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Deployment Pics

YES!!!! The Paulky TD Challenge!!!!!!

Paulky takes a video/pics of all the shelves at his NEX and we can only use items found on the video........

'course...he'll get all sentimental in the beer isles....

and there are only so many ways beer can be used in a meal using items found in a convenience store.

Unlike Bear, That guy...who can be used in so many different ways in a convenience store....

[sub]did I just say that? :silenced: [/sub]
I love the sound of this!!!!

LIVE from ISAF: It's the Deployment Chef!! I wonder if you're allowed chow in berthing....

Just give me a hot plate, some peppers sent from home...and a mess kit! Hell...I'm in supply. I ought to be able to get my hands on some killer grub! :party:

**Meanwhile....in Norfolk**

I've switched gears and picked up THIS at the NEX:


I got it all the way back to my room and discovered it requires a BOTTLE OPENER to open. :shocked:
Luckily, I'm a beer vet and managed to utilize the steel hinges on the hotel room door without spilling a single drop.

Life is good.

Finally moving on to Ft. Polk tomorrow. I hope the Army is kind on this old body! :pray:
I love that beer - anything with Ralph Steadman artwork on it is ok by me, but it's actually pretty bitey and tasty. :cheers:

'course...he'll get all sentimental in the beer isles....

ZOMG!! A whole island of beer?!?


YES!!!! The Paulky TD Challenge!!!!!!

oh god - what have I started?l

:rofl: this should get interesting.

but one question - where are the rest of us gonna get MREs, and are we required to put saltpeter in them?
'Night, Pauly...sleep tight~

The past day and a half have been interesting. Not many photos, but we're not supposed to taking any.

Got to Louisiana around 2pm yesterday.......but my luggage did not. I'm the only one in my class w/o any uniform.....which makes me look like a complete dork. I had to sleep in my clothes because I have no PT gear........and I have now had the same underwear on for the past 36 hours. Still no luggage.

Here is what paul looks like when that happens:


At least we can drink after training!!

Our berthing for the next 12 weeks:



I have more pics, but the internet connection here sucks......AND you have to pay 20 bucks a week just to use it.

That's all for now. I'm going to go peel my underwear out of my crack and have a beer.
There aren't any gators in Norfolk silly.

He said Louisiana!

Let me guess - the silver one with the air conditioning is the C/Os?

That sucks about the uniforms - maybe you tempted fate above when you posted that pic saying you'd "bet us you never wear half that stuff". :rofl:
Gotta love the military and their Hurry up and wait policy. LOL

hurry up and get on this truck... ok now wait till we find a driver
hurry up and get on this plane....ok now wait till we have clearance to take off
hurry up and get into your housing.. ok now wait till we proces your paper work

Gotta love it

My favorite thing when I was stationed in Germany was that we got a ration card for cigs and hard alcohol. The thing was that we were not allowed to drink the alcohol on the base and if we drank it down town we would get in trouble also. Was kinda hard to figure that one out.