
I ordered my seeds through Judy after doing quite a bit of searching around. Her selection is excellent, the order shipped quickly and without errors, the prices are reasonable, and included in my order were 3 free gifts of seeds, including the rare Trinidad Scorpion Mourouga. Overall, I was more than happy with my experience and plan on doing future business with In fact, the only quibble I have, and it's a minor one, is that there were some grammatical and spelling errors on the website, which is less than stellar, but I'm not buying the website so I really don't care personally, just thought I'd mention it playing devil's advocate.

Thanks Judy!!
cruzzfish said:
I have a question. If I where to order seeds from her, and I don't have enough room for more than one or two, how would I specify that I don't want extras?
It's pretty good that I have to ask that actually. Most places you have to ask just to get what you ordered, not make sure you don't get seeds that are going to go to waste.
I understand not having room to grow more then you can...however, why don't you just take the extras and store them for a later time instead of turning down free seeds?

Just a thought...
sp33d said:
I understand not having room to grow more then you can...however, why don't you just take the extras and store them for a later time instead of turning down free seeds?

Just a thought...
Most of my plants end up going into the next year rather than freeing up space, and my house has tempurature changes that aren't good for seed viability. Between 25 and 105 in most of my good "store areas"
I keep all my seeds in a ziplock in my fridge, and all seeds I mean peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries etc that I use every year for our garden and they have stayed viable for many years...but I get what your saying so don't take me as saying your wrong or anything...

I just don't think anyone can ever have enough seeds in storage of any kind , never know when the world goes crazy...
Frankie Ruiz said:
Yeah I saw that!! What a steal. If I hadn't already ordered a box from someone I'd order one! The caramel naga looks cool
Haven't you learned frankie . Buy them all
Ok so 10 boxes for $60 um $6 dollars a box. Ummmmm let me get on that!
Its amazing. She can actively post to her pepper peeps here and still kick ass with her business... how does she do it?
She is just like all kinds o crazy....
Judy.... Judy.... Judy.... when can I order those pods and seeds we talked about?
Im gonna go gamble if you don't tell me....
I looked for a thread about complaints about Pepperlover.  Turns out there are...ZERO.  I did find one post of someone who got some bad seeds once.  She made that right twice over and I am not even sure that the seeds were bad.   Seems this Judy gal has it together.  She might just make it in this business. :lol:
JayT said:
I looked for a thread about complaints about Pepperlover.  Turns out there are...ZERO.  I did find one post of someone who got some bad seeds once.  She made that right twice over and I am not even sure that the seeds were bad.   Seems this Judy gal has it together.  She might just make it in this business. :lol:
were you surprised?
      Got a buddy at work who's last day is Thursday.He is going to work for the railroad.I wanted something special for his last day and Judy delivered.I am going to let him do the picking for our pepper challenge.I hope he chooses wisely...Thanks Judy. :P
I will tell him the  Black Naga you put in the box is extra special. :dance:
2014-07-30 002.JPG
       Railroad boy and the crew sampled some peppers at work.Started out with the Butch T and that was not so bad,then did the Black Naga.It was great and heat was not bad,we all loved it.Then in the afternoon we ate one of the peppers on the right in the pic.I think it was the jigsaw(little help with ID).It was an explosion of flavor followed by a lot of heat.This pepper finished our sampling for the day.Like we had all been in a fight.>Good peppers judy.
2014-07-31 001.JPG
Just received my order from  It took 4 or 5 days to get here.  She sent a crazy amount of seeds!  There is no need to count them as it is easy to see each packet is loaded with at least 200%.  That's not counting the bonus seeds.  If I have a modest germination rate she will have a friend for life!