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Michael Phelps caught smoking pot

Original story:

Phelps admits it, but no trouble cause its out of jurisdiction since it's viewed differently than performance enhancing drugs in that you just have to pass a drug test before competetion.

I'm glad it he's not getting into trouble, and so far it's not being made into a huge deal. I mean if this man can smoke pot and still swim that damn fast then good for him lol. Probably is how he ate that reported 10,000 calories a day :lol:
bentalphanerd said:
they're all screaming drug cheat over here...but pot & ice are considered the same here

Lmao, really? Pot could really only be considered a performance enhancing drug for maybe like video games or disc golf. Oh and probably competitive eating as well :lol:
Pot would have to be considered an anti-performance enhancing drug. Well, it's nice to see he's human after all.
He's an idiot. That picture will cost him millions of dollars in endorsements. NORML might hire him, though.

not an idiot...he didn't inhale...
wordwiz said:
He's an idiot. That picture will cost him millions of dollars in endorsements. NORML might hire him, though.


He's still a kid, he's supposed to do stupid things. He's held the line at near perfection for years and years. He so absolutely should have a chance to kick back and be an idiot.
From what I have heard that is merely a photograph of him messing around with a bong and he is in fact not a Pot Smoker at all.
Wiggy said:
From what I have heard that is merely a photograph of him messing around with a bong and he is in fact not a Pot Smoker at all.


Kinda this TP shredded itself while the cat watched:


Lol I do like how you capitalized Pot Smokers. Like it's a proper title lol.
wordwiz said:
He's an idiot. That picture will cost him millions of dollars in endorsements. NORML might hire him, though.


I'll agree, it might cost him some endorsements, the ones he has now or future ones.

Wiggy said:
From what I have heard that is merely a photograph of him messing around with a bong and he is in fact not a Pot Smoker at all.

BS! thats why he has a lighter in hand & its lit ready for the bowl. (look at the reflection on the bong!)

oh yea he was just testing out how long he could hold his breath for future swimming races ;)
In USA Today he said what you see is an experimental snorkel.
One of his friends is a traitor.