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    When to pick ghost peppers

    pick them when they turn fuzzy and white
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    Why is everyone here saying this is the best seed vendor? It has higher prices and less selection then others
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    Naturalized Capsicum in Virginia?

    I have had that happen for lots of plants here, Tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, and im in zone 2 or 3
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    best way to fund pepper hobby/obsession

    Next year you could plant seeds everywhere you go and go back to the spots later to get peppers
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    A predicted 46 degrees tonight!

    yeah, they should be fine until it gets to freezing
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    Michigan dropping to 40 Fahrenheit tonight

    2 Nights ago it got to 32 Fahrenheit and all my plants still seem ok for now
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    Ask a Walmart Garden Center Employee Anything.

    What is your Job?
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    First pepper has begun...

    usually they ripen faster when it gets really cold
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    My dog disintegrated...

    how old was he?
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    in-ground Difference between plants in ground and pots

    I know, i meant the plants i had before might have crossed
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    in-ground Difference between plants in ground and pots

    both plants are from the same seeds plant in ground, much bigger but less peppers heres a comparison of how the pods look different, left and right are from the ground plants and the middle one is from the pot
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    Found this @ Central mkt

    Dunkaroos aren't discontinued in Canada
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    vendor Semillas La Palma

    I ordered from them last tuesday and got them today, 9 days to get to the middle of Canada, pretty good
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    ยก for all that missed this !

    It needs a better name
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    What kind of plant is this?

    yeah thats it
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    What kind of plant is this?

    im growing some kind of plant that has edible leaves, it grows pretty tall around 5 feet and its supposed to be similar to spinich, anyone know what it might be?
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    pictures :onfire:
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    No HEAT from any of my peppers...

    were they ready enough?
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    i bought a small aji lemon plant in june and now its the biggest and most productive plant i have :P
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    like an hour ago while i was driving home i saw a big Snapping Turtle trying to cross the road i wonder if it made it :P? and when i got on the computer there was a topic about turtles in the growing section :mouthonfire: