Lee´s 2009 Grow season

Will harvest some more next week. Bought me a small freezer to keep em cool for a while.

Pimenta da Neyde



Recovery is going bad.. I'm still waiting for my surgery :neutral:
But anyway thx for asking.

Red Savina Habanero "Bonchi" from 2008. Plant was cut down beginning of 2009

Harvested some Pimenta da Neyde, Aji Cito, Fatalii, Habanero Red Savina

hi all
had my surgery 2 weeks ago and my arm feels like sh.. Will take about 10-12 weeks to recover :(

The weather here is too cold and had to put C.lanceolatum inside. Plant was kinda late with producing fruits but it's on the right way now.
It has a reasonable amount of fruits that are maturing.


Thx IGG, good to be "back". I'm sure glad that I've got that behind me now. Can't use my arm at all because it's wrapped in sling to prevent any movements. I hate that thing..

Lance had a good sprint to the end and I'm happy it produced :)
Stem of C.lanceolatum, it seems that the base is created by fused branches.I will definitely turn this one into a bonchi ones the fruits are matured


JungleRain said:
Lee, I have read on another forum that: "This morning I've seen on italian television prof.Massimo Biagi from Accademia del Peperoncino who has brought a plant of C.Rhomboideum with its very nice pods. He has said probably this variety might have some psychoactive property...is here anyone who has growth it that can say something about it?"

Hiya Buddy nice to see your plants doing so well..about the Rhoms this is nonsense perhaps he slipped in some weed as well ;):lol:
LoneWolf said:
Astonishing plants and pods!
Lee, You are really a great peppers grower!

Please, can you tell me something about your growing conditions for C.Rhoimboideum and C.Lanceolatum ... that is, do you grow them in full sun or shadow, wet or dry environment etc.
I'm growing those varieties too, but can't get pods from C.Lanceolatum; all flowers don't set up pods and fall (C.Rhomboidem is still small, no flower yet).

Hello my friend nice to see you hear,For both best quality well aired soil (used All-mix with great results for both) later in the season just very small amounts of Bloom/topmax) had no flower drop on lan,But some on rhom (to much nutes id suggest)
but both can cope with very low temps and both have coped with air frost already with no problems and samples where sent To kew
for tests some months ago (Cold adaption) (Twang20 helped with samples) and when we get results soon will publish here.
Surprised about your Lan not setting pods can only suggest it
may be they prefer a cooler Enviro or should i say a balanced enviro.:)
Hi Lee,

Best of luck to you with the inside growing.

Good to hear you have that surgery behind you, hope your recovery is fast and total. Beware that armpit after a few weeks of not being able to wash it.:P :sick: