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curious mind?

I have noticed in pictures that most people has their plants in 8 to 12 oz cups. They are all doubled up WHY? Wouldn't this create more moisture and not allow the plants to drain or is it to protect the plants below Just curious for mine I let drain with nothing catching the run off. joe
I leave the cups doubled to be able to bottom feed. I fill each outer cup with the proper amount of water and then just place the plant in it. Usually, within 10-15 minutes the outer cup is bone dry. I'm not as fancy as AJ, with his watering tray system. Although...next year I think I might try his homemade watering rack. (Thanks for the idea AJ...)
I don't double my cups but taking a cue from AJ, I drill four holes in the bottom so I can bottom water them as well as let any excess water drain.

Yep... I do it for the bottom feeding too. It keeps the mess off my table. I've got 5 - 1/4" holes in the bottom of the inner 12oz cups with one of those glass half-marble thingys (I don't know what they're called) to allow space for roots & excess water.
I got the idea from AJ too. Thanks AJ!
This has got to be something we all copied from each other here at THP. I top water mine so my second cup acts as my saucer to keep things dry. When I top water I seperate my cups a bit and water till it drips then dump the overflow. Very time consuming but at this point there isn't much I wouldn't do for my peppers this year.
Common theme...AJ!!!...AJ, if you are reading this, you are an inspiration to us all...:) I just hope it's not too much preasure...LOL ;)
I used cups in the past but now I use small square pots and just bottom water each tray of 18. Very simple and effective and it takes me only 5 mins to water all my plants.
I used cups in the past but now I use small square pots and just bottom water each tray of 18. Very simple and effective and it takes me only 5 mins to water all my plants.

thats what i do too, same when i used peat pots as well...the trays are cheap and the square pots fit just right
i've used cups they're cool.. but unstable as all heck! i like the 4" square pots i've got now better they have a lower center of gravity... and are wider and we all know wider is better...
Folks, please don't think I came up with the bottom watering idea, it came from Pam (thanks Pam)...I was watering from the top until I realized I was getting water on the leaves and sometimes splashing water up on the leaves from the soil...I was really afraid I would get a soil-borne disease up on the leaves and bottom watering eliminates that chance..

I broke down and bought some of the 3" square pots and their holders for my backup transplants and must say they fit in my grow area better...the thing I don't like about the square cups is I can't see the soil/roots inside the cup....I will still use the 9 oz cups for major transplants since I already have the holders for the cups made but I got lazy and figured drilling 360 2 1/2" holes in plywood was enough drilling for one year...

As far as stability goes...since I use my racks to move/handle the cups with I don't have a problem with stability...the only time I take them out of the rack is to look at them or photograph them...

The double cup idea is great for water retention and keeping the mess down but after I water, I just let the racks sit on my indoor/outdoor carpet in the garage and drip for about 5 minutes or so before putting them back in the grow area...
yes i don't have the ability to come up with a nifty rack like you aj :). but i did lose a couple plants due to my own accident prone nature dropping them from bumping a table that is really stable when you don't touch it : ).
teh purple penguins said:
yes i don't have the ability to come up with a nifty rack like you aj :). but i did lose a couple plants due to my own accident prone nature dropping them from bumping a table that is really stable when you don't touch it : ).

Totally understand TPP...that's why I built the racks...I turned a bunch over when I first started and they were like dominos... roflmao... one went down, then the next, then the next and I was scramblin' around trying to catch them...then I just stood back and watched as they turned each other over... It had to have been hilarious if someone had been watching....was funny to me after it happened and I think about it..
AJ, I didn't know that it was Pam's suggestion. Then, I too, want to thank Pam! Thank you Pam. You and AJ are an inspiration to me...at least...;)
Pepperfreak said:
AJ, I didn't know that it was Pam's suggestion. Then, I too, want to thank Pam! Thank you Pam. You and AJ are an inspiration to me...at least...;)

I can't take all the credit for that, either; lots of other folks recommend bottom watering. I'm just the one who said it loudly enough for AJ to hear.

I'm good at being loud.
Pam said:
I'm good at being loud.

and right most of the time...at least from what I can remember...

Yup...now I remember, Potawie is one of the others that recommended bottom watering...my memory is shorter than my ____!