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Getting Fit!

I did it for more like 21 days. I say 4 cuz thats about the minimum to get the shrinkage effect. From the outside easy to see it happened. From the inside its like getting your stomach stapled. You cant even eat giant meals anymore.
I think all the nutrients and stuff are necessary. I guess in reality, those first 2 days I ate a lot of bananas to stave off the hunger. Then I started tapering off naturally.
I also made the juice into meals. I didnt sip them. I drank two a day as fast as I could. They were about 16fl oz to start but when I do it now theyre two 32 fl oz. And theres no problem getting them down.

Those first two days though. Ugh. The hardest.
I did a juice fast before, it made me feel like shit both during the fast and after the fast for a day or two.  I can't really "afford" to do a juice fast anymore, not money wise, but calorie wise.  I need to take in around 4000 calories on some days of the week to fuel myself....  Maybe I'll give it a second chance one day when I'm not in training mode. 
Not everyday but at least twice a week. Morning tai chi and qi gong, hour on the bike, hour in class, 30 min strength/conditioning class, multiple walks with the dogs. Starting mid month there will be fight days too.
Past 2 days was the tipping point a few times between feels like shit and awesome for me. Like the night between day 2 and 3 cuz I woke up day 3 feeling better. Day 4 I woke up feeling awesome. You wont even get into ketosis for at least 3 days iirc.
 It's all individual though. I didnt follow any regimen but my own and it seemed to work out nicely. You probably come from a healthier starting point than most of us so maybe itll take longer. Or maybe you just followed something that didnt agree with your chemistry.
I went in looking at it like I'm going to get as many nutrients as possible in a more assimilable form as possible and if I have to eat it will be fruit or veggies. For the most part I stuck to that.
Now I have a mental block about doing it again for longer though. :cry:
Once the fat starts burning you have all kinds of energy. Prolly enough for at least a few 4k days lol
Heckle said:
1lb fat = 3500 calories of energy excuse makers-including me... :P
I'm not trying to burn fat or lose weight really at this time and many of the the other benefits said to come of fasting I'm not concerned with at this time.  After the juice fast experience I'd need a good reason to try it again.
What's up Mr. And Mrs. Sic. Haven't been here in a bit. I have been working so hard at work, that Ive been fatigue for the past weeks. My body need a break. I've built some muscle but haven't lost any weight. I'm shooting for extra sleep this weekend. That amounts to 1/2hr to 1hr sleeping in. I'm not much of a sleeper. It doesn't matter what time I stay up to, I still wake up at the same time in the morning. Congrats you to for the accomplishments. You to are still inspiring, so don't let this thread die yet. If anything it's kinda like a flog (fitness log) for use all. I'll try to be on more when I have some actual accomplishments.

Grammer? What's that?

Have a awesome day y'all and keep it up.

Thanks again

Hey OCD...thanks for the words of encouragement!
Sleep?  What's that?  
I know what you mean about fighting fatigue to get in an appropriate workout.  It is tough to find time too!  I do find that excercizing helps fight the fatigue though.  I managed to put in 30.2 miles in 2:12 hrs on the bike yesterday after work.  I feel better for it today!!!
It is funny how it works!  I can be calorie deficient for days, and I will have gained some weight after a workout.....oh well...muscle weighs more than fat, so as long as the inches melt off, we are good to go!
keep your chin up Mr. Sic.....you are awesome for trying to inspire people!  I love you! 

Have a great day all!
I woke up so sore this morning. Last night's workout killed me. Anyone posting here ever gotten into yoga? I like to do yoga on my off days, especially when my muscles are tight like today. I may even do 2 rounds throught the day just to keep everything elongated. Also, if y'all havent looked into foam rollers, they can be great for recovery if you use them correctly!
Mr. and Mrs. Sic rock!

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Rawkstah said:
I woke up so sore this morning. Last night's workout killed me. Anyone posting here ever gotten into yoga? I like to do yoga on my off days, especially when my muscles are tight like today. I may even do 2 rounds throught the day just to keep everything elongated. Also, if y'all havent looked into foam rollers, they can be great for recovery if you use them correctly!
I haven't done yoga before. I have bad knees and shoulders. I didn't know if it would do me more harm than good.

What are these foam rollers you speak of? Sounds cool.
We have talked about yoga. I love to stretch but could really use some direction.  @OCD I know for a fact that stretching has never hurt anything,thats a promise :high:
I love that pic by the way,I may have to use it.
 Oh,we in like flynn with the yoga. I will report back when we start. Maybe Rawk should start a video class for us? :P
I've done a little yoga. Once or twice using a video.
Once or twice before that I did a specific pose that was supposed to help with something specific and it worked somewhat.
-11.6 lbs @ 15d ...
i'm going to drink a lot of beer today, probably, but i'll offset that by only eating two or three 225 cal snacks (50 cal oat+flax pita thang w/ two slices of muenster, and hs) and no entrée-type meals.
my dr asked me to increase my activity during the day, and to take breaks from sitting while working each hour and walk around, and i've done that ...
oddly enough, brewing beer is exhausting ... it's hot, and shit's heavy, and just pacing around for 8 hrs burns a lot more calories than sitting on my ass ...
probably more importantly, actually, is that it consumes a friday or saturday for 8 hrs that i would otherwise have been mildly obsessing over what i was having for dinner, or just plain eating ...
i leveraged fresh fish filet this week, a pound each time ...
both times i had it straight up, without a significant carb during those meals ...
for me, the key is to eat protein with soup/salad/veggies ... and the icing is to manage to enjoy said protein without cheese or dairy ... which is where piquancy and bbq come in ...
too bad it's raining again, but maybe tomorrow we'll check out the bridge for the 1st time this year ...