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kitchenware Your favorite kitchen knifes...

Till I moved over to US, I had a all in one cutting knife made by my maternal uncle out of blue coil spring of Grandfather clock.

Lasted for over 30 years. Every time it started going blunt, a street knife sharpner would sharpen it like new.

Herez the typical Sharpening Man of India


My son, who is a chef at a fairly upscale restaurant, wants only the Global Cutlery. For a long time investment they may be worth it, but drn, are they expensive.

I used to be a chef at a very famous hotel in brighton and i had a set of
dreizack knives these were heavy and well balanced. I also used a 12 " gustaf knike as well..... oh i do miss them as someone stole them they cost me about $1000 or so well they cost my uncle who kindly got them for me while i was at collage..
I have the Wüsthof Dreizack chef case with a nice starter set in it: http://www.wusthof.com/desktopdefau...ies-124/tabid-78/253_read-2613/categories-210


We got it as a wedding present. I've been using it for two months now and I'm really loving it (the knives ;) ). The knives are well balanced, have the right weight and really shorten my cooking time compared to with what most people I know are cooking with - which is Ikea knives or something at the same price point.

My room mate who left had a Victorinox chef knife, so I was using that beforehand. Those are awesome knifes for their price. It cuts just as good as the Wüsthof, but the build quality and the handle are just a tad less, but yeah, it's half the price. Great if you don't want to spend the cash, but still want a good knife. I'm thinking of buying a Victorinox bread knife. Hey, I'm a student, but I regularly bake my own bread (by hand and in an oven, not in those stupid machines) so I need a breadknife.

I do however like to work with Global and those bad-assed Porsche knifes as well. Or any other good japanese knife for that matter, but right now my budget won't allow that.
Hey folks.

These are my 3 beloved Shun knives. I always wanted then but couldnt afford them. A couple months working in PNG brought in some extra cash so i got some new roller doors on the garage, my wife a new digital camera and the knives for myself. Im glad i did now cause i couldnt afford them now and they last a looooooooooooong time if you look after them.

I got the 25cm classic Chef's knife and the 8.5cm classic paring knife. I later bought the 20cm classic scolloped chef's knife but it's much the same as the 25cm one.

Im thinking of selling off the 20cm one to get the 17cm scolloped santoku knife or maybe the carving knife. but i have a Wusthof one already... not as good as a Shun though!

here they are




I love this pic..... the timber of the dinning table and the knife.......... it just works!


Those are my bread-and-butter knives, mostly Justinus, an el cheapo Solingen brand. My wife also uses them. I sharpen them with the Lansky Tool.

This is my ceramic knive:

My damascene steel knives. They aren't major brand knives but discount ones. But they keep a good edge.

That one I use for heavy duty. I bought it about twenty years ago at a medieval festival (in the U.S. they would say "Renaissance Fair") by a custom knive maker. It is more of a hunting knife but it is great for breaking up frozen food.
I bought a small set of Cutco knives about 16 years ago. Soon after they arrived, hubby was getting ready for work before I was out of bed. He had a new pair of sox that had one of those plastic tie thingies holding the sox together. (disclaimer- when the knives arrived, I told him BE CAREFUL! THEY'RE SHARP!)...

Hubby's gotta get out the door so he grabs one of the brand new Cutco Serated knives, holds the sox in his downward-facing left hand and the Cutco knife, blade up, with a fist grip in his right hand....and YANKS!!!!!!!!!! All the way through!!!!!!!!!! to the BONE!!!!!!!!

He didn't actually sever the tendons on two fingers but it was pretty close. He called his boss, left him a message that he was gonna be a little late for work. He went to the hospital at around 6:30am, got stitched up and bandaged and made it to work by 8:30am(start time is 7:00am) . The boss was PO'd!!!

"How DARE he be late from a knife cut!"

Hubby is an electrician. Pretty hard to work without your hands, boss was lucky he showed up at all!

Love my Cutcos......they are WAY overdue for a sharpening! and my one generic 12" food service chef knife with the wood handle that does NOT go into the dishwasher!

Putting that knife in the dw is as bad as putting the CI in the dw!! DEATH......(or at least RESTRICTION!!!) to anyone who disobeys!

I sliced a potatoe once and it slipped out of my hand. The blade kept comming though and guess what was under it?

MY THUMB :shocked:

The blade went strait to the bone on the inside of the knuckle and ran up towards the tip of my finger under the flesh.

I said a certain word starting with F very loudly and my wife came in to blood running from my clenched hand.

Now im a lecco too and you know what we use for bandaids????? Electrical tape!

I taped it up and it bled for a while but stoped eventually. I still have bugger all feeling in my left thumb.
Mate, I know you've heard this before, but...That was farkin stupid. But you get bonus points for swearing first and big points for bandaging it with sparky tape...But lose points for not going to hospital (or did you?) so that leaves 2+3-2-something+wtf? = WIN. Well except for your finger:shocked:
But I've been there before:rolleyes:. Had plastic surgery from a knife accident on my left hand index and middle finger. Index finger tip sliced off and middel finger sliced from nail to middle bottom. Still no feeling. Shit happens :cheers:
I cut the end of my thumb OFF while slicing an entire celery bunch. When I mean the end of my thumb, I mean I sliced through flesh and a good part of my fingernail.

It's very surreal to look down and see the tip of your finger laying on the cutting board.....:shocked:

Needless to say I went to the hospital.....and I ACTUALLY ASKED the ER staff, after a healthy dose of narcotics, if it would grow back! :rofl:
paulky_2000 said:
I cut the end of my thumb OFF while slicing an entire celery bunch. When I mean the end of my thumb, I mean I sliced through flesh and a good part of my fingernail.

It's very surreal to look down and see the tip of your finger laying on the cutting board.....:shocked:

Needless to say I went to the hospital.....and I ACTUALLY ASKED the ER staff, after a healthy dose of narcotics, if it would grow back! :rofl:

Years ago I had to have a third vasectomy performed as the first two didn't take. Doc said I had too much machismo in my DNA.
I split my thumb lengthwise with a very sharp knife, left me with a nice cleaved tip, like a hoof. I just pulled it tight with electrical tape as well. It grew back together but I have a vicious scar. The scariest part was the gouge it left on the underside of my fingernail.
paulky_2000 said:
.....and I ACTUALLY ASKED the ER staff, after a healthy dose of narcotics, if it would grow back! :rofl:

If you have a good piece of lizard DNA...:lol:

texas blues said:
Years ago I had to have a third vasectomy performed as the first two didn't take. Doc said I had too much machismo in my DNA.

How did you find out that the first two VEs didn't work? Bunch of kids?
Picked up a knife set from Ikea for like $10 (3 knives) on sale and I enjoy using them more than my cheap model of Henckel knives (single dude on it - made in spain if I remember). They have a slightly rubberized grip and seem to stay sharp longer. I toss them in the dishwasher and they have survived for at least a few years with not even a spec on them. Love them.
i was perving on knives today in my lunch break... some good sales going on... i might have to get a new set... i've got a set of furi's but they're a bit old and chipped now. note to self: dont try and cut through bones with the wrong knife!
svtcontour said:
Picked up a knife set from Ikea for like $10 (3 knives) on sale and I enjoy using them more than my cheap model of Henckel knives (single dude on it - made in spain if I remember). They have a slightly rubberized grip and seem to stay sharp longer. I toss them in the dishwasher and they have survived for at least a few years with not even a spec on them. Love them.

My daughter's inlaws gave her the same when she got married.
After 6 months, the sharpener became bald.
After two years, none of them cut anything much.
Now they occupy space waiting to be thrown away.