• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Four-Pepper False Start Glog

While I'm (successfully) growing plenty of herbs at the moment, the important stuff is obviously the peppers... and, since I'm pretty sure I baked the first set of seeds I attempted to germinate due to underestimating the power of my seedling heat mat after moving it into the grow tent, we're calling that a swing and a miss and moving on with Batch #2.
Tomorrow night they'll get the coffee-filter-in-a-baggie treatment and a hopefully-more-comfortable place in a lovely fluffy towel on the mat.
CDNmatt said:
Of course I am no pepper expert here but I would kind of assume the same as you that perhaps the light intensity may be abit much, though countless articles I have read will say its from the heat but I have gone through many reads that contradict that claim as well.
I spose the only way to know for sure is to rig it higher which of course you cannot do without taking it out of your tent or to buy another light which totally sucks.
Is there any way to have them all on the bottom of the tent at all??
Heat seems likely to be a problem here, too. It's already in the high 80's in the tent (and in the room, which is a separate problem), and when summer hits it'll absolutely get worse. Buying another light, honestly, would not be the end of the world. The one I have on the bottom was only about $60.
This is current. No way I'd be able to get everything on one layer; a lot of what's in the bottom now needs potting up.

CaneDog said:
iFish, what does the discoloration look like?  How full of roots are those bags getting on the bigger plants?  Do they still have any "squeeze" to them? 
I tend to agree with Matt that light intensity can be an issue without excessive heat reaching the plants and without it being obvious or showing what might be considered typical signs.  I run an HLG100 (119w from the wall) in one space (my only LED) and I'd be nervous getting it any closer than where you have your big light (going by memory of your space here) as I've had it scorch foliage from a surprising distance.
I went to get a picture of the discoloration, but the leaves that had it dropped yesterday and I didn't realize it (and I don't really know what it looked like since I only saw it under the grow lamp). The bags have some give, yeah. Because the plants are already crowding each other, I'm planning to downsize the ones that are staying inside to one-gallon bags.
I'm also getting more damn bugs, so when I switch bag sizes, I'm planning on thoroughly washing and dunking everything that's going back into the tent, and going back to a coir/perlite mix. If I lose a few, so be it, but hopefully this will limit everything to a manageable size and maybe get rid of an infestation or two.
PaulG said:
Hey, 'Fish, how are the cuttings/rootings
in the orange test tube racks doing?
Your grow is looking good.
On the bottom rack above, you can kind of see the last batch that got moved into pots. Those were in the tubes a bit too long and got unhappy, but they're recovering.
The current tubage is looking great, though.
PaulG said:
Really nice root systems on those cuttings

Good luck getting your re-potting underway.
Sounds like a lot of work, good thing you dont
have hundreds of plants to contend with!
Ha, thanks. Yeah, I love how easily mint and basil root.
Hundreds of plants... yeah... it's probably a good thing I don't have room for that many or who knows how bad I'd have gotten by now.
internationalfish said:
Heat seems likely to be a problem here, too. It's already in the high 80's in the tent (and in the room, which is a separate problem), and when summer hits it'll absolutely get worse. Buying another light, honestly, would not be the end of the world. The one I have on the bottom was only about $60.
This is current. No way I'd be able to get everything on one layer; a lot of what's in the bottom now needs potting up.

Hmmm yeah I see...Like the big light you got essentially is to be used to cover a bigger foot print right....like that light basically can do the entire tent by its self and most likely be at least 24'' or higher from the plants one would think.
If you feel it is not nutrient issues or something along that lines then you might have no choice but to get urself a lesser light, esp since space is an issue for you and cant really move stuff around to make room.
I ordered a second 300W light. If the intensity ends up not being the problem, I'll need another light before long anyway for the second tent, when I get that going. My wife wants the strong one to go in the carport for the plants we keep there; I somehow don't think that's going to last long if it actually gets put up out there. 

On a better note...

At least someone's pulling their weight.
A while ago I topped my fish pepper and used the leftovers as a cutting. Didn't figure it'd work well, so I wasn't too careful... and I was drunk, so I kind of just guessed, and dropped some rooting powder into the water with it. Not really how you're supposed to do that, turns out.

It's not doing great now, if you look at the leaves.


Thing is... that rooting compound overdose have it Hulk/Swamp Thing roots.


I assume if it survives for a while and gets potted it'll probably join the Avengers at some point.
Robot Mode said:
You grow is looking great and love the mutant touch on the roots.
Haha, thanks. I swapped out my stronger light up top for the same power I have on the bottom; hopefully this helps the long-suffering big kids.
Now I just have to wait for the smaller bags, go back to soilless medium, and hopefully things will be stable and more long-term manageable.
internationalfish said:
Haha, thanks. I swapped out my stronger light up top for the same power I have on the bottom; hopefully this helps the long-suffering big kids.
Now I just have to wait for the smaller bags, go back to soilless medium, and hopefully things will be stable and more long-term manageable.
You are moving from 3 gallon to 2 gallon bags right? Is it just because of space issues?
Robot Mode said:
You are moving from 3 gallon to 2 gallon bags right? Is it just because of space issues?
Did that a while ago; I'm moving from 2 gallon to 1 gallon now. As it is, the plants are getting too big to keep enough of them in the tent at once, and only one type is even setting fruit.

Hoping that cutting them back, trimming the roots, and going back to soilless media will get me some consistency and keep the plants to a size that's manageable in the tent.