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Word on the street, Osama Bin Laden

Well if he is really dead that's totally fine but internationally it dont meen much at all because there are many others like him & people below that are stupid enough to believe the shite they are feeding them.

I don't meen to disrespekt but when something happens that have only something to involve Amerika the only thing that counts is Amerika like it is the only country in the world that exists.
Take a look at international/foreign news & you will see that the amerikan news are hiding stuff & is allways pushing that fearbutton.
"the terrorists are coming to Amerika....and so on.."
The terrorists are allready there since ages ago...the goverment & the medicalsystem for example.

I'm lucky that i live where i live even if the system have gone south slighly.
Word's out that they found Osama's hot sauce in the compound. They're not saying what his favorite was, but rumor has it that it's definitely NOT vinegar based. It should be on eBay soon. The Pakistanis have it right now and are going to copy the sauce to sell.

On that note, in case anyone missed it, I still have Josef Stalin's adjika cruet for sale. I've lowered the price to $45,000.
okay, okay already... pics leaked...

My real opinion is that he IS dead however he didnt die in the manner that the media wants us to believe.
Far far too clean cut for my liking, these kinda things never go to plan.

Also an american chopper stalled whilst hovering over the compound, crashed into little biddy bits BUT the seals were not hurt? I know they are tough as nails but c'mon!