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Guru's 2013

It begins with a tray...

Wow low 80's for nightime temps? I guess I better bump my heater up and try to get the temps up a bit. I've been keeping it mid 50's with my heater but they have been growing really slowly. my daytime temps are mid 80s to low 90's but nightime temps drop to 40-45 degrees !

Good info yet again! Gracias!
Pepper-Guru said:
What you got growing Gnome? 

Mostly heirloom and artisanal tomatoes (18 different varieties) but I have 20 Jimmy Nardellos, a tabasco, a cayenne and a Caribbean Red Hab.  I plan on overwintering my peppers as I had sucess with overwintering Jimmy Nardellos in an unheated "greenhouse". I grew Padron last year and they went to 6'!!!
Low temps in the 80's???  :hot:
Hey Guru,

How is that 1.092 brew going? What was your FG? If/when you sell pods from your Fatali tree, I would definitely get some for a hot pepper beer. Cheers!
Jobu said:
If/when you sell pods from your Fatali tree
Unfortunately PG has allowed the magnificent Fatali tree to go to the great beyond.
We all here on THPF greived long and hard from her demise...
Raised our brews in a toast to her wonder!
We now look forward to the children she has left us (via PG's regrowth), and will marvel at the magic PG has with plants.
She was a big mother and a fruitful lady, so, lets drool over the next generation and see what becomes!
your plants look amazing!(big surprise :party: )
I just started making my own stanky fish juice, how often do you apply it? Thanks for putting up tips on the coon matting too... I have to keep it brewing in a 5 gallon bucket with the lid almost totally closed, inside a trash can, with concrete blocks all around it, and the lid wired on. So far i've had all the neighborhood cats visiting my yard, coons, a skunk, and foxes... they try to dig up everything I put it on.
I know that muggy feeling man. Near constant swamp ass outisde in Virginia. Luckily some nights are still dropping low enough to keep the house cool during the day if I open her up.

As for a chicken coop, I have no building experience. I had a shed built and assembled a fence around the door for my guineas. They've been stuck fenced in on an off thanks to fox mothers hunting for their kits. Lost 4 in one day. But managed to hatch another 20 and got too many eggs anyways, so c'est la vie.
I brew some Guru Juice last summer, worked like a charm. I overwintered my black jalapeño that I hit it with, and it's going strong. And that's the only thing other than water I've ever given it. One dose, and a year later, still putting out dark green leaves and tons of flowers!
scratchzilla said:
I brew some Guru Juice last summer, worked like a charm. I overwintered my black jalapeño that I hit it with, and it's going strong. And that's the only thing other than water I've ever given it. One dose, and a year later, still putting out dark green leaves and tons of flowers!
Yep. Thats the plan!
GnomeGrown said:
:eh: GoldBond Medicated Powder
Peptacular said:
I know that muggy feeling man. Near constant swamp ass outisde in Virginia. Luckily some nights are still dropping low enough to keep the house cool during the day if I open her up.

As for a chicken coop, I have no building experience. I had a shed built and assembled a fence around the door for my guineas. They've been stuck fenced in on an off thanks to fox mothers hunting for their kits. Lost 4 in one day. But managed to hatch another 20 and got too many eggs anyways, so c'est la vie.
You eat those? Are they good? Eggs? I think Im really gonna like having my own livestock. Its a new step for myself and my family in regards to self sustainability and getting back to nature. Here's the coop before I put on the siding and frame up the doors. Then its on to the runner yard.

I'll let them free range as much as possible while still attempting to protect them. I think Im going with some mixed breeds from small, local farms, and then some other rare breeds. Try and keep the gene pool diverse and adaptable.
Yumyumyellow said:
your plants look amazing!(big surprise :party: )
I just started making my own stanky fish juice, how often do you apply it? Thanks for putting up tips on the coon matting too... I have to keep it brewing in a 5 gallon bucket with the lid almost totally closed, inside a trash can, with concrete blocks all around it, and the lid wired on. So far i've had all the neighborhood cats visiting my yard, coons, a skunk, and foxes... they try to dig up everything I put it on.
About once a season. Its some smelly stuff, but its worth it. If you start with a good soil to begin with, then "fertilizing" starts to sound silly. :)
allaKAZAAM said:
Unfortunately PG has allowed the magnificent Fatali tree to go to the great beyond.
We all here on THPF greived long and hard from her demise...
Raised our brews in a toast to her wonder!
We now look forward to the children she has left us (via PG's regrowth), and will marvel at the magic PG has with plants.
She was a big mother and a fruitful lady, so, lets drool over the next generation and see what becomes!
She will be missed. But her genetics live on. This year's off-spring look just like their mom.
Jobu said:
Hey Guru,

How is that 1.092 brew going? What was your FG? If/when you sell pods from your Fatali tree, I would definitely get some for a hot pepper beer. Cheers!
Pods are all yours man. Like I said, Im going to have way more than I need. Just drop me a line at the end of the season. Brew is going great. She's still doing her thing. haven't touched her yet. Only smelled the aroma coming from the airlock and wow....its gonna be good :) Great color too!

coheed196 said:
I'm right there with ya Guru. My driveway is probably around 35 yards long and I'll look like I just ran a marathon by the time I walk to the mailbox.
When they say "its the humidity", it sounds dumb...but man, it really is.
holyhotpeppers said:
Highs here in FL 93 with 500% humidity! Peppers seem to like in though. How often do you water during the summer heat?
I haven't waterd once yet. Garden either. :)
GnomeGrown said:
Mostly heirloom and artisanal tomatoes (18 different varieties) but I have 20 Jimmy Nardellos, a tabasco, a cayenne and a Caribbean Red Hab.  I plan on overwintering my peppers as I had sucess with overwintering Jimmy Nardellos in an unheated "greenhouse". I grew Padron last year and they went to 6'!!!
Low temps in the 80's???  :hot:
Yes sir. Very hot. We've been given a break for the past few days now. Night temps back in the 70's. T storms everyday though. Pretty weird.
Just looked at this from start to finish looking good, I tried to make some fish nuts and thought as it just ended up smelling like sewer water it wasn't any good.. LOL, I will have to make a new batch after reading this..   
Mr. Hill said:
Just looked at this from start to finish looking good, I tried to make some fish nuts and thought as it just ended up smelling like sewer water it wasn't any good.. LOL, I will have to make a new batch after reading this..   
That's about what mine smells like when I finally use it. LOL! 
Took some shots, for you guys, of the different pods that are forming. Keep in mind this is my first time growing most of these varieties so I can't tell if they are off at all from what they are supposed to be. Also these are very early pods so some may not even be up for determination just yet. If you gave seeds for this grow and notice anything about the varieties or pictures I post, just let me know. 
Aji Crystal

The Help


Not Black Naga

7 Pot Congo

7 Pot Primo

Original Trinidad Scorpion (isolated seed from 8year Mother)

Indian Carbon Bhut

Giant Chocolate Twist Hab

7 Pot Yellow

I have a couple more shots when this get bumped. One of them is really cool