Super Hots Canada

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  • frydad4
    Nice SHC...why don't you take those pictures again, but zoom in close enough so people can actually read what is on it...then you have "twittered" your business info to everyone. Just a thought.
    what is your twitter name?
    Super Hots Canada
    Super Hots Canada
    frydad4 - I could easily post the original design, but I'm going to wait till the actual cards come in and then I'll get a nice, close-up picture to post. That there picture is just the one auto-generated by the online shop I'm getting my prints from. :) / Jack - It's @SuperHotsCanada
    Dale lies again! From his ad "The ONLY way you will get this AMAZING offer is right here through!" .. Then he posts the exact same offer on Facebook: <a href="" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links"></a> .. Opps? lol
    Super Hots Canada
    Super Hots Canada
    So while the freshness of the peppers is questionable, at least the terms & conditions are as well. So as long as you're aware of that then advantage goes to the consumer. lol
    lmao. i know i said everything this guy says makes me laugh, but its also to the point where even the conversations about him makes me laugh. he is a complete joke, why is he still trying, i dont understand hahahahaha
    First time putting my babies outside.. I hope they survive.. *crosses fingers*
    Limit their exposure, take it slow, and you'll be fine!
    Super Hots Canada
    Super Hots Canada
    I had intended to at least cover them last night, but didn't get around to it. I just checked on them (it's nearly 1pm at the time of this post) and not only are they surviving - it appears the outdoor bugs have already been gobbling up the aphids! I think they're going to love it outside, so long as the heat keeps up. :)
    So it seems that my baby ladybugs grow up and moved out. *sigh* Not like there was a shortage of aphids for them... Now I'm swarmed with aphids all over again. :(
    Super Hots Canada
    Super Hots Canada
    Closest Lowes/Home Depot is about a two hour drive away, in Halifax, I believe. We have similar local shops (i.e. Home Hardware), but they don't carry anything of the like. I haven't had a chance to check with the local greenhouse/nurseries yet (and sadly, I lack the funds). I mix dish soap, canola oil and water. It kills some, but the aphids I have are bloody resistant little buggers that just come back stronger each time. lol
    Time to invest in a couple hungry baby chameleons, then! ;) I had aphids once, so I feel your pain. I'm sure someone will chime in before too long with a better solution than I can offer. Good luck!
    Super Hots Canada
    Super Hots Canada
    I figure my next goal is to just get outside on a good day and try and rummage through the yard to see if I can catch some ladybugs. We have a large yard with a number of fallen trees, so maybe I'll have some luck. They often show up in my bedroom and windows, too. :)
    Planted peas and beans inside 6 days ago. They all sprouted within 3-4 days. Majority of the beans are 3-4" tall and the peas 1-2" tall already. Darn things seem to like me. lol
    Feeling like @%^& now.. Just short of reaching the two-year mark, my longest relationship just ended. *sigh*
    Bummer, sorry to read that
    It just means they weren't the right one. You'll meet someone that will blow your mind, and you'll blow theirs. Hang in there
    Super Hots Canada
    Super Hots Canada
    It's all kind of up in the air right now. I typically don't post personal such on public forums.. guess I was just more frustrated earlier than I had realized at the time. On a positive note, my very first Naga Jolokia matured today (check out my glog for pics).. Just gotta get up the nerve to eat it tomorrow. lol
    My first Reaper pod to grow is only the size of a penny. And I cut it open to discover.... zero seeds. *sigh* Rather disappointed by that :(
    Super Hots Canada
    Super Hots Canada
    cruzzfish - All my plants are indoors. My Reaper was started last summer.. it's had a rough go. lol / Zoli - I still feel good that I managed to grow the little bugger, just sad that I didn't get any seeds. There's 2 more on the plant. The third looks to be the typical size one would expect - so I'm crossing my fingers for that one! :)
    I meant the pod started now, not the plant.
    Super Hots Canada
    Super Hots Canada
    Oh gotcha. Well, hopefully that'll be true :)
    Brown Naglah is around 55" wide and 29" high at around 3 1/2 months old.. When ought I trim him back to encourage him to branch out along the stem?
    Super Hots Canada
    Super Hots Canada
    No feedback? :( .. He's eating up all my space, so I think in the next week or so I may have to start.
    Just picked up the domain name "". Pure awesomeness.
    IPv4 has been depleted and we are now running up IPv6.
    What's next?
    Just kiddin..:)
    Congrats on your piece of the web.
    Super Hots Canada
    Super Hots Canada
    Thanks. :) I think there's some pretty awesome new extensions out there. I'm thinking I'll go with " " for my shopping cart end of my website. :)
    FINALLY! One of my Habanero plants has started producing a pod! The three plants I have were all purchased as seedling -last summer-.
    Ya they either die or stay away. Im not sure the life cycle of the aphid or if your spray actually kills them, but mite eggs hatch 7-10 days after being laid, which means you have to kill them twice, before the eggs hatch and lay more eggs. You could always just throw them in a room and use a fogger, find out the hatch time of the eggs and do it again like on the 11th day (for mites).
    Super Hots Canada
    Super Hots Canada
    I'll have to give it a shot. Unfortunately, I think I've been stricken with the sort of aphid that reproduces asexually and without laying eggs: .. but if it wards them off then that'll get me one step closer to being rid of them. *nod*
    Super Hots Canada
    Super Hots Canada
    I picked up a $2-3 little sifter at the small grocery store downtown tonight. It does an alright just of dusting the sulfur powder I have, so I gave it a shot on a few of my plants just to see what effect it has. Think I'll give it a couple of days and if the plants seem alright then I'll work on dusting the rest. :)
    FINALLY! I discovered last night that my very first Reaper pod appears to have started!
    Super Hots Canada
    Super Hots Canada
    Discovered this morning that there may be at least 2 more Reapers and 2 more Brown Naglah. *grooves*
    Mixed up a canola oil & dish soap concoction last night and doused my plants with 2 litres worth. Seems to have killed off some of the aphids when I checked this morning.. *crosses fingers*
    5/6 of the mystery seeds from Gotrox I planted less than a week ago have poked out of the ground (or close to it). :)
    And the mystery is??------To be determined in a few months. :)
    Super Hots Canada
    Super Hots Canada
    Indeed! *crosses fingers*
    007 Red popped up! (maybe there is hope for the Bubblegum!)
    Super Hots Canada
    Super Hots Canada
    Nice! I lost a few seeds of both 007 Red and Bubblegum already because of mold/bugs and possibly over-watering - all my fault in the long run. Not sure the Bubblegum I'm waiting on will make it - may have put in too much water. I also planted a few of the mystery seeds in the past couple of days or so that you sent me a while back. :)
    Good Luck!
    Mine are in aerogardens, so except for a few damping off, and a few rows not sprouting at all yet, all is pretty good.
    Super Hots Canada
    Super Hots Canada
    Not long after I saw your last response I went down to the basement to water my babies and spotted that the Bubblegum has popped up as well now! :)
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