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Compmodder26's 2014 Grow Log - Supers ripening

So my 2012-2013 season has offically come to a close.  All of my plants are now composting with the exception of one plant.  I picked the final 3 pods off of my 7 Pot Brown this weekend.  Potted the mother down to a 3 gallon pot and gave her a haircut.  She's in her new home for the winter.  Crossing my fingers as this is my first time to try overwintering a plant.


I will be back on in a bit to post my grow list for 2014.
There won't be much activity on this glog until mid-late January.  That's when I'll be starting my Chinenses.  
Stay tuned...
Wow Brian. That plot looks good. I container garden since living in Colorado. Your plants just look at home in the ground. Can't wait to see it fill in. I'm trying a raised bed this year to see what happens. Thanks for the update and congrats on getting them babies in dirt.
Just had a bad thunderstorm roll through here with strong wind and pea sized hail.  Crossing my fingers that my plants are okay.  I had some giveaways sitting on my porch when it happened and they had a few holes punched through their leaves. :(
compmodder26 said:
Just had a bad thunderstorm roll through here with strong wind and pea sized hail.  Crossing my fingers that my plants are okay.  I had some giveaways sitting on my porch when it happened and they had a few holes punched through their leaves. :(
Nooooooooo. I hope everything is ok. These plants we grow are pretty resilient. I have faith they will bounce back no matter what condition there in. I dropped the light on one of my plants and crushed it. I left it alone and a branch that was snapped is growing like crazy. Good luck Brian.
compmodder26 said:
Just had a bad thunderstorm roll through here with strong wind and pea sized hail.  Crossing my fingers that my plants are okay.  I had some giveaways sitting on my porch when it happened and they had a few holes punched through their leaves. :(
Same ones rolled through here yesterday. A little bit of a helpless feeling sitting inside and hearing the rain and hail and not being able to do anything about it.
I got out to the garden the past couple of afternoons on my lunch to spread another layer of RCW on top of the soil.  Sorry, no pics ATM, but they did take on some considerable damage to their leaves.  They'll probably be set back a couple weeks while they work on new growth.  No stems were snapped, just a bunch of torn leaves.  Anywho, the last layer of RCW is down, so hoping all that's left for the year is watering and monitoring, with of course picking!
I don't want to do an update without pics, so here's some shots from my backyard garden.
We'll start with Mama Brown.  You remember how I said that she hardened off so easily?  Heh, well I was wrong.  The smaller leaves she has/had didn't exhibit stress signs like the larger leaves on younger plants do, so I didn't really see the stress she was under.  She wound up dropping most of her leaves.  But as she did when I overwintered her, she's bouncing back and putting on lots of new growth.  She should take off in a couple more weeks.

Full shot of my first raised bed:

Corn seedlings:

Lettuce.  You can see in this pic and the one above that they sustained some hail damage as well.  Nevertheless, they're doing fine and the damage hasn't affected the flavor at all.  We've harvested 3 plants so far.  Can't beat a salad of freshly picked greens:

Strawberries still going strong.  Getting a lot starting to ripen:

Picked 10 ripes ones this morning:

Second raised bed:

Zucchini Seedlings:

Green bean seedlings:

Spinach coming in nice and full:

Could someone give me a bump please?  Got a couple more images to post.
Bump for sure!

And could you share the design you used for the self watering planters? I've thought about making some, but haven't really hit the "go point" yet.
Peas.  These are about 3 feet tall now:

First pea pod forming:

JutsFL said:
Bump for sure!

And could you share the design you used for the self watering planters? I've thought about making some, but haven't really hit the "go point" yet.
Thanks for the bump.  And the raised beds aren't self watering.  The PVC is there in case I need/want to put up a small hoop house.  I've never actually had to do it though.  But I got the design off of this site: http://www.sunset.com/garden/perfect-raised-bed.  That has all the info you need to build them.  I modified the instructions to make two 4x4 beds instead of one 4x8.
JutsFL said:
Gotchya. I was thinking the PVC was for an underground wicking system.
That would be a nice system indeed.  But to be honest, with all the mulch I have on top, even during the hot summer months, I really only have to water about once a week.  During spring, I don't have to water at all.  Another aspect that keeps me from having to water so often is that using square foot gardening techniques, the plants develop a canopy over the soil, so it gets shaded out and the soil temperature stays lower.
Wishing my 5gals were like that about now! I have to water rather heavily every other day at this point just to keep them happy - trying to figure out a good plan for a drip system at the moment. The watering schedule is becoming cumbersome rather quickly!
JutsFL said:
Wishing my 5gals were like that about now! I have to water rather heavily every other day at this point just to keep them happy - trying to figure out a good plan for a drip system at the moment. The watering schedule is becoming cumbersome rather quickly!
Do you have mulch on them?  If not, do it!  It will greatly reduce the amount of water needed.  Put a good 2-3 inch layer on top. 
Went out to the garden today on my lunch to survey the damage.  Overall, things aren't as bad as I expected.  However, still got a bunch of ragged leaves and now my Chinenses appear to be showing signs of overwatering.  I'm not exactly surprised by the overwatering symptoms though.  Wednesday night we got over 3 inches of rain dumped on us.  A week earlier, we had nearly that much as well.  I'm learning fast, just how much water my plot retains.  Actually makes me wish for the summer months to come around.  I'm used to raised bed gardening and container gardening where I don't have to worry as much about overwatering.
Snapped a few pics while I was there:
Whole plot:

Right sub-plot:

Middle sub-plot:

Left sub-plot:

Huge Bell pod forming:

Jimmy Nardelo:


Giant Jalapeno:
Looking great - I love seeing them in ground!  They'll take off soon.  It looks like they are adjusting pretty well actually.
The plants are looking good Brian. I too was worried about some overwatering I did. Then it dumped Sunday. Today they look like there trying to grow. Still in bags though. But still soaking wet. Jedisushi reminded me that they were still adjusting to the outdoors. Yours are going to come back strong. Thanks for the update and pics.
OCD Chilehead said:
The plants are looking good Brian. I too was worried about some overwatering I did. Then it dumped Sunday. Today they look like there trying to grow. Still in bags though. But still soaking wet. Jedisushi reminded me that they were still adjusting to the outdoors. Yours are going to come back strong. Thanks for the update and pics.
it dumped rain here too, i was stressed about my plants but they are tougher than i thought.  I'm always reminded every year on how tough they can be!
First harvest of the season!  WAY ahead of where I was last year.  I don't think I had a harvest until July last year.  
Nothing that hot, but nevertheless, it's a start.  Had a Jalapeno and a Mariachi with my lunch and they were so freaking good!
Top (L to R): Huge Bell, Jalapenos
Bottom (L to R); Mariachis, Sweet Bananas