Recent content by winston61

  1. winston61

    cloning Cloning Moruga Keeper...any tips?

    strictly low tech for me. I chose some stems on my jalapenos and reapers. Cut the stem off, stripped a few leaves. Rooted them in tap water. When roots show I pot them in ordinary potting soil. They grow. Bob's your uncle.
  2. winston61

    Poop... Yeah this is happening!

    My rule of compost has always been to NEVER compost the manure of anything that eats meat. The manure of domestic pets can be especially dangerous, just ask your vet. Cat shit contains some very nasty bugs. This is a VERY BAD idea and should not be pursued. I always have plenty of correct...
  3. winston61

    favorite What is your favorite Cayenne?

    I prefer the type that grows is my backyard, turns ripe and then I pick them and eat them. Not complicated.  
  4. winston61

    Damaged Peppers URGENT!!!!!

    it's really not that serious. Do a little research and find a product that will deal with it. We are not splitting the atom here, just growing a few peppers. Hardly the end of the world.    
  5. winston61

    What do you guys think about this compost?

    more like moderately alkaline. Just use the stuff and don't worry about. Others try to make growing peppers or anything so serious that it takes the pleasure out of it. Peppers have grown with much less attention for thousands of years without the 'benefits' of modern technology. Water them...
  6. winston61

    Good article on earth worm castings

    I live in north Texas where summers are blisteringly hot. Can earthworms survive in an non air conditioned garage? Winter time here seems ideal for worms.
  7. winston61

    Filling many pots cheaply?

    you need to get over this concern about the opinion of others concerning the materials you use in your own garden. I live in a town that is a geographic odditie(two weeks from everywhere). I use non organic potting mixes because that is all that is available to me. I refuse to pay to have bags...