• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

sicman's "Third Turtle Ranch"

Thanks everyone the project is not totally done but will be soon. Have to make stalls,tack room,new cattle corral/horse training ring and my ranch office.
Grow list:
Red,yellow,peach,white,purple,brown bhutts. chocolate and cappucino habs. Aji pineapple and starfish.bubblegum.primo/reaper cross. Sonya's cross and  some moruga i think thats it.

Thought I would sneak some pics in right quick. My 70 year old father in law which is in better shape than me and I  did all the framing to my office and inclosed tackroom,including a ceiling from friday at 4p.m.- sunday 2:30 p.m.  Im stoked with how much got done for two dudes.



Hells yea! The Chateau la Pimp!
How are Sonya's mystery starts doing? I have 1 out of 6 that is showing quite a bit of purple. I'm thinking of starting some more to get at least a few with that trait.
sicman said:
They are doing good. I have several in several diffrent stages of growth. We are up to 5th gen.
Wait what!?! you already have it to f5 Or 5 gen of starts? Pics pleeease? You know I'm more excited about this than any other super this year. Still the best I've had, with BOC a close second, but completely different.
just starts. I guess i have seeds from f2 that I have yet to plant,next week is when im starting my secound round of seeds for the season. Ill get pics soon,I promise. Everytime I wal outside I get sucked up into some kind of work crap. Heck the pics I just posted I ripped from Sonya's FB page.
Good snake it means no harm.  I have a striped gardener living among my plants in the backyard and we catch eyes every couple days and I mean no harm to her as long as she minds her own business.  Lives under my deck and comes out and suns in the morning, bug and lizards and mosquitos greatly reduced.