Ya know what really grinds my gears?
When you order chicken wings and the plate gets there and it's 1/2 wings and 1/2 legs. Legs aren't wings assholes!
When I order a 9 pc chicken wings, it best goddamn well be 9 wings! If I wanted chicken legs, I woulda ordered goddamn chicken legs!!!
Really, really grinds my gears.
Another thing that grinds my gears - parking lot etiquette - or lack thereof more specifically. Today I was backing out of my parking space in my work truck & some asshole was in such a hurry that despite my being 3/4 out of my space and making a BEEP BEEP BEEP noise (my truck, not me), he had to gun it and go around me, narrowly missing my truck and barely missing the car on the other side who was waiting for my space while almost hitting a family of 4 that was walking by. Had he been patient enough to wait oh, say, 8 f**king seconds, he could have avoided all of the stress involved in almost causing 3 accidents in a span of 18 feet. Man that grinds my gears!
Then there's the assholes that are special - they don't need to use the parking spaces, because parking is apparently really hard, and once again, they're that f**king special that they can just roll up in front of the store in the RED zone, and throw on their emergency lights. Because parking spaces are for chumps, right? I tried to give one such person the benefit of the doubt a little while ago at same store - they were blocking one of the 2 lanes people had to drive in and creating a total clusterf**k, and I thought, "well maybe grandma is shopping and they're picking them up..." - no, some saggy pants asshole came cruising out of the store with their smokes in one hand and a 5th of booze in the other. They were just way too special to park in a space like the rest of us. Really grinds my gears!
And then on the way home, I'm getting off the freeway and despite having her own lane some idiot had to STOP at the end of the offramp and wait for traffic - for no apparent reason, because again, she had her own lane - the off-ramp becomes the right lane, so she not only had right of way, she had her own f**king lane. GAH! The car behind me had to lock up the brakes and since I can't see behind me all I could hear was "Screeeeeeeeeechhhhh!!!!" and cross my fingers that the next sound I heard wasn't "*BANG!*" - fortunately it wasn't but when I checked my side-view they appeared to be about 3" from my bumper - and the car behind them did the same - because no one expects you to be sitting there at a complete stop with no light and your own f**king lane"!!!!
That all really grinds my gears.