PHB said:Knifes Porn !! Yeah my favourite, after guitars !!
So my favourite are Takeda Knifes :
These are not mine, I'm too lazy to take a pic of my Takeda (drinking my first coffee of the morning).
And my favourite stones :
I got 1K to 16K (I will buy the 32K when I'll have money). They are the best synthetic stones I've ever tried so far.
wow beautiful knives. I had the pleasure of playing with a Moritaka Ishime at knifewear in Kelowna BC last year and it blew my mind.. the difference between my shuns and regular knives is nothing to the difference between the ishime and my shuns. I can't justify it but if I ever come into money, they are definitely on my wish list.
I thought I would put up a few pics of my homemade water stone setup .. I made it out of some cedar I had hanging around and an old plastic storage bin. . the stones are a combo lee valley 250/1000 and a king stone 4000