contest Growdown Throwdown 2015 !!!!

These were taken a few days ago...


Chugging right along...
     This guy may be small, but he's scrappy. If he's looking stressed, it's because he is. He's gonna have to prove to me how much space in one of me beds he deserves. I gotta be careful, though. A couple more days above 70 and I think he might bust through the window and claim one of them.

     His friend is going to live in a 15 gallon container.

This is pretty much my line of thinking with the stress...
Finally in the upper 50s again Took all the babies out for a little sun, Got to windy and had to bring them in after an hour or two

Debating on where they going to go. I Got this half barrel around Edit: 55gal

Or maybe back corner of the raised beds. Tilled down about 18" Was where I had the maters last year in that back bed.

These pots will probably end up being goats weed if it keeps going straight up like it is

She's a little over 6" now. Going to be a biggun me thinks. 