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contest June TD - Stump Sum - BURGERS

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I've smoked burgers before as well. They just aren't as purty' as a burger direct over fire. It could work if you had a really big burger with a money shot of a heavy smoke ring but most burger enthusiast's don't care much for that. They want oozy goozy and bacon and scheeze and hot runny splooginess all over the place. Myself I've grown weary of bacon (I know, its a sin). My burger will not have any bacon on it. No bacon racism.

I approved this message.
I know you can smoke a fatty, but a regular burger patty? Well... we can allow that too if y'alls need.
You can smoke a fatty alright. It makes cooking a lot more fun! But seriously, I've been considering throwing my hat into the ring of a ThrowDown. This might be the month.
well course it has to b a fatty,,im talking small amounts of apple wood burning under her for 3 hours. making a sweet glazz ooh my!!!!!
I think I need to go deep into the desert, smoke a big fatty, and re-contemplate the meaning of life after reading this.

As I get older I can't eat like I used to, cholesterol and bp stuff ya' know. I do like queso but don't want to give that up just yet so I cut out something else, like bacon. I don't take bp medication or Lipitor or any stuff like that and I wanna' keep it that way.

Now I didn't say I've given up bacon completely, just for burgers and such for now.
I too have smoked burgers.

...that pipe was huge. :high:

There's an example of the rules a few posts back.

Cool, thanks - I'll check it out. Tonight might be a burger night!

sum, you don't need no stinkin' frydaddy grill, just get one of these!


whoa - I've never seen one of those.

I had my dad's hibachi when I was in college...loved that little thing. I killed it for beach parties, dorm parties, party parties. I'd do kabobs and sliders and all kinds of stuff.

I think I'mma go shopping for burger-stuff.

Who judges this thing anyway?
We all vote. Voting is open to all members.
But for now, you just stay focussed on making a burger that doesn't suck! :rofl:
:rolleyes: NOOBIES! They never learn~~~~


Jump in into the fray, luckydog, it's a ton of fun. And be prepared to get SMOKED! :D
sounds like there's a lot of fattys hanging around here~
As I get older I can't eat like I used to, cholesterol and bp stuff ya' know. I do like queso but don't want to give that up just yet so I cut out something else, like bacon. I don't take bp medication or Lipitor or any stuff like that and I wanna' keep it that way.

Now I didn't say I've given up bacon completely, just for burgers and such for now.

Bacon is kinda easy to give up. To me it's a breakfast food (mostly) and I don't eat a lotta breakfast. When I do I could go for bacon, sausage, or country ham.

I mean I do like bacon, but there's a trend out there "bacon makes everything better" and I'm not a part of it. "It's wrapped in bacon? OMG!" So what? So many better foods. I've never been into anything bacon wrapped. I like my filet mignon plain and my poppers naked.
Okay, I know that TB is supposed to be on some sort of health food kick which keeps him from loving bacons atm, but there is one thing about the last page or so of this thread that truly disturbs me. Someone named BALLS is now a VOICE OF REASON here? WTF?
Okay, I know that TB is supposed to be on some sort of health food kick which keeps him from loving bacons atm, but there is one thing about the last page or so of this thread that truly disturbs me. Someone named BALLS is now a VOICE OF REASON here? WTF?

But of course Jay and why not.

I don't always listen to advice but when I do, I prefer balls. Stay round my friends.
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