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contest Oktoberfest Throwdown

Hey Geeme, aren't you in Cleveland area or something like that?

Yep. And thanks for the links. I've been to a few of the local ones, but not Fat Heads. They started out in Pittsburgh, and everyone I know there says the bar/restaurant is filthy - doesn't make one want to run to see what the newer one is like (the one here just opened last year.) But there are a couple on there I wasn't aware of - some definite options to check out! I've been to Great Lakes, of course, and ever since they started selling their Christmas Ale at the grocer's, it's an annual requirement to stock up on it. My daughter always takes a few six-packs of it back home with her after she visits for Christmas.
SMOKEY's gonna get smoked!

Right On, Wheebz! We have a limited selection available locally.....good excuse for a little road trip to Leavenworth. (NO! Not the PRISON!!!! LOL! just thought I'd take care of that right now. Others will know of which I speak)

Joey, you have not been fully assimilated into the Chilepepper Continuum yet! When you have been fully assimilated, your family will be waiting for you to finish the plating pictures of the store-bought poppers complaining "Can we eat yet? DAD! The food is cold!"


You know what Salsalady, I prolly will get smoked, I still have no idea as to what I need to do to enter the race?
Post some pics of a finished dish?
I'm a member of the Australian BBQ association, So Im hoping that I can add something with the wonderful produce we have here.
Or do I make it more generic? Hmmmm the mind bogles :beer:


Lamb Ham, It had beer in it :cool:
You know what Salsalady, I prolly will get smoked, I still have no idea as to what I need to do to enter the race?
Post some pics of a finished dish?
I'm a member of the Australian BBQ association, So Im hoping that I can add something with the wonderful produce we have here.

The TD's are always the first weekend of the month, usually starting Friday - holiday or not. THP will likely be gracious (as always!) and post a link to the official thread on this thread, since it's where most of the banter (a.k.a. "smacktalk") has occurred. When he posts the link, he'll also post the official rules, which will include "proof of life." The proof of life is a money amount - less than $1 - which must be included in at least one of your pics to prove you made the entry for the TD. Some people post a "teaser" pic - ingredients that will go into their creation - and put the proof of life into that. THP will tell us in the rules if a teaser pic is necessary or not. Some people post "production" pics - pictures of the process - which aren't usually required, but may help garner votes. Finally, you must create a single post for your final creation, which includes pics of the final product, recipe (measurements are not required), and proof of life if it wasn't included earlier. Some people post teaser, production, and final pics in a single post.

When THP posts the official rules on Friday (time of day varies, so be on the lookout for it), he will also tell us when the contest will be over - typically some time Sunday. If a holiday occurs around the weekend, the actual days may vary. Based on what I've seen, we're talking U.S. holidays. THP will post another thread some time following the end of the entries, and that thread will contain the opportunity to vote. All members of THP can vote, even if they didn't submit a TD entry.
Hmmmm the mind bogles
I recommend looking at some of the past TD threads to see what you're up against. Your Australian BBQ Association membership will get you nowhere! :hell:
I think I'm done trying the German beers, unless someone has a recommendation for one they really think is worth trying to find. There are only a couple more I've found in single bottles that I haven't tried yet, but I've found some among the 12 I've tried that I'd be willing to cook with. For now, though, think I'll go pick up a nice bottle of Shiraz, or maybe a Moscato - - - yellow tail, here I come!

One of my top five favorite beers ever is a German called EKU 28. If you ever see it, BUY IT.
One of my top five favorite beers ever is a German called EKU 28. If you ever see it, BUY IT.
Googled it - have to say: WISH ME LUCK! I have a sneakin' suspicion that if I still lived in Houston or L.A. it would be no problem, but I will make an effort to find it here! And thanks for the recommendation, JT.

(I still believe in miracles, really I do...)
And THIS is the reason why friends don't let friends drink Leinenkugles!

I'll take Leinie's regular stuff and Honey Weiss over a lotta stuff they have on tap in Wisco anyday. read: Pabst n Miller... (or that rice beer from Missourah)

I hate their Sunset Wheat and Amber Ales.
So yeah, kind of funny thing about slowly bringing a pot of beer to just under a boil. Apparently I either didn't let it de-fizz long enough, or the particular varieties I dumped into the pot tonight were just different enough from the varieties I tried last time that I got totally different resutls. Or, of course, a combination of the two. This time, there were definitely yeast/wheat beers in the mix. Last time, none. The funny thing was that no head was formed when I poured the beers in - just dumped them in after leaving them open a bit (at least a day), and there was only a trace of fizz on top. Stirred and let it sit a while more, then turned on the electric burner to about medium. I turned away for just a few moments, and was glad I turned back when I did, because the pot was on the verge of overflowing. When I say "a few moments", I mean just that - I could (and did) still safely touch the side of the pot without it even feeling warm, let alone hot, so it was just long enough for the very bottom to warm up. This was a 5-quart dutch oven with just a couple inches of beer in it, so I'm talking about a significant amount of foam generated rather suddenly. Wow! :eek:

The good news is that was the end of it - the foam dissipated fairly quickly with the combo of increased heat and stirring. Still and all, lesson learned. Note to self: yeast/wheat beers good for basting and baking, not so much for boiling!
The TD's are always the first weekend of the month, usually starting Friday - holiday or not. THP will likely be gracious (as always!) and post a link to the official thread on this thread, since it's where most of the banter (a.k.a. "smacktalk") has occurred. When he posts the link, he'll also post the official rules, which will include "proof of life." The proof of life is a money amount - less than $1 - which must be included in at least one of your pics to prove you made the entry for the TD. Some people post a "teaser" pic - ingredients that will go into their creation - and put the proof of life into that. THP will tell us in the rules if a teaser pic is necessary or not. Some people post "production" pics - pictures of the process - which aren't usually required, but may help garner votes. Finally, you must create a single post for your final creation, which includes pics of the final product, recipe (measurements are not required), and proof of life if it wasn't included earlier. Some people post teaser, production, and final pics in a single post.

When THP posts the official rules on Friday (time of day varies, so be on the lookout for it), he will also tell us when the contest will be over - typically some time Sunday. If a holiday occurs around the weekend, the actual days may vary. Based on what I've seen, we're talking U.S. holidays. THP will post another thread some time following the end of the entries, and that thread will contain the opportunity to vote. All members of THP can vote, even if they didn't submit a TD entry.

I recommend looking at some of the past TD threads to see what you're up against. Your Australian BBQ Association membership will get you nowhere! :hell:
Thank you so much for your help in getting me to the top G,
Re a ABBQA ?? , I'm just the treasure of it, Our main game is to teach others how to cook on there Q's.
I'm ready to cook, and put up, regardless of where I'm from.

You seem afraid???
GEEME AFRAID???? HA! :cool:

Admittedly, a little inexperienced with cooking with beer, but that hasn't intimidated or stopped me in the past - why would I let that happen now?!? ;)
CO2 expands and agitates as temperature increases


take any traditional german wheat beer, Aventinus, Franz, Ayinger, stick it in the fridge, open when cold

take same wheat beer, open at room temperature, watch it fizz all over the countertop

recognize the characteristics of each beer before attempting to cook with it. Some are carbonated to higher volumes of CO2 depending on style

easiest way to deal with it

pour said beer in a pitcher, then pour into another pitcher agitating it enough so it foams but not overtop of the container, and repeat 5 or 6 times

remember, its about flavor and aroma, nothing else
Yep - that's what the current experimenting is about. I usually drink beverages at room temperature or hot (yes, even sodas and beers), so started to pop open the room-temp beers after I brought them home, and found the sputtering from the wheat beers you described. Thought I ought to check out what happens when heated, mixed, unmixed, etc. Also, checked out some beer recipes online to get some ideas, and found some were very specific about particular types of beers to either include or exclude, depending upon what the recipe was for, and most indicated to let the beer flatten a bit before using. Kitchen-turned-science-lab time. It helps to have a sense of humor about one's self! :lol:
I wish I could join in on this one...but maybe next month. I end up drinking all the beer I planned on cooking with...although I guess I could take pics of me sprinkling Shiner Bock on a rack of ribs...
This beer fest gowna be one drunked ho down. SL get up off da floor.. j/k.....
This beer fest gowna be one drunked ho down. SL get up off da floor.. j/k.....
I'm starting to think there aren't going to be any entries.... I know I've been so busy trying different beers, I may be too drunk to cook! :lol:

Right now, though, enjoying a nice glass of Jacob's Creek Moscato. Mmmm....
This beer fest gowna be one drunked ho down. SL get up off da floor.. j/k.....

Hmmm, not there yet.....

do I need to bring back The Corrector for The Boss?...j/k/N
I'll 2nd that. And besides, nothin's wrong with Shiner Bock on a rack of ribs!

Athough...beerfried beans, and beer-simmered carnitas might be called for...t'would be an excellent celebration of my German heritage...and love of Mexican food...

*You knuckleheads are about to rope me into this...aren't you...

<edit> However; Borracho beans are technically a side...but most places serve them before the meal...would they count as an app for this throwdown?