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Aus newbie q's

lol you liked that hey lol oh sorry just 800 from the ground :)

Will look at the other posts now

Pic's from the same plant


Timmmy newbie said:
For whatever reason I've never been able to germinate a seed in dirt, only cotton wool or wet paper towel.

I have a real big problem with wilting in my plants. The large bih does it nearly every day now, the soil feels moist but it wilts. If i don't water it it won't recover even though the soil is fairly damp.

Could it be that the pot is too big for the plant/root ball?
Timmmy newbie said:
I have a real big problem with wilting in my plants. The large bih does it nearly every day now, the soil feels moist but it wilts. If i don't water it it won't recover even though the soil is fairly damp.

I wonder if the 'pods' are sucking up all the nutrients and the leaves are wilting as a result.

As you know I'm having similar problems, and my theory is that fruit set is causing some of the problem.
The only plants that are having problems are the ones with peppers/flowers.

I gave mine a good spray with the water bottle yesterday and it helped. Late last night a cold change hit and they all wiltered straight away.

We will see, they have plenty of peppers on them now which are growing fast so they can't be to unhealthy.
Early morning sun dec 11


Hows this one. I live in a rental and twice a year a gardener turns up to trim the tree's. Well this time round he didn't bother letting me know and then the good bit.... he decided to turn my large jolokia into an ornamental ball. The @#$er went all edward sizzor hands on it.

Still looks big and has some new pods lol what a fcker.
Timmmy newbie said:
.... he decided to turn my large jolokia into an ornamental ball. The @#$er went all edward sizzor hands on it.

Still looks big and has some new pods lol what a fcker.
You'll probably thank him later as it may produce better. ?
Seems to be true it has new peppers all over it now :)

The peppers are still really small on the bih just like last year.

All the other plants seem to be producing nice sized pods which is cool.

I did a bit of a test on the weekend with my wilting plants. I got a tub of water and sat the pots in them. I kept them in the water until the water line dropped by about 5+ litres then pulled them out. In the water I added some calcium, mg and a few asprins. All plants seem to have enjoyed it and have a nice dark color to them now.
Just about all the plants have pods on them now

Both fatalii's are doing okay with a dozen or two pods growing to a average size.

The choc bhut hasn't got many pods on it yet but the pods are growing really fast compared to all other plants.

Choc Bhuts with 1-2 week old pods


The overwintered bih has lots of pods and thier growing bigger this year. Last years pods on this plant were all tinny. This year I've been feeding the plant lots of thrive tomatoe food and recently I've been adding in a asprin. Whatevers been done differently this year its paying off.

The dorset is by far the best producer at the mo. Its got some really good sized pods which is a first for me. Its also got a cool mutant fatty growing too.

Dorset pods



I also have my very first trini scorpion pepper growing.
Timmmy newbie said:
Not too sure how to test ph will it cost much to get a kit? If so could I just try adding something to raise or lower without testing. They are toast so could only get better.

I haven't read all of this thread yet, but thought I would mention that Bunnings sell $10 ph testers that have a probe (rather than the fluid/ powder that changes colour). You can also get a moisture meter for the same price, or a combined one... but the readout on this is a bit small.

Also I have found that in SE Qld on sandy soil I always have to add gypsum (calcium) or I get blossom end rot on tomato/ capsicum & chilli.
Thanks Novacastrin! I see I was pipped at the post but with 2 kids (3yo & 3mth boys) I don't always get to finish reading lol...

I am trying to grow all veggies and have Diggers Chilli Hellfire Mix seeds - Jalepeno, Santa Fe Grande, Poinsetta, Red Hot Cherry & Habenaro Mustard. So far only have the Red Hot Cherry from last year as had troubles germinating ... think I will invest in a heat pad next year. I just planted out two more seedlings so fingers crossed!

I am a seed saver so if anyone in Oz is interested in trying the Red Hot Cherry let me know and I will post a few seeds.
For wilting, it might be worth trying seaweed foliar spray, mulch or even shadecloth - my full sun will kill just about *anything* here.
Hi Donna welcome onboard.

So far the wilting hasn't caused any major problems.

I've noticed lots of the peppers have really fattened up this week.
if your plants are producing, letting them wilt a bit will make your pods hotter...that's a promise...
Do you think theres a certian stage in the pods development where extra water and fertz are good? So maybe water and feed until thier close to ripening then cut back and let them wilt for a day or two between or do you cut back as soon as the pods set?

Happy christmas all
I know I have to let it wilt but I can't seem to stop myself lol

This is the jolokia tday after an average day in the sun, I think the temps hit maybe 30-32c so not exactly a scorcha.


As always I ended up getting out the hose.