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  1. SnakeDoc

    video Trinidad Scorpion Video

    WOW...just wow. I've had very good results with worm castings but nothing 7+ feet tall. Maybe I will try growing in ground next year...
  2. SnakeDoc

    AlabamaJacks Exotic Superhots in Central Market Stores

    AJ, keep working at something you are passionate in. You don't want to be one of those retired people that gamble all day and watch wheel of fortune. =x I want to do something similar when I retire, keep up the awesome job!
  3. SnakeDoc

    video AJs Backyard Pepper Porn Video 10-21-10

    After only dealing with 12 plants this season, I can not understand how you deal with that many AJ. Keep on growin brotha!
  4. SnakeDoc

    Snake Doc's Grow Log 2010

    So...looks like 12 crops is good enough for me. I really don't see how other people handle 200+ plants. My Scorpions refused to bloom btw...=\
  5. SnakeDoc

    Snake Doc's Grow Log 2010

    Just tried my first Bhut....why did I do that? WHY WHY WHY WHYYYY. I can't feel my the same time I like it. LOL
  6. SnakeDoc

    Smoke Plants to Flower Faster

    That is exactly where I got it from, a friend owns a mango plantation somewhere in Cebu? Batangas?
  7. SnakeDoc

    Smoke Plants to Flower Faster

    So while BBQing this past Saturday, I put my plants in the way of the exhaust smoke of my grill, and today I noticed that the plants without flowers started budding. I'm not sure if this is a coincidence, but I just wanted to share this with you guys since I've read about it before.
  8. SnakeDoc

    Stupid Wind

    Freaking hurricane earl winds.... i put my plants in the garage.
  9. SnakeDoc

    Snake Doc's Grow Log 2010

    Fatalis More Fatalis Red Savina Habanero The whole gang My Trinidad Scorpions haven't had any fruit yet and are just starting to flower. Is there anyway I can speed things up? I'm afraid they won't be ready before the frost comes.
  10. SnakeDoc

    Snake Doc's Grow Log 2010

    Bhut Jolokias White Habaneros and my feet White Habaneros Fatalis or Bhuts?
  11. SnakeDoc

    Snake Doc's Grow Log 2010

    White Habaneros Bhuts or Fatalis? Closeup of a Bhut or Fatali
  12. SnakeDoc

    Snake Doc's Grow Log 2010

    Ok... I tried some of my white habs and they are definitely not hotter than the jalapenos i buy at the store. What gives?! Pics to come soon...
  13. SnakeDoc

    Snake Doc's Grow Log 2010

    Ohhh. The fruit comes out of the flower...I didn't know this. lol
  14. SnakeDoc

    Snake Doc's Grow Log 2010

    My plants appear to be healthy....with no fruit. They are starting to flower. WTF?
  15. SnakeDoc

    Snake Doc's Grow Log 2010

    I actually tapped my peppers while holding a white piece of paper underneath and found a couple of spider mites. I sprayed some oil soap diluted in water on them, hopefully this treatment for a week will get rid of them completely. Thanks again for your help guys.
  16. SnakeDoc

    Snake Doc's Grow Log 2010

    Thank you AJ for idea of shading my peppers. Thanks to Hawaiian Al for the calcium phosphate recipe
  17. SnakeDoc

    issue HELP!!!! Scorpion needs attention...

    I just used this formula, I hope it works well. How often should I spray?
  18. SnakeDoc

    Snake Doc's Grow Log 2010

    Looks like I have some spider mite issues. -=[
  19. SnakeDoc

    Snake Doc's Grow Log 2010

    Some shots from above....yes I only have 12 plants. I really don't know how some of you handle 50-200 plants!
  20. SnakeDoc

    AJs Backyard Pepper Porn 05-30-10

    Hey, Where did you get the shade? I am thinking of building a similar setup. My plants wilt when I leave them in the sun for 20 minutes... Go engineers!