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Does anyone have a hobby?

Meh. Just wondered, when you refed the 49ers.

Someone in my office is from Oregon, I just found out today!

Which is where Oregano comes from, I am told...
Does drinking count?

I guess music is a hobby for me because we make almost no money at it....not in it for the money, really.
I twist wrenches on my old Z for fun..and sometimes not for fun. Recently, my wife and I got into keeping a salt water fish tank (...and that's a lot of work in itself!). Of course, growing peppers and making sauce, although I hope to be able to go pro with the latter one of these days. Beer is a fun hobby, too!
any pics of the tank DD? i was going to set one up a few years ago and decided it was too much work and money so then i needed something to put in my tank...thats when i got my first tarantula. :P
No pics of the tank, at the moment. It's an all-in-one (self contained) 26 gallon Eclipse tank. I just had to take my clown fish back to the fish store because he was stressed all to hell. Besides, not much going on in there... All that's left is a Yellow Tail Damsel and a Bi-Colored Blenny...who hides out on one of the rocks.

I have a Coral Beauty on hold......I can't wait to bring him home!

It's really not all that much work, but more so that a fresh water tank. Weekly water changes, water testing, watching the bio load on the tank...it can add up.
My hobby is boating, water skiing and sailing. We are on the water about 4-5 days a week in the summer. My wife and I race C-Scows on Wednesdays and Sundays with the local yacht club (technically it's a drinking club with a sailing problem) and the other days we are skiing or lounging in the MasterCraft. I did just start a new hobby of gardening. We will see how long that hobby lasts!
Hmmm...where to start....ok, how about anything involving Cars(except NASCAR), drinking(beer and gin), music, guitar playing, anything involving motorcycles(yes, Harleys and crotch rockets and dirt bikes) an occasional bar fight or two(they get tougher to bounce back from when you get older), knives, some guns(mostly pistols...i LOVE my Ruger P90), serious mountain biking, occasional stalking, self-loathing, and my all time favorite....i love to tape hamsters to my thighs and run naked through laundromats!
DevilDuck said:
Recently, my wife and I got into keeping a salt water fish tank (...and that's a lot of work in itself!).

I do fresh water tanks, and I use the plural because I maintain the two at work, too. I thought about salt water, but I like the simplicity of fresh water. I just like sitting and watching the fish, I don't want anything fancy or expensive. Although I did get my hands on some Glo-fish awhile back, and they were fun.
Were fun Pam ????

Sadly, yes. And I'm still bummed about it.

We have a pretty deluxe water filtration system here at work, but when it was serviced a few months back, they sorta forgot put the filter back or something. Anyway, I did the monthly water swap, and we discovered that no, it was *not* removing the chlorine from the water the hard way.
Pam... Use Ro/Di water, or get a few gallon jugs of filtered drinking water at the store. It's a reverse osmosis filtration process used on the water to get rid of things like chlorine, and it keeps the bad algae to a minimum.
DevilDuck said:
Pam... Use Ro/Di water, or get a few gallon jugs of filtered drinking water at the store. It's a reverse osmosis filtration process used on the water to get rid of things like chlorine, and it keeps the bad algae to a minimum.

Well, when the service technicians, the guys who are supposed to be the experts, actually put the filter in the unit instead of beside it, it worked beautifully. No chlorine or other nasties in our water. I even have a distilled water tap here in the lab, it's just that the other water was always safe.

I do let it set over night now, just in case...
Ok, here's my list: Fencing, sword fighting, nun-chuks, gun handling/ marksmanship, western style gun spinning, magic, golf, hacky sack, impressions, pinball, airhockey, fooseball, street hockey, rollerblade, horseback riding, lock smithing, photo manipulation, comic book collecting, guitar, bass guitar, drums, hamonica, hordiculture, OBE and lucid dreaming field research, esoteric research, poetry, writing (scripts, reviews), professional drunkard, distiller....umm....that's all I can think of right now.
ooooh, fencing. Wanna try that.

"lucid dreaming field research". Translation: Getting stoned off your tits and seeing what fancy dreams you have?
Shooty* said:
ooooh, fencing. Wanna try that.
It can be tough. I self taught, uh, myself about 6 years ago and it payed off. It got me some work in The Girl Next Door.

Shooty* said:
"lucid dreaming field research". Translation: Getting stoned off your tits and seeing what fancy dreams you have?
Sometimes it involves that. It's the ability to be awake during your dreams and controlling them.
imaguitargod said:
Sometimes it involves that. It's the ability to be awake during your dreams and controlling them.

sounds interesting. i've had a number of dreams i was able to control or influence while they were happening..but sometimes things don't always work out as i had initially intended. :D a handful of times, it seems i can control some of what happens..then other things happen (i guess influences from things that really did happen, or that i saw/heard about.)