• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's 2014- Stick a fork in me, I'm done....

Time for the 2014 start...
Many of these plants were made possible by the generous people of the THP sending me seeds and pods Thanks!
I'm looking forward to warmer weather and dirt day!
I have a bunch of seeds started, and plants at all the stages.
Here's the grow bench, a T8 x4 on top and T5 x4 on the bottom, as you can see it's loaded.

Top rack:

Bottom rack:

I like starting the seeds in Jiffy Pellets, as soon as they stand up I trim the mesh off and plant them 1/2" proud in a pot, or in this case a cup.
Red Rocotto the lonely Pube..

A few plants living under the T5, I'm super impressed with this light!
Choc Hab

Bhut x Y7 x Choc Bhut Douglah-Spicegeist

Bhut x Y7 F2-Spicegeist

Yellow Cardi- Jamie

Choc Scorp-Ramon

Peach Bhut- Annie

Going to do some tilling will post more later
jedisushi06 said:
love those datils! 
maximumcapsicum said:
Datils look perfect Scott! Pull looks wonderful as well. Keep it going!
kgetpeppers said:
Datils look tasty. Domt know why I didnt plant one or six.
GA Growhead said:
Those datils are yummy. You will enjoy those. Great flavor and everyday eatable.
 Well it looks like we have some Datil fans here!
Those are from Jason's seeds and the plants are loaded with pods. Can't wait to try one with lunch!
TrentL said:
That choc scorp is one evil looking sonofabitch. :)
Yeah it is, way to many pods to keep up with the tasting, glad we have a long season :party:
thirdcoasttx said:
Dang I had 4 pages to catch up on!!! You got tons of beautiful pods nice work!
Thanks Dan!
Mother nature was good to us this spring, we got some of that stuff they call rain!
OCD Chilehead said:
Nice pull again. Did you get a chance at the Chocolate Scorpion? I'm hoping some day I can say "Tired of sorting...I just piled 'em up, lot's of Jigsaw's!" LOL I'm sure you will put those Datil's to good use.

Have a great Friday and enjoy the weekend.

Thanks Chuck!
I'm getting better at looking at one and knowing what it is, although I still have a lot to learn ;)
millworkman said:
I need more pictures of your plot.  That mulch makes it look so peaceful.
Thanks Mills,
I was out for two hours watering and just came in to ice down my knee, garden pics have been sparse because I was told to stay off it. Feels  pretty good today. After lunch I'm back out and will get some shots.
Spicegeist said:
My peach bhuts (from a different source) are taking their sweet time to put out, much slower than my other varieties.  I suspect that while it does so, it might put out some odd ball pods.
This one has just started turning color, and it's not loaded up like some of the plants.
Devv said:
 Hopefully the temps are below 90-95°, that seem to be a cut off for me here. But when I enter this temperature realm these temps last from 11AM till 8PM.
Thanks Annie!
And glad you're back up and around! This season has indeed been MUCH better than last season! No way I can process, eat all these peppers. I'm simply blown away ;)
Yeah the "mother" Funky Reaper is doing what she does best, year 2 of kickin' it! I wonder how longer I can keep that plant going? And I have a daughter plant putting out the same type pods!
So the Mom call is over, I call every Thursday evening, she's 79 and alone in Dolan Springs (AKA Deadwood) Az. I'll be there in a few weeks to visit.
A few pics:
Today's pick, rows 9-7, still have 2 rows to check, still going with the 1 hour time limit on the knee. Damn, getting old sucks, but the alternative is worse...I'm game!

Tired of sorting...I just piled 'em up, lot's of Jigsaw's!

Some White Bhut's looking more like Bhut's ;)  I really don't care how they look, this pepper is a keeper!  A sweet flavor and moderate burn. Can't wait to make a sauce with them.

First Datil pods! On tomorrows menu!

Ooooh, Choc Scorp. Hurt me please. That's one mean looking pod!
Wow!  I'm learning a lot from your hauls.  I guess I'll be adding some white bhuts, and datils to next year's grow.  Are you growing any aji varieties, Scott?  Lemons, amarillo...?  Let me know if you still want some Pimenta de Padron seeds.
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Tons of podage! The white bhuts are simply awesome and loved them last year so grew them again. Digging the peach bhuts, I thought I grew some this year but turns out only the Jay's peach. Keep on getting on!
 Thanks Chris!
The White Bhuts are one of my favorites for sure, the grasshoppers or whatever is hard on them though. So just plant more!
Roguejim said:
Wow!  I'm learning a lot from your hauls.  I guess I'll be adding some white bhuts, and datils to next year's grow.  Are you growing any aji varieties, Scott?  Lemons, amarillo...?  Let me know if you still want some Pimenta de Padron seeds.
Thanks Jim!
Was in NY for 5 days and came back to a lot of ripe pods, Daylon my tech at work stopped by and watered twice while we were gone. He saved the garden because the timer failed. I have Aji Lemon, Aji Pineapple, and Aji Cristal growing. I really can't tell the difference in between the Lemon and Pineapple varieties, I just picked some Cristals this afternoon.
OK Mills, here's a few. I pulled the Tom's that were either dying from being done or had no more fruit. To get past July 1st is a rare thing, but this years been a little cooler. That's going to change, we'll be close to 100° very soon. LB was weeding while I caught up on the picking. By tomorrow we should be caught up.
These taller plants are at 4', and still growing.



Some raised bed photos, very few pods so far. If the knee is OK in the AM I have some weed wacking to do....so much has gone un-done lately.



Lone Manzano pod. And my buddy Otis, who needs to kill anything that moves knocked this gal over right after this pic chasing a lizard.
Lastly the nons. These Asparagus are going nuts!
Looks like you got the shade screen in place, I think?  I may regret not putting any up.  It's been in the mid to upper 90s since Monday, last week.  101F tomorrow, and up to 105F by Tues.  I wonder how the plants will react?
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Asparagus has gone to seed, that stuff goes apeshit!
 Yeah it is, this is the year one growth, I have them in partial shade under a Live Oak. I think they would fry in full Tejas sun!
Roguejim said:
Looks like you got the shade screen in place, I think?  I may regret not putting any up.  It's been in the mid to upper 90s since Monday, last week.  101F tomorrow, and up to 105F by Tues.  I wonder how the plants will react?
 Well I'm outta likes.
Oh yeah, sunshade up in the garden since May, or I get scalded fruits. Your temps are higher than mine. But it ramps up here about 10-11 AM and stays hot until dark this time of year. If they're in full sun all you can do is water them. My weekday waterings are in the afternoon, I just flood the ditches.
Man I'm amazed..........how you do it ? 
I can see from the plot photo's that you've taken great pride and dedication to get the most out of your garden. Your plants have such dense growth there's probably very little chance for sunscald pods.
Scott that's super-cool of you to send out care packs of superhots.......anybody that's received one should be very thankful.
I hope you miss that 100 degree weather, or at least maybe the nights will settle down.
The Datil's are a good all around pepper with a unique taste. White Bhuts are tasty also...
Enjoy yoiur weekend and give the knee a break.....rest.
Sorry to hear the knee acting up, Scott. Hope it gets better soon. The garden is really exploding now, what another great harvest. Those white bhut's do look tasty indeed and the chocolate Scorpion has a perfect shape. Great job and have a great weekend!
Holy @#&! Batman... your plants are really kickin' it! I see one or two that are looking kinda yellow, but it's hard to keep 'em all happy when you have as many planted as you do. The lone Manzano pod looks ripe enough to eat now... are you gonna leave it on the plant awhile to try to get viable seeds for next year?
I was checking out Svetlana's glog, and I see she posted some great flower pics of her Tepin varieties. Hopefully that would help identify any you came across in your travels. http://thehotpepper.com/topic/46281-svetlanas-peppers-2014/page-2#entry1019820
Have you ever tried adding Jersey Greensand to your garden as an amendment? I'd read that in addition to providing potassium to the soil it also binds sandy soils so they hold water better. I added some to my base dressing of nutes and was charmed with the results. Cheers!
millworkman said:
Everything looks amazing Scott, keep it up as best you can with the malfunctioning leg.
 Thanks Mills!
The knee is on the mend and I'm able to do more and more, just trying to keep from going backwards...
randyp said:
       Looks great Scott,good thing you had the backup water plan in place.Mechanical items such as a timer can let you down once in awhile.Luv the cow doing what cows do. ;)
Thanks Randy!
I have 2 more trips coming up and he's game to watch the place, I also said pick what you need. His wife wouldn't let him pick anything hotter than Habs...
HillBilly Jeff said:
Everything is looking good.  Hope things continue to grow well for you.  
Keep it green!!!!
Thanks Jeff!
What has made the season tough for others has helped us down here, such a rare year, cooler weather and rain!
PIC 1 said:
Man I'm amazed..........how you do it ? 
Thanks Greg!
One thing I have is a good schedule, getting home by 2:45 makes a world of difference. I'm fortunate that I was able to set my own schedule, the downside is getting up at 4:15..LOL
I can see from the plot photo's that you've taken great pride and dedication to get the most out of your garden. Your plants have such dense growth there's probably very little chance for sunscald pods.
I have a few that spilled over into full sun and they're having a hard time and some sun damage, but not much. I want more sunshade! ;)
Scott that's super-cool of you to send out care packs of superhots.......anybody that's received one should be very thankful.
Just trying to follow the lead set by people like yourself. I wouldn't have near the variety if I wasn't blessed with tons of SFRB's and seeds last year.
I hope you miss that 100 degree weather, or at least maybe the nights will settle down.
Monday and Tuesday are forecast at 98° and 99°, then back to 95's. It's actually very late this year, usually in late May this starts.
The Datil's are a good all around pepper with a unique taste. White Bhuts are tasty also...
I'm still working my way through the pepper tasting, I ate a Datil after lunch yesterday. It's a keeper as is the White Bhut, the wife can cook with both of them and eat the food ;)
Enjoy yoiur weekend and give the knee a break.....rest.
You too! I'm behaving regarding the knee, that's why my place looks like heck :shh:
meatfreak said:
Sorry to hear the knee acting up, Scott. Hope it gets better soon. The garden is really exploding now, what another great harvest. Those white bhut's do look tasty indeed and the chocolate Scorpion has a perfect shape. Great job and have a great weekend!
Thanks Stefan!
We're down to just peppers and a few Tomato plants. Us having plants do anything this time of year a rare deal. The peppers are the only plant that hangs in the heat that I know of.
Have a great weekend!
stickman said:
Holy @#&! Batman... your plants are really kickin' it! I see one or two that are looking kinda yellow, but it's hard to keep 'em all happy when you have as many planted as you do.
Thanks Rick! The last 4 weeks I've only watered, I may have hit them once with some nutes a month ago. I felt bad leaning on LB so much. AT least now I can do something other than sit ;) 
The lone Manzano pod looks ripe enough to eat now... are you gonna leave it on the plant awhile to try to get viable seeds for next year?
I'm going to have to eat that one, I'm sure I'll have seeds from fall pods. I will definitely OW the Manzano's
I was checking out Svetlana's glog, and I see she posted some great flower pics of her Tepin varieties. Hopefully that would help identify any you came across in your travels. http://thehotpepper.com/topic/46281-svetlanas-peppers-2014/page-2#entry1019820
I was following her glog earlier, glad she's back. Just super photos!
Have you ever tried adding Jersey Greensand to your garden as an amendment? I'd read that in addition to providing potassium to the soil it also binds sandy soils so they hold water better. I added some to my base dressing of nutes and was charmed with the results. Cheers!
I just read up on it. Amazing stuff! And one doesn't need much either. I wonder if I can find some around here? While in NY we went to a nursery that also fills propane bottles, they had all the good stuff I read about here. Maybe in the off season I can find a place...
Wow Scott I am loving those white Bhuts. Mine tasted great... delayed heat, floral and citrus, but they did not grow white. Just finished my first experimental sauce with 'em.
So far the tropical chinense flavors have been the most exciting over here. I tried another jigsaw and the heat is such a whallop, but the flavor is starting to get through. It's a fun heat too. You've got some real magic going on over there.
Hopefully your knee cooperates and you can get back in the swing of things too. Thanks again for the sampler... not a day has passed that I didn't get burned.