Product Testers FOUND for new product


eXtreme Business
Texas Creek Products has a new product in the works and we need a few people to do some testing.

The new concoction is (temporarly) called Pure Evil and it is not a hot sauce, it is not an extract, it is a capsaicin based food additive.

It has no color, flavor or smell. It DOES pack a capsaicin punch which is why it will be sold in dropper bottles. The purpose of the Pure Evil is strictly to bump up the heat of food without altering the taste. It will give you considerable heat without overwhelming food with chile flavor. The sauce you will recieve will be the little dropper bottles. I only had blue bottles in stock, so that's what it's in for now. The other bottle is to show the color.

Say you're making a chipotle chili and you have the right chipotle flavor in it, but you want more heat. Pure Evil will give you the heat without adding more chile flavor.

I'm hoping those who reply will be people who cook and make things so they will be able to try the product in many different dishes. Everything from scrambled eggs/quiche to chili, add it to other sauces, salad dressings, gravy, I hope to hear how it is used and how it performs in ALL kinds of dishes.

I have 12 bottles available for testers. I'm asking those who are interested in trying the Pure Evil food additive to pay $5 to cover shipping, the bottles, etc. While you may be tempted to request a bottle just to have it for your collection, please do not request a bottle unless you plan on USING it. You also need to be willing to give me some feedback, via email or PM. Thank you for your understanding.

I'm willing to ship international as well if you are willing to pay whatever the shipping cost would be plus $4. Priority shipping to most major international countries seems to be around $14, but contact me directly for a firm quote.


The white bottle is a 1.7 oz mini woozy bottle, about the size of airline liquor bottles.

If you are interested in trying this extreme heat food additive, send me a PM with your paypal email address and your mailing address. I will send you a pay request.

On another note, I'm not too happy with the name "Pure Evil" Think it might turn some customers off. If you have any other inspirations for a name, please post them here where it might spark another inspiration from someone else.

Thank you for your interest.

PS- those who get on this right away will probably have their bottle in time for the next Throwdowen... ;)
PM sent. Sounds interesting and I would personally think that your cliental would be intrigued by the name Pure Evil. Just my opinion.
4 bottles spoken for-

nmorris, I like the name, but I know sometimes names involving Satan and such can turn some people off. Knowing the clientele will be extreme chileheads, maybe the name is OK. I'd like to hear more discussion. What do y'all think?
I would agree that satan would be a bad call, and honestly I avoid sauces that are crudely named like assblaster and ass in hell, etc. so I definitely see where you are coming from. It will be interesting to see how others feel about the name, but I think it has just the right dark appeal without being offensive.
7 bottles spoken for, 5 more available-

Thanks for your input, nmorris. I feel the same way about crude names. My son (age 12) has a small hot sauce collection, and he took the one called Whoop A$$ out of the collection. Maybe the difference is something simple like many people don't like to say "a$$". That's considered a swear word by many. But to say "evil" is socially acceptable.
Everyone feel free to chime in on the name discussion even if you're not ordering a sample.
I don't understand the controversy over the name. What am I missing?
Just that some people might be uncomfortable with "evil" let alone "pure evil". Like it could be associated with demons or somehting. Am I overthinking things?
:lol: SL what the heck are you going on about? While you're at it you better throw your Dirt Devil vacuum away :rofl:

Yea, Boss, I know....

but...I do know a person who would not buy a Dirt Devil just because of that. True story, I ain't lyin'....

So do you like the name Pure Evil? Or anything better come to mind?
Do they eat devil's food cake? :lol:

SL come on.............................

Evil??? I don't get it.

Name is good!
Hot sauces should be evil. The good ones are. :)
Get after her Boss, We've tried.... (NWP) 'Pure Evil =GOOD

If *^%$^%$@^@ doesn't want a vacuum that has "devil" in the name... you don't want them eating what you've got....
... you don't want them eating what you've got....

That's true, that person wouldn't touch most of my stuff with a 10 foot pole.

You guys are right, the clientele will appreciate the name and not be offended by it.

9 bottles spoken for, 3 bottles left~~~
If you want to market to a wider audience, I agree that the Pure Evil might be worth at least pondering. In a denotative sense, I can see it being offputting to a certain segment in certain parts of the country. Don't know what your distro is. If it's in the PNW and NE (as you and THP are in) then I wouldn't even trouble yourself. That being said, it doesn't bother ME a bit, though I'm personally fond of "Instant Heat", or something related to how easy it is to CONTROL heat or ratchet it up in a controlled fashion. Something both catchy and more descriptive of the product itself.

Thermal Runaway? Flame On? Melting Point? Liquid Fire? Liquid Sun? TURN it UP!!! Hell, I dunno.

Just brainstorming...

Good luck, no matter what you go with.