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My first pepper growing season

Thanks to BrianS I decided to start growing peppers. As I only have a balcony I cannot sow as much as I would like to. Of all variations I sowed 4 seeds of which I will only keep the best 1 or 2 plants. I will update this thread on a regular basis so you all can see how it's going (hopefully very well :)). Of course all comments and suggestions are highly appreciated. I still have to learn a lot.

First of the Capsicum Annuum

From left to right:
Black Pearl
Bolivian Rainbow
Purple Prince
Aussie Black

Now the Capsicum Chinense

From left to right:
Habanero Caribbean Red
Habanero Red
Peito de Moca
Scotch Bonnet

The last one has a mixed content

From left to right:
Lemon Drop (Capsicum Baccatum)
Thai Hot (Capsicum Frutescens)
Turbo Pube (Capsicum Pubescens)
Surprise seed from Fatalii.net
Mistery seed from a Dutch pepper grower
Welcome man, i'm a balcony grower too. Just planted seeds today man, really looking forward to this season :)

Good luck man.
good luck with the upcoming grow season and your germination efforts...

keep a close eye on the germination trays with the domes because they keep a very humid environment...heat + humidity = mildew/mold/fungus...if you have any problem with any of these, use 1 Tbsp hydrogen peroxide (3%) per gallon of water and that will get rid of the mildew/mold/fungus...
Thanks all

AlabamaJack said:
good luck with the upcoming grow season and your germination efforts...

keep a close eye on the germination trays with the domes because they keep a very humid environment...heat + humidity = mildew/mold/fungus...if you have any problem with any of these, use 1 Tbsp hydrogen peroxide (3%) per gallon of water and that will get rid of the mildew/mold/fungus...

Thanks for the tip, I will get some Hydrogen peroxide just in case.
time for an update :)
The first one to break through the surface was a Peito de Moca on the 6th. Today this is the score :)

Capsicum Annuum:
Medusa 3x
Aussie Black 2x
Bolivian Rainbow 2x
Purple Prince 2x
Black Pearl 3x

Capsicum Chinense:
Peito de Moca 2x
Scotch Bonnet 1x
Habenero Red 1x
Habanero Caribbean Red 1x

Capsicum Frutescens:
Thai Hot 1x

Looking back it was a good first week :)

Today it was time to repot the seedlings. This is what I repotted

2x Black Pearl
2x Bolivian Rainbow
2x Medusa
2x Purple Prince
2x Aussie Black
2x Habanero Caribbean Red
2x Habanero Red
1x Peito de Moca
2x Scotch Bonnet
2x Thai Hot
2x Turbo Pube
1x Mistery seed


Because I haven't seen any sun in weeks I decided to use lights for now


Some pictures of my pepper seedlings

Bolivian Rainbow
Looking great Vincent! Wow! Glad to see your seeds are growing. You have a large package of seeds coming your way ;)
Fantastic! You had a great percentage of seeds germinate. I'll be looking forward to seeing how you set up your plants on the balcony in the Spring. Do you get much direct sunlight shining on it?
Off topic - do you keep any herptiles? It might be just my imagination, but I think I saw some tubs for crickets...
Thanks all :)

PrairieChilihead said:
Fantastic! You had a great percentage of seeds germinate. I'll be looking forward to seeing how you set up your plants on the balcony in the Spring. Do you get much direct sunlight shining on it?

Yes, my balcony gets direct sunlight all day. I haven't thought about the balcony set up yet but I'm sure (read hope) everything will fit :D
MrArboc said:
Off topic - do you keep any herptiles? It might be just my imagination, but I think I saw some tubs for crickets...

You're right. On the floor are containers with crickets, lobster roaches and red runner roaches. I keep scorpions (about 500+), Assassin bugs and big roaches like Blaberus sp. In the spring I'm starting with centipedes again :)
I still have my gayda.. I mean my "strange animals"-radar;)

Do roaches eat hot peppers if they are given the chance? Birds are "immune" to capsaicin - can insects feel the heat?
MrArboc said:
I still have my gayda.. I mean my "strange animals"-radar;)

Do roaches eat hot peppers if they are given the chance? Birds are "immune" to capsaicin - can insects feel the heat?

I have no idea. Sounds like a nice experiment later this year :)

BrianS said:
Looking great Vincent! Wow! Glad to see your seeds are growing. You have a large package of seeds coming your way ;)

I know. Some of them I will sow when they get here. I'll just pretent I have a lot of space :)