• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

HillBilly Jeff's 2014 Adventure - Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!

HillBilly Jeff said:

Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.
Bodeen said:
Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.

Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.
So I notice a marigold cut off at the base and I naturally assume its a cutworm. I investigate to find this critter. Any idea what it is. Sort of looks like a termite to me, but I don't know why they'd be after my marigolds.

From what I see online its a termite.  Must of came in on the mulch used for the marigolds.  Marigolds are suppose to repel them lol.  I am thinking the termite might have just been there and something else got the marigold.
My hurrikan plant looks good except the very top of it is like wilted with leaf curl.  Hit is with some dawn soap with baking soda to see what shakes out.  What a year this is shaping up to be.
I have a feeling this is going to be a bad year for me.  Here are a couple pics of the Hurrikan.  There is no breakage, but it is like the top just wilted away.


All three Neyde crosses are looking like this.  Is there a nutrient that I am lacking, or is this a pest issue?  I usually don't have pest issues, so this is bugging me to the point of profanity lol.

Even my OW Bhut has a touch of it.

My brown moruga plants have it some what, and they are no where near the other peppers.
And of course, I have these critters hitting my tomatillo and ground cherry plants.  Hoping dawn kills them easily.

And ideas?
I would like that but not....
Nutes? Maybe to much?
Don't know what the bugs are, we sure don't have them here. Hope they go easily.
One thing I have noticed, each year the bugs seem to get worse. I feel we create a perfect environment for them. In my case the corn worms and grasshoppers. Kind of a build it and they will come scenario.
Devv said:
I would like that but not....
Nutes? Maybe to much?
Don't know what the bugs are, we sure don't have them here. Hope they go easily.
One thing I have noticed, each year the bugs seem to get worse. I feel we create a perfect environment for them. In my case the corn worms and grasshoppers. Kind of a build it and they will come scenario.
I don't think it is too much nutes as very little was added and it is in multiple locations.  Got a little yellowing going on, but I think those few days in the upper 40s low 50s could have caused that.
Going to take on bugs first, then go from there.
Bugs. I normally wouldn't recomend this since it will kill any bennies, but you might not have much choice with the tomatillos. Lots of bugs there.

This shit kills everything but mites.
On the topic of the moruga, looks similar to my reaper photo from a couple of weeks ago. Don't really know the cause, although I have a ton of theories and guesses, but it seems that my plant is growing out of it.
A couple things to think about: Spray for mites. Could be mites. Could be nutrient related too. what has been your fertilizing schedule?
Hurrikan looks like root damage. IDK about the cause, but wilting tops for no reason usually means something isn't right with the roots.
I agree, never hurts to check for mites. I treat them with wettable sulfur.
And the other side of the coin can be just let them be. I think it was PaulG who said (something to this effect) "sometimes they do really well despite my best intentions."
Do any of your neighbors have weeds that grew real big and died lately??? Surrounded by farm fields??
This looks like the same stuff I got hit with after the farmers started spraying nearby corn fields this year...
my plants recovered with ....
A) Root stimulant on the worst affected ones
B) prune the abnormal growth until the plant starts growing normal again
The telltale sign is the squiggly middle leaf vein... if this is an auxin stimulant from weed spray on the wind, next step that happens is you'll have nodes explode with new growth, sending out massive amounts of foilage and buds that the root system can't possibly hope to support. That causes wilting and death.
Only way to save them from that is to prune them back until the plant regains normal growth.
Root stimulant really helped as a countermeasure on this, it put the auxin transport somewhat back in balance and helped level the plants out. Took 3-4 weeks for mine to fully recover.
Dayum, I don't know what I'd do. 
Maybe Neem  on those visible critters and hand-picking.
I had some leaf curl almost like that and they've pulled out of it mostly without help.
The wilted top, I agree, probably starts at the root. An herbicide would be my worst fear, but it could be a cutworm on the roots unless a bunch are doing it simultaneously.
The rest of the one plant is doing well, so perhaps just some root damage.
I am in farming country, and my farm was just sprayed, but it doesn't seem to have any effect on the annuums at all.  
I did find an aphid while looking at leaves, but just the one and this was after they were all hit with dish soap.  Will hit them again tomorrow after these storms pass.
A little discouraged at this point with the peppers.  Too much work is hurting them I know.  Planning a massive scale back on the grow next season as far has supers go.  All going to depend on how the ones I am growing this year turn out and how I like them.
I'm in the same boat with the supers. There is just no way to use all of them, I still have tons of powder and hot sauce from last year, as well as peppers in the freezer. But I had all of those seeds sent and the ones I harvested from pods. I just had to work through them all to sample them.
Jamie and Rick and a few others sent me some really nice milder pepper seeds. So far my wife likes these peppers, and that's important to me. She won't go near the supers.
I'm looking at my yellow butch or TS whichever it is, the burgundy, peach bhut, and the rest habanero type and below.  Will have to see how the other yellows and chocolates do and how well I like them.  But there are so many flavors of habanero peppers, that list can be a large one.
I think most of us are in the same boat as far as Supers go. I'm partial to the red ghost, so I will likely always grow some of those, and I like the reaper too. Beyond that, it might be habs and below for me too next year. Not because I'm discouraged, just because I can't consume them all and they take up freezer space.
Yikes! That's the pits HJeff. If watering doesn't lead to a bounchback, I'd amputate the wilted parts of that pepper with clean shears or fingernails so that the roots can keep up with the foliage. At first glance it does all look very similar to the pics Trent posted of te herbicide damage, and I believe you guys are both located in corn country? Root stimulants may help.

My guess is that the plants are weakened from a root or growth issue, and bugs are taking advantage. I wouldn't go too crazy with the pesticides. Dawn/garlic/capsaicin spray on the bugs themselves, and a good spray with the hose
To dislodge the intruders should help get their numbers down.
Plants are starting to make a turn around.  Now it is nothing but wet weather.
Tomatoes are growing like gang busters right now.  I can't believe a month ago I planted these puny lanky thin stems in the ground and they are massive bushes right now.
Not sure if farm spray got them as it isn't affecting the annuums at all.  Time will tell.
Raspberries are going crazy here...I am picking every day after work.  Tasty little treats in winter time.

And yes, onion and yellow scorpion omelets for supper.



This is from Friday

Thinning onions

A little small, but I needed a taste.

Chocolate TS is getting ripe.  So are some pods on a mystery pepper.
Hoping my Habanero peppers can make me some pods...such a variety of flavors in this group.  It might expand next season.  I really love em.
Bought some pvc for making some hoop houses on the raised beds.  Should let the habs get an extra week or two.  Hopefully by then I will be tired of processing peppers.
Cipolini onions are doing well.  All onions are kicking it in this weather.  Kale and chard are being eaten all the time and I can't keep up with it.  Spinach bolted and lettuce didn't do well at all....bitter.  Going to cover the kale to see if I can get a better winter over.  Pickles are starting to climb on the new front pickle fence.  Back pickle fence has snow peas getting ready and one section was planted to Ky wonder and they are to the top of the fence already.  Green beans are setting on and it won't be long before corn picking time.
Whew....Always something keeping me busy, but gardeners always eat better!!!
So do Anglers