• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

HillBilly Jeff's 2014 Adventure - Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!

HillBilly Jeff said:

Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.
Bodeen said:
Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.

Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.
maximumcapsicum said:
Great update HJeff. Berries are now on my "when i own property" garden list. I really dig the produce you go through.
Nice fish too!
What are the plans for the habs?
Planning on as many varieties as possible for them next season.  The normal red and whites never really did a whole lot for me and the reds were small.  Trying the JA Reds this year.  Saint Bart and BMJ were winners last season in a sample Anne sent me.  Mustard habanero has a unique burn that I like.  Yellow and peach have heat, but no bad taste that you can sometimes find.  I will continue to grow the paper lanterns as they just look great when hanging with a full load of pods.  Hoping to have some peppers to trade and get a big sun to try and perhaps some others.  Will have to see how well I like the DT colors before I know if I want to run with them too.  Looking forward to tasting a west indie again too.
My wish list (that might get narrowed down) is:
Big sun
Probably a lot more out there, but will have to see where I am at come seed starting time.
They are kicking out the raspberries.  Birds don't seem to bother them.  Perhaps because they're wild?  I gotta get em while I can, so that means other things go on auto pilot until I these are done.
Jeff,  If you like jam, those raspberries with hot peppers can make a great jam.  We get lots of blackberries aorunf here, so last fall, I made a Black Congo/Blackberry jam that is super.   Got the congos from Judy.   It has become on of my personal favorites for a morning treat with my coffee.  Start your day with some heat!
Great to see people harvesting already as we have a few more months before we will see much around here, except for basil, lettuse, etc and a few fresnos.
I don't make the raspberries into anything other than raspberry delight.  I love em too much as they are to use them into jams and jellies.  I have so many wild black berries, and I really don't care for them plain too much, I use them for such dishes.  Elderberries grow wild here as well and makes a killer jelly.  People used to eating store bought think mine is too strong as I don't water it down.  Intense flavor.
I think I have peaked.

Peas are podding up for me, beans won't be long.  I noticed a lot of white bhut pods hanging.  A mystery is getting ripe.  Squash is setting on.  Things are really taking off.  I gotta get some more pics taken so I can do a proper update.
Thanks for stopping by.
Some pod porn
Fatalii Cream...looks like a hab???

Fatalii Jigsaw

Mystery that I could have swore was going to be either a burgundy or a Scorpion

TS Choc....no stinger :(

TS Peach

White Bhut

And finally, the first MOA
HillBilly Jeff said:
The rest of the one plant is doing well, so perhaps just some root damage.
I am in farming country, and my farm was just sprayed, but it doesn't seem to have any effect on the annuums at all.  .
On the herbicide thing, my annuums were totally unaffected by it. It only hurt the chinense.