Your Slowest Growing Variety...

Fatalii. Apart from the white jellybean habs, they havent even come up yet, although it may be bad seed.
I have a few varieties that have not come up yet and have been on the heat mat since Jan. 6th. (39 days)

1. c. lanceolatum
2. c. eximium

and 1 variety that just broke ground this morning that was put in the dirt the same day

1. cap 1530

Fatalii, 7 Pot, Bih Jolokia, Aji Limon and Bishops Crown (although that has just been slow to germinate-just got my 1st hook after a month of trying)
I grew tepins last year and agree they are the slowest I have ever grown...
I forgot about my white bullet hab, probably because it is so small as compared to my other C. Chinense.

Half of the seeds that I planted of this variety did not fire and the other half that did are dimunitive. I suspect that the seeds were not the freshest, even though they came from a well-known and respected supplier.

Sometimes that is just the way things roll.

For me:

Anaheim and Peter pepper == 0 germination (out of 4 each)
I sowed approx 8 of each more last week.. Still 0 germination

Second place:
Bih Jolokia

Each has 1 out of four germinated.

Habanero White bullet 2 out of four.

Fatalii 4 out of 4 germinated, but two died.
The remaining two are alive, but very slow....
Not the slowest growing, but my "Orange 7 Pot" seeds took 80 days to germinate, I actually gave up on them & the mix was still in the raiser, I planted a stack of yellow pitaya seeds & low & behold day 80 something the orange 7s sprouted :onfire: