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Help Identifying Pepper

Awwwww, da wittle fishy took da baitz!

Here is his reply, he dodged my question about the possibility of crosses.

Douchebag- "These seeds are commercial hybrids so there shouldn't be any problem with cross pollination. They are not easy to come by so I only deal in small quantities :)"

He is not only an idiot but a LIAR!
And i just wrote him a nice follow up letter.

"Hello again, i haven't been 100% honest with you and for that i do not apoligise.
I am actually a hobby grower that likes to spend time talking to other people that love chillis, you sir are obviously not one of these people! I know for a fact that you ARE aware of issues related to CROSS POLLINATION with these seeds and i request that you remove your ad or face the wrath of the chilli gods.
How do i know i hear you say! I am a member of The Hot Pepper and one of the other members was kind enough to pass on some information in regards to seeds that he purchased from you last season and that were grown out this season. Does the name CARRIBEAN RED HAB mean anything to you?
You are the kind of person that gives seed sellers on ebay a bad name and in my opinion should be banned from trading on here.
Now, why did you feel the need to lie to me? If i were a serious grower i would have been more than happy with OP seeds but you found the need to say that they were COMMERCIAL HYBRIDS! I have grown 7-pods in the past and actually have lets say "a little bit of knowledge" on the topic of peppers and their cultivars. I HEREBY PRONOUNCE YOU A FAKE, PHONY, CONCOCTED, FALSE, FRAUD AND LETS THROW IN WANKER FOR FUN.

I will be advising ebay of your "business practices" hereforth and hope that aphids and hornworms eat your BOGUS peppers.
May your evening be clouded in controversy and coldness, you weak pathetic "human being".

Kind regards
Scott :)"

I love getting up people like this! :rofl:
That pisses me off that there are so many people out there scamming seeds. I got lucky when I got mine from asiasgarden off eBay. I remember looking around on Amazon when I first got the idea of growing superhots and almost went with Hirts. U just spend so much time and effort on these things that you can't get back.

We should all start finding a way to scam these scammers. Give them back a little of their own medicine somehow.
I will be advising ebay of your "business practices" hereforth and hope that aphids and hornworms eat your BOGUS peppers.
May your evening be clouded in controversy and coldness, you weak pathetic "human being".

Kind regards
Scott :)"
hilarious, kicking his butt :cheers:

also he has sold 181 of these...over the past 6 months. A few bad ratings will destroy his Ebay status.

BEWARE OF THIS SELLER! I'm about to go buy some more seeds so I can leave negative feedback. lol

And the picture is ripped from The Chili Pepper Company
:woohoo: Thanks for that info mate. I just wrote him this.

"I also just found out where you ripped your picture of ther peppers from too. http://www.chileseeds.co.uk/7_pod_7_pot_chili_pepper_seeds.htm
They will be contacted also, i wouldn't be surprised if you see a law suit out of this! WELL DONE!"
all the more reason why im honest right up front and not charging top dollar
i do not isolate and i tell people this, i will not make up GRAND DIOS sales pitches to sell anything

i wish that there was more that could be done to put a stop to these hucksters, they really do give seed sellers a bad name and make it hard for even the most sincere

i hope that more will do there homework first before throwing money at anyone for something that may not be what you wanted

Hahahaha, he ripped it from Geralds site. Just realised who owned it.
I still told him about it though. :lol:
Seems he just added this to his Bhut and 7 pot ebay postings

"I work very hard to please my customers. If you leave undeserved negative feedback, file a claim for a missing or lost item, without contacting me first you will be blocked from purchasing from me."

In all likely hood he is being dupped himself, and is just relying on what his suppliers tell him
From everything he is selling it is clear he has no first hand knowledge of the products.

Anyway check out his Bhut posting :rofl:


claiming 95% germ.

"Packaged 2010 for resale

Germination tested 95% or better.

I won't sell anything less."
And i just wrote him a nice follow up letter.

"Hello again, i haven't been 100% honest with you and for that i do not apoligise.
I am actually a hobby grower that likes to spend time talking to other people that love chillis, you sir are obviously not one of these people! I know for a fact that you ARE aware of issues related to CROSS POLLINATION with these seeds and i request that you remove your ad or face the wrath of the chilli gods.
How do i know i hear you say! I am a member of The Hot Pepper and one of the other members was kind enough to pass on some information in regards to seeds that he purchased from you last season and that were grown out this season. Does the name CARRIBEAN RED HAB mean anything to you?
You are the kind of person that gives seed sellers on ebay a bad name and in my opinion should be banned from trading on here.
Now, why did you feel the need to lie to me? If i were a serious grower i would have been more than happy with OP seeds but you found the need to say that they were COMMERCIAL HYBRIDS! I have grown 7-pods in the past and actually have lets say "a little bit of knowledge" on the topic of peppers and their cultivars. I HEREBY PRONOUNCE YOU A FAKE, PHONY, CONCOCTED, FALSE, FRAUD AND LETS THROW IN WANKER FOR FUN.

I will be advising ebay of your "business practices" hereforth and hope that aphids and hornworms eat your BOGUS peppers.
May your evening be clouded in controversy and coldness, you weak pathetic "human being".

Kind regards
Scott :)"

I love getting up people like this! :rofl:

Nice!! He never did respond back to me. I guess he figured I would not be sympathetic to his so called kind remarks. I plan on filing a complaint as well with eBay. I bought some more seeds from him thinking I could leave negative feedback, but I kind of wish I hadn't now since I will be filing a complaint. The thing that really pisses me off is that I had to wait 6 months to find out that the seeds were a fraud.
But wait, THERES MORE!

These are his two last letter that he wrote me.

1.Those seeds were sold to me by a wholesaler I have used in the past and you are the only one who has told me there is any kind of problem with them. He also provided me with the picture. If you want a refund I don't see why you feel the reason to continue to be so rude. Its not as if you are the only one who got ripped of

2.Truthfully I should probably be thanking you, that Chili Seeds Company sells wholesale. Its just very upsetting to know I received bogus seeds and sold them unknowingly. I had the same problem with Sensitive plant seeds earlier in the year and it really upsets me when someone I trust disappoints me. You know what's interesting is I had a nightmare and woke up at 3 am to find your email. This makes me feel worse than the nightmare. As far as bugs and aphids, your not going to have to worry about that, this heat is destroying my crops this year.

I like the part where he says "It's not like you are the only one who got ripped off". Nice type!!
Ok, so he finally messaged me back

"I wish you would take your money back. Those seeds were sold to me as Trinidad 7 pod. I would not have sold them if I knew they were not what I was selling them as."

My response back:

"I understand your concern, however selling someone else's seeds w/o verifying they are real is quite risky and bad business practice. My advice to you would be to not sell merchandise that you are not certain of. No where in your ad does it say " I buy seeds from a wholesaler". In fact it does say that you are a master gardener. Well, if you are on fact a master gardener, how come you are not gardening? If this were an item that I bought and knew what it was wrong when I received it, this wouldn't be a problem. The fact that it took me 6 months to find out, makes me twice as upset. You ought to be ashamed of yourself, and you should not be doing business on eBay! Your ad is fake and you are fake! Please do us all a favor and withdraw from eBay for good!"
He has deactivated the listing http://cgi.ebay.com/Trinidad-7-Pod-Hot-Pepper-10-seeds-/250746361136?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3a61a5d530#ht_500wt_1127

BTW, I was reading through the feedback responses from this guy, and I came accross a user named "pepper-lover" who bought the same seeds. I wonder if it's the same Pepper Lover from here? It was a negative feedback response, and his comment was "Not 7 Pod at all" ...NICE!

I'm glad he took the ads off eBay. It does make me feel better that we took one more scammer off the market. I think we scared the bejesus out of him. lol
Look at this guy's yellow 7 pods. They do look cool but not much like a 7 pod. I also noticed that he calls the reds 7 pod and the yellows 7 pot :(
From my experience, anyone who brags about being a master gardener is just trying to get attention and sales. Look at me, I'm a master gardener so you should trust me and buy my products because I know better than others :lol:
so as i see it,
this seller claimed to be a master "gardner"

i guess you need to really be careful of get rich by ANY means thinking
i was careful after found THP to use only reliable seed vendors for my project

hope this guy woman tries to grow a few and gets a better understanding of OUR NEEDS for
truth in listing


edited for gender change operation
Luckily I have had nothing but GOOD luck buying seeds off EBay and all the seeds I sell on there are FROM MY OWN crops, not mass quantities bought and hacked up for profit.

What a joke, people like this royally piss me off. Best thing that can happen is more people complain, leave low star counts, which drives his seller fees from ebay up and eventually gets you banned.