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UltraZelda64 ..... this guy hates cats ...... PITA people and he's just added you to the list !! Be glad you're not close enough for him to gum you up !! That is if he could see you.

P. Dreadie

I worked with puppies for 8 years and can't stand dogs..... but its only because its the wrong time. In a year or so when I've come down, I'd love to get a dog as a pet. You can't beat their loyalty and personality.

Cats on the other hand see people as servants who are never good enough. They only bury their crap because they are selfish. Dogs think that smells like sh*t are awesome. Until they are trained to believe differently don't see any problem with it.

Anyway this thread isn't dogs v cats.

It's `Cats are worthless`.

I concur.
I hear so many cat horror stories and it really makes me realize how well behaved my flatmates cat actually is! It's almost as if she respects my plants and will even go sit by them sometimes like she is guarding them or something.

Once or twice she has knocked a couple over while they were sitting in the doorway and it has struck dinner time.... but even then it's probably my own fault for obstructing the doorway while knowing full well that there is an animal that uses it. (Sometimes I just don't learn the lesson! :lol:)
Sargent Jasper sits along my plants and has so far never touched a leaf inside or backyard. He's on a bird hunt and could care less about the plants he is hiding in. I never liked a cat until this one and want to say not all cats are worthless. I empathise about losing a seedling and know how upset one can get. I hear chinese resaurants "take in" stray cats, Mongolian Beef with snow pea pods and spicy garlic sauce.
No problem with our cats, neighbor has a huge sand volleybathroom... errr I mean court. They leave my stuff well enough alone, That said catch offending cat, rub some hot sauce on its azz, release with a cold beer in the other hand... enjoy... Squirrles just get the .20 cal, if that dosen't do it... Lil Asswhopper takes care of them once they hit the ground...
A couple of years ago, this same worthless cat was discovered sitting on the kitchen table (where she knows she isn't allowed) chewing up all of my seedlings. The part that drives me nuts is that they don't really eat them, they just chew them to the point of death (a nice f*** you to their owner). Adding insult to injury, the chewing/eating is often followed by the VOMIT down the hallway because poor widdle kitty's tummy tum doesn't agree with Capsicum juices in it.

I'd love to sick my 125 lbs. dog on both of our worthless cats but he is a big softy and actually loves them. I'd do it myself but my wife would kick my a$$ and be heartbroken. Kind of a lose-lose situation here...
A couple of years ago, this same worthless cat was discovered sitting on the kitchen table (where she knows she isn't allowed) chewing up all of my seedlings. The part that drives me nuts is that they don't really eat them, they just chew them to the point of death (a nice f*** you to their owner). Adding insult to injury, the chewing/eating is often followed by the VOMIT down the hallway because poor widdle kitty's tummy tum doesn't agree with Capsicum juices in it.

I'd love to sick my 125 lbs. dog on both of our worthless cats but he is a big softy and actually loves them. I'd do it myself but my wife would kick my a$$ and be heartbroken. Kind of a lose-lose situation here...
From what I read , your cat has tummy problems.it munch on those pepper seedling to vomit out what ever that was bothering its tummy. Here the cat eats some grass just to vomit out what ever in its tummy. Its their way to remedy the problem.
Sargent Jasper sits along my plants and has so far never touched a leaf inside or backyard. He's on a bird hunt and could care less about the plants he is hiding in. I never liked a cat until this one and want to say not all cats are worthless. I empathise about losing a seedling and know how upset one can get. I hear chinese resaurants "take in" stray cats, Mongolian Beef with snow pea pods and spicy garlic sauce.
It looks like the "brown-helmeted" kind are the good kind. ;)

My flatmates cat catching a bit of sun with some of my plants....

From what I read , your cat has tummy problems.it munch on those pepper seedling to vomit out what ever that was bothering its tummy. Here the cat eats some grass just to vomit out what ever in its tummy. Its their way to remedy the problem.
Sounds like it could be the problem to me too. Is your wife's cat an indoor cat, Redtail? Perhaps it needs special grass of it's own.
A couple of years ago, this same worthless cat was discovered sitting on the kitchen table (where she knows she isn't allowed) chewing up all of my seedlings. The part that drives me nuts is that they don't really eat them, they just chew them to the point of death (a nice f*** you to their owner). Adding insult to injury, the chewing/eating is often followed by the VOMIT down the hallway because poor widdle kitty's tummy tum doesn't agree with Capsicum juices in it.

I'd love to sick my 125 lbs. dog on both of our worthless cats but he is a big softy and actually loves them. I'd do it myself but my wife would kick my a$$ and be heartbroken. Kind of a lose-lose situation here...

Just got to make it look natural!!
I never meet a cat I liked…they all seemed to be sneaky and know how to press my buttons!! That has been my experience thus far. Besides, my dogs would never forgive me if I didn't hand them over – lol.
Maybe I just got lucky, but we have 2 cats that have never touched my plants. I have several plants on narrow window sills that could be knocked over with very little effort. The male kills everything that comes in the yard including moles.

My neighbor's little white dog that barks 16 hours a day and craps in my driveway? Well, hopefully my cat will kill that stupid thing one of these days too.

Don't get me wrong, I like most dogs.
Cats are vindictive. I was up at fish camp in Alaska and the camp cat came into my cabin soaking wet one night, jumped on my bed and me, stuck his but in my face and was doing that weird cat paw thing on top of me and my sleeping bag. I tossed him off of me pronto. Next day I had to go to outcamp in the bush for a week. When I came back I discovered that he had dropped a deuce in my sleeping bag.
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I second all the above mentioned plans to maim and kill cats... and here's why. I recently left my car window open at night and a tomcat got in there and pissed. Now my car F*&%# stinks! You can't get rid of that smell easily. Lucky it wasn't worth anything before because it definitely isn't now.

Male cat urine is in a different world to female. Just visit a catery and go to where they keep their tomcats.

+1 just for the laughs....funniest thing i have read in a long time. :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :lol:

Mr. Ming NOT worthless. Lean mean mole eatin machine. He's saved many a pepper plant (and multiple vegetables) from the garden's soft underbelly. Three squirrels that I know of, also... :cool:

Cats are vindictive. I was up at fish camp in Alaska and the camp cat came into my cabin soaking wet one night, jumped on my bed and me, stuck his but in my face and was doing that weird cat paw thing on top of me and my sleeping bag. I tossed him off of me pronto. Next day I had to go to outcamp in the bush for a week. When I came back I discovered that he had dropped a deuce in my sleeping bag.

Hahaha...just keep these cat stories coming...this one just got me rockin' :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Dem cats is just too smart fer der own good! :cool:

Mr. Ming is a handsome guy!

Speaking of vindictive cats, when I was dating my spouse many years ago, his cat would go in his bedroom and throw up on the floor every time I came to visit. That cat ended up living with his parents when we got married, so I won that battle!
Gas its no wonder your flatmates cat doesn't touch your plants. The furry little shit head looks too fat to bloody move!
Cats are vindictive. I was up at fish camp in Alaska and the camp cat came into my cabin soaking wet one night, jumped on my bed and me, stuck his but in my face and was doing that weird cat paw thing on top of me and my sleeping bag. I tossed him off of me pronto. Next day I had to go to outcamp in the bush for a week. When I came back I discovered that he had dropped a deuce in my sleeping bag.

ha ha ha whoooa that is pure evil :hell:

For me after witnessing several dogs eating (all types) of poo, I just can't let them lick me. I repect smart working dogs but a dumb one DRIVES ME INSANE I get angry just looking at them running into walls, doors, falling down stairs barking at nothing.

Example of a dumb dog : My mates white labrador would headbutt the door - do a cirle - headbutt the door until the owner let it in or out a door. One day I decided to see what would happen if I din't open the door........ after some time it got dizzy puked and then lay down......WTF idiot.