it was pretty cheap way of doing it.

Watch out Pregnant Woman on the road :D

Hey Megamoo great to see some light on the little babies, sweet!

That is the way to build a grow room for sure +1 ! (I'll even click on the little +1 button, not just type +1 :P ) I did it that way but cheaper by using stuff I could salvage for free or already had.

You don't see enough 8 month pregnant women on scooters :rofl:

Thanks for the positive comments about my setup everyone :D Should I use a white globe as well as the crazy purple ones? I've got enough bulbs to do all three white or purple. I moved the seedlings a bit closer to the lights too.
I have found that the purple grow tubes make the foliage greener. I am going to hit up old mate at the phillips joint for some FREE tubes. He was the one that gave me the last one. :D
I have found that the purple grow tubes make the foliage greener. I am going to hit up old mate at the phillips joint for some FREE tubes. He was the one that gave me the last one. :D
That makes sense. I saw an online informercial about these high intensity blue spectrum led lights. The test tomato plant had leaves so dark green it was crazy. Put that on my "things to buy when I get insanely rich" list.
After soaking a second lot of seeds on 2nd July - accidentally leaving in for almost 2 whole days :crazy: before planting, then changing my germination set up and grow station around causing inconsistent temps and drying out and rewetting.... I've got hooks! :woohoo:

Guampinha De Veado
Topaz Chili
Purple Tiger
7 Pot Brain Strain
Big Jim (I saved these and were open pollinated so could be a freak)
Naga Morich (first lot got nothing)
Peter Pepper
And the one everyone is talking about Trinidad Scorpion Butch T

new sprouts from older lot
Aji Amarillo (this one is looking seriously strange, have to take a photo)
Aribibi Gusano

And potted up:
Red Bhut
Jamiaca Scotch Bonnet
Choc Bhut
Habanero Red
Mystery Pepper
Congo Brown
Trinidad Scorpion
Cayenne Gold

I got a hook from a Peruvian White Habanero but must have dried out or fried cos it died.

Going good so far. :dance:
After soaking a second lot of seeds on 2nd July - accidentally leaving in for almost 2 whole days :crazy: before planting, then changing my germination set up and grow station around causing inconsistent temps and drying out and rewetting.... I've got hooks! :woohoo:

Guampinha De Veado
Topaz Chili
Purple Tiger
7 Pot Brain Strain
Big Jim (I saved these and were open pollinated so could be a freak)
Naga Morich (first lot got nothing)
Peter Pepper
And the one everyone is talking about Trinidad Scorpion Butch T

new sprouts from older lot
Aji Amarillo (this one is looking seriously strange, have to take a photo)
Aribibi Gusano

And potted up:
Red Bhut
Jamiaca Scotch Bonnet
Choc Bhut
Habanero Red
Mystery Pepper
Congo Brown
Trinidad Scorpion
Cayenne Gold

I got a hook from a Peruvian White Habanero but must have dried out or fried cos it died.

Going good so far. :dance:

Sweet work Mega ... How old are the older lot (ie when did you put them in to germinate??)

10 days is good going for germination for any of my strains/plantings ... let alone Chinense var. ... I am still waiting on hooks from my Chocolate Bhuts I planted on the 26th June

EDIT: Who's going to be the one thats puts up post no. 1000 in this thread?? :eek: :woohoo:
Way to go Megamoo some more little babies have arrived :cool:

I started using a combo of Day light(Not cool white) Tubes and Glowlux or Aqua glow(aquirium plant tube) when I was reading up on the light outputs(Lux) and light spectrums. Some of the people got good results from this combo. Unfortunately too many :beer: between then and now and can't remember exactly why.

Now LED lights are another story all together.......... When someone finally works it out I might decide to get one. The latest I saw was Red, Blue and now Orange Spectrums? Mmmmmm my head wants to explode!

Sweet work Mega ... How old are the older lot (ie when did you put them in to germinate??)

10 days is good going for germination for any of my strains/plantings ... let alone Chinense var. ... I am still waiting on hooks from my Chocolate Bhuts I planted on the 26th June
The first lot were soaked on 6/6, planted on 7/6 and the first hooks started appearing on 16/6

I used an icecube tray to soak the seeds and each `cube` section had about 4 seeds which were then sown into their own little pot.

Out of 27 pots only four showed no germination.

One pot was a Hot Cherry variety which I am thinking is a bum lot, because although I got it from a very good source, I have been trying to germinate for two seasons and nothing. I have tried sooo many methods.
Two pots, Naga Morich and Bishops Crown were from a trade. You can't always be sure of the viability of traded seeds because they might not have a clue how to save seeds. I also got the mystery pepper from this trade and they germinated, as did the Naga Morich on the second try.
The last dodgy pot was a Red Bhut. Out of the three Red Bhut pots only one seed each from two pots sprouted, and the third had nothing.

So I can put down my most of the germination failures to seed quality. The method I used was good. Much higher rate than last season. The one change I made... soaking in chamomile tea solution. :cool:
Way to go Megamoo some more little babies have arrived :cool:

I started using a combo of Day light(Not cool white) Tubes and Glowlux or Aqua glow(aquirium plant tube) when I was reading up on the light outputs(Lux) and light spectrums. Some of the people got good results from this combo. Unfortunately too many :beer: between then and now and can't remember exactly why.

Now LED lights are another story all together.......... When someone finally works it out I might decide to get one. The latest I saw was Red, Blue and now Orange Spectrums? Mmmmmm my head wants to explode!


Yeah I did a lot of reading on this last year. Basically all I remember is.. mostly Blue is good for vegetative growth and more Red for flowering. In small sized fluro globes, Cool white 6500k = bluish. Warm white 3500k = redish.

Mine will be going outside for their Red spectrum so only need the Blue. I do remember reading something about its better to have a small ratio of red in there. I think I will put one regular globe in there.
The first lot were soaked on 6/6, planted on 7/6 and the first hooks started appearing on 16/6

I used an icecube tray to soak the seeds and each `cube` section had about 4 seeds which were then sown into their own little pot.

Out of 27 pots only four showed no germination.

One pot was a Hot Cherry variety which I am thinking is a bum lot, because although I got it from a very good source, I have been trying to germinate for two seasons and nothing. I have tried sooo many methods.
Two pots, Naga Morich and Bishops Crown were from a trade. You can't always be sure of the viability of traded seeds because they might not have a clue how to save seeds. I also got the mystery pepper from this trade and they germinated, as did the Naga Morich on the second try.
The last dodgy pot was a Red Bhut. Out of the three Red Bhut pots only one seed each from two pots sprouted, and the third had nothing.

So I can put down my most of the germination failures to seed quality. The method I used was good. Much higher rate than last season. The one change I made... soaking in chamomile tea solution. :cool:

None of my Hot Cherry's have sprouted either (they were planted first lot 5th or 6th of June and then a couple more a week or so later and then another week or so after that another couple) all different methods. I so far have a zero Germination rate on them as well.
Brought this year from the same source as yours I believe who are very reputable judging by everyone else's accounts and also so far my other strains sourced from them have all been fine and germinated well. When did you get your seeds?? This year or last??
I got some Choc Cherry seeds from Neil, planted two of them but no sproutage yet. Who will be the first to "pop the cherry"? :lol:
I got my Hot Cherry seeds from THSC last year. I don't want to say a bad thing about them because all their other seeds are good and he threw in some freebies. Neil doesn't strike me as someone who would knowingly sell a dodgy product at all.

I only have four seeds left, and they ain't no lookers but I'm jumping into this Pop the Cherry competition.. balls n all :rofl:
Same source as mine ....Yeah ok its on first to pop the cherry wins ... ... I think I only have 2 left from my Stash so it really doesn't give me too much hope ... I will have to get inventive with my preparation methods ... Good luck Gentleman :cheers: :beer: