• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

HillBilly Jeff's 2014 Adventure - Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!

HillBilly Jeff said:

Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.
Bodeen said:
Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.

Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.
Someone sent me a pod...they were salmon colored if I remember correctly.  I saved the seed off of that pod and grew this out.  Guess it didn't come out true.
Picking every other day.
Tasted my first Jigsaw pepper.  It looked a little intimidating, so I just took a piece.  It didn't hit me until I swallowed and then it started in the throat and filled my mouth with heat.  I didn't remember that it was crossed with a moruga to try to be the hottest in the world, might not of tried it then lol.  Going to have another bite of it tonight.
It has some warmth.


KiNGDeNNiZ said:
Plants look great.. as others have mentioned give the moas time.mm I love you daily berry harvest. How many do you have ..plants I mean
I don't know how many raspberry plants I have, they are growing wild on the farm here.  The best part is the best two patches are right by my hobby shop, so I can just go pick right after work without having to walk very far.  One patch is just about 30 feet from my raised beds.
Love the Jigsaw. Great taste. On my 2015 grow list for sure. Had to laugh at. "I didn't remember that it was crossed with a moruga to try to be the hottest in the world, might not of tried it then lol. Going to have another bite of it tonight." Sounds like me. What's that John Mellencamp says? "Hurts so good". LOL

Have a great day Jeff. Thanks for sharing.

You guys aren't kidding about the mosquitos. Been so wet this year I get eaten alive when I'm picking, even if it's high noon. Never seen anything like that where I live.
Everything is just... "odd" this year.
TrentL said:
You guys aren't kidding about the mosquitos. Been so wet this year I get eaten alive when I'm picking, even if it's high noon. Never seen anything like that where I live.
Everything is just... "odd" this year.
Odd and off their game kind of year for me here.  Peppers aren't doing right at all.  The ones in the beds are doing better than the garden, but it seems things are lagging behind.  
I'm getting those bigger mosquitoes here as well as the smaller normal looking ones.  Like they're on steroids or something!!!
HillBilly Jeff said:
52 degrees this morning.  This has got to be one of the colder July months I have ever seen.  
Damn, Jeff: y'all traded summers with us from last year. Feel for ya! Wet, cold, weird. No tomato harvest to speak of. Bugs never seen before. Pigweed carried in on wind. Crappie fishing or any fishing day or night needed DOD Deet. Skeeters that cast shadows on water, had on Red Cross armbands. (Rain.)
On the upside, around August it'll probably settle out, get hot, dry, and you'll have more than you can handle. LOVE RASPBERRIES! :party: And Jigsaw is definitely on my 2015. Your Burg 7 step-child is a tall, bushy youngin with gigantic pods. (Man, what'd ya do to that seed?! ;) ) I was scared about MoAs back before broke few bones in foot around 1st June. Not exactly cleared to by docs, but heck with it, recently checked them out; now they look right. As Scott said, they just do that "fooled ya" dance. Have a great weekend, hon!
annie57 said:
Damn, Jeff: y'all traded summers with us from last year. Feel for ya! Wet, cold, weird. No tomato harvest to speak of. Bugs never seen before. Pigweed carried in on wind. Crappie fishing or any fishing day or night needed DOD Deet. Skeeters that cast shadows on water, had on Red Cross armbands. (Rain.)
On the upside, around August it'll probably settle out, get hot, dry, and you'll have more than you can handle. LOVE RASPBERRIES! :party: And Jigsaw is definitely on my 2015. Your Burg 7 step-child is a tall, bushy youngin with gigantic pods. (Man, what'd ya do to that seed?! ;) ) I was scared about MoAs back before broke few bones in foot around 1st June. Not exactly cleared to by docs, but heck with it, recently checked them out; now they look right. As Scott said, they just do that "fooled ya" dance. Have a great weekend, hon!
annie57 said:
Damn, Jeff: y'all traded summers with us from last year. Feel for ya! Wet, cold, weird. No tomato harvest to speak of. Bugs never seen before. Pigweed carried in on wind. Crappie fishing or any fishing day or night needed DOD Deet. Skeeters that cast shadows on water, had on Red Cross armbands. (Rain.)
On the upside, around August it'll probably settle out, get hot, dry, and you'll have more than you can handle. LOVE RASPBERRIES! :party: And Jigsaw is definitely on my 2015. Your Burg 7 step-child is a tall, bushy youngin with gigantic pods. (Man, what'd ya do to that seed?! ;) ) I was scared about MoAs back before broke few bones in foot around 1st June. Not exactly cleared to by docs, but heck with it, recently checked them out; now they look right. As Scott said, they just do that "fooled ya" dance. Have a great weekend, hon!
Hit the wrong button and lost almost a complete reply :(
I don't mind the cooler nights as a fan in the window gets my bedroom cold enough I have to crawl under the covers.
Last year fishing was the best I ever seen, and this year its one of my worst years.  Some is the lack of time, but I was still on the water enough to have a lot more walleye in the freezer than I do.  Even missed the bluegill spawn.  Last year I had a walleye Phd, and this year I don't even have my GED.
Those burgs do grow nice sized plants.  I am still waiting to see if I have any of the offspring of that perfect pod throw all or mostly the same kinds of pods.  Would be nice to get that going.
Hoping for a good enough year to share the pod wealth around.  See if I can hook you up with some more burners. :)
Crazy year in that I can have two of the same plant planted next to each other and one being doing well and the other look bad.  I do have enough BMJ that I should get quite a load from them.
Take care of yourself hun!!!