event Zestfest 2012

They should. They did have them last year. If I remember correctly, there weren't a ton of them, but they did exist. If you hang around the dock area, they have a habit of showing up. I'd let you use ours if we were bringing one, but we don't need one for this show.
Cool, thanks. That'll be the kid's job, to hang out at the docks~

nearby dining options- (no idea how "near" nearby is, these are listed on the hotels website)
So....for the customers out there...what's on your shopping list? I'm pretty sure I'll be handing a dollar or two over to Defcon and Cajohn, I was hoping to do the same with HBD but sadly that won't be the case this year.
ha i was just thinking about this, im fllying so im gonna have to ship my box back,.texas creek, defcon. and im sure lots of others.
nearby dining options- (no idea how "near" nearby is, these are listed on the hotels website)
The Keg Steakhouse is VERY good, but quite expensive. We did it last year, as we had been to The Keg in Toronto years back and liked their food. We hit the Saltgrass one of the nights last year. I think it's kind of a chain restaurant, but the waitress was AWESOME and it turned into one big busting session back and forth all night. We were with Intensity Academy, and when the 4 of us get together, it gets dangerous. My stomach was acing the next morning from all the laughing. I'm sure there are plenty of good places to eat in the area, but nothing is really 'close' to the venue.
The Keg Steakhouse is VERY good, but quite expensive. We did it last year, as we had been to The Keg in Toronto years back and liked their food. We hit the Saltgrass one of the nights last year. I think it's kind of a chain restaurant, but the waitress was AWESOME and it turned into one big busting session back and forth all night. We were with Intensity Academy, and when the 4 of us get together, it gets dangerous. My stomach was acing the next morning from all the laughing. I'm sure there are plenty of good places to eat in the area, but nothing is really 'close' to the venue.

"nothing really close to the venue" Wondered about that....

Heck there's the hotel restaurant if needed!

@ Cory- ..."I'll be there as y'all come by" ...:lol: Y'all can stop on by and mingle around the convention. It'll happen as it happens. I printed the nametags today, designed by our own "The Boss"....
so, how much are the tickets to get in? Anyone know?

Nevermind...I found it.

ok, heres my plan.... Momma and I will be staying at the Sheraton in downtown Fort Worth on Friday night, and we will be partaking in some Adult beverages at Embargo Bar on 7th and Commerce. If you want to join, everyone is welcome to grab a drink at the bar(Not at my Hotel ;) )
zest fest,zest fest,zest fest. woooooooooooooooootttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!! im stoked like really stoked! zest fest!!!!!!