...sounds kinda like the IGA up the road. Luckily Hank's is the main store we go to, but sometimes, I gotta stop at the IGA...where they put in those SelfCheckOut terminals recently.
Seriously?!?!??? They had 4 check out terminals, where you were lucky to have 2 checkers on a busy day. Now they have 2 checker lanes (but only one lane ever has a checker) and 4 self check stations plus the store clerk's terminal where they have one checker to approve all alcohol/tobaco purchases in the SelfCheck lanes, override mistakes, etc....so basically they still have 2 checkers, and if those checkers were able to move faster than GrannyGear (I won't even give them First Gear speed) they would be able to handle the minimal customers that store gets.
I refuse to use those stoopid self check stations! Cuz I'm too stoopid to figure out how to Scan the first Item and the Place the item in the Bag, Oh-I forgot to click that I brought my own bag, now what do I do? Oh yea...Scan Your Next Item, Place the item in the bagging area.....
Good thing I have the Automaton Bagger telling me every step! I wouldn't have been able to figure that out!
Granted the store is under new management as of several years ago. I pulled my salsa out of the store under the old management. But several of the employees are the same. In the mornings, the checker is stocking the endcap right next to the check out. Customer comes up with a few things, and the checker finishes stocking the shelf and
finally heaves up to wait on the customer which is usually someone on their way to work Not like they are in a hurry or anything!
OK....snarky rant over. But that is what this thread is for.
I'm still grinding my teeth/gears over shit with Amazon Seller.