event Zestfest 2012

OK...was wondering, I wondered into a place back about 20 years ago when I was going downtown every Friday after work and was like WOW...this ain't the place for me...nothing bad about the place, just a much younger crowd that was mixed in with a bunch of bikers...

We used to do a "Margarita Tour" on Friday nights...Billy Miners, out the back door to Risky's, down to the corner at Razoo's, on to 8.0, then to a big place over one block....then to the Flying Saucer and if we were going to get blitzed, start it all over again...Risky's made best Margarita's back then...
I'l be at Zestfest but no afterhour activities as my little boy will probably be with me, eating as many of the chips as he can.
don't want to drive anywhere, I'll let you locals figure out if there's a place to go for dinner close to the venue and hotel.

Ringside, my 13 year old boy will be with me so if you can make it for dinner or something...it'd be fun. If your boy is young, it might be a little too long of a day for him.

alabamajack will be there also and defcon might have a few items for sale in a boring little bland booth.......

(and if you don't know I'm joking about that last comment, look up the reports from last year's zestfest....;) :lol: )
Yeah he's almost 4! We took him last year because I'd rather have him with me, out and about than inside the house with the baby sitter if I can help it. He was in his stroller and was asleep by the end of the day so I think we'll be heading right home afterwards!