• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Spicegeist 2014 - The Year of the Bhut

This year I'm growing primarily bhut/naga types.
Not much to look at now, but thought I'd kick things off since I'm already starting seeds:

Here's my list:
  1. Red Bhut
  2. Choco Bhut
  3. Yellow Bhut
  4. Peach Bhut
  5. Shabu Jolokia
  6. Naga King
  7. Naga Morich
  8. Naga Suomi
  9. Dorset Naga
  10. Guwahati Bhut
  11. Pale Bhut / Bih Jolokia
  12. Jay's Peach
  13. Fatalii
  14. Lota Bih
  15. C. galapagoense
Loving the updates Charles. Great pod shots. Some of the Yellow Bhuts you sent me have ripened... will get some pics of them and the mystery frut-like pepper tomorrow.
You got quite the pepper breedery going on!
Charles, I also forgot to mention that I grew something really interesting from those Fatalii x Choco Bhuts of yours. The thing was a deadset ringer for Fatalii only it ripened to a caramel colour. I can't seem to find the photos, though. Either I didn't take any (seems odd... but then it was such a bad season I couldn't even be bothered shooting most of my own stuff) or they are on a memory card lost somewhere in this dump here. :rolleyes: If I find them, I gotta show you, aye! Got a few next gen babies going now so fingers-crossed.
thirdcoasttx said:
Some bhutifull poddage you got goin on here. The bumps on that choco bhut are righteous!!
I have a bunch of decent looking pods on my choco bhut plants, but they're not elongated as quickly as the yellow bhut... time will tell...
Dot Com said:
I've got to get up to speed on your GLOG because the pics are always awesome & the selection very noteworthy/worth reading
Thank you sir...
maximumcapsicum said:
Loving the updates Charles. Great pod shots. Some of the Yellow Bhuts you sent me have ripened... will get some pics of them and the mystery frut-like pepper tomorrow.
You got quite the pepper breedery going on!
Oo, can't wait to see...
gasificada said:
Charles, I also forgot to mention that I grew something really interesting from those Fatalii x Choco Bhuts of yours. The thing was a deadset ringer for Fatalii only it ripened to a caramel colour. I can't seem to find the photos, though. Either I didn't take any (seems odd... but then it was such a bad season I couldn't even be bothered shooting most of my own stuff) or they are on a memory card lost somewhere in this dump here. :rolleyes: If I find them, I gotta show you, aye! Got a few next gen babies going now so fingers-crossed.
Sounds interesting... I'll check in on your glog to see how things are coming along...
Naga King from PeriPeri's seed:

One of the many bhut types I'm growing... I've been calling it Naga Morich, but that doesn't seem to be what it is:

A new cross of mine... all I can say is... it will be :hot: :

Shabu Bhuts... these seem very thin-skinned, kind of how I imagine carbon bhuts should be:

Thanks for the pod pics from the Naga King Charles... mine is covered with flowers but still hasn't set any pods yet. No surprise since we're still getting occasional nights in the upper 40s, but I hope some stick soon... :)
More positive news is that your Chintexle and Donne Sali plants are blossoming now, and the Lotah Bih is finally starting to grow in earnest though we are still getting overnight lows in the upper 40s here. Hopefully it'll warm up some more as we near the 4th of July.

Lotah Bih

The Chintexle seems to have 2 different phenotypes...


Have a great Sunday.
Spicegeist said:
Things are a little boring at the moment.  Just maintaining.  Here's a pic of the plants I moved to the basement getting sun:

If I had a sunnier patio, I'd probably wait to start them later.  One day I'll have a setup with more direct light...
Do you move them away from the grow light to the dimmer natural, mid-february light to keep them from growing too quickly?
***edit- got my answer
Spicegeist said:
By the time I move them to the natural light they're already pretty big.  The natural light is very weak, so the idea is just to maintain them, they won't grow much in that light...
Dot Com said:
Do you move them away from the grow light to the dimmer natural, mid-february light to keep them from growing too quickly?
***edit- got my answer
Yeah, it's kind of a tricky process, you can do it a number of different ways... if I had a window facing a different direction, I might not do exactly what I've been doing...
Spicegeist said:
Thanks.  Yeah, I'm hoping it grows true, this is my first time growing the Dorset Naga.
That was one of the first pepper plants I grew that I overwintered. The one I had was hardy, IMO, but didn't have pubescens characteristics like that. It just kept putting out pods too :D You can only eat so many Dorset pods though :fireball:  unless you got your tolerance up there ;) I always think of Neil's video of him eating one early on :mouthonfire:
Dot Com said:
That was one of the first pepper plants I grew that I overwintered. The one I had was hardy, IMO, but didn't have pubescens characteristics like that. It just kept putting out pods too :D You can only eat so many Dorset pods though :fireball:  unless you got your tolerance up there ;) I always think of Neil's video of him eating one early on :mouthonfire:
Yeah, they're neat little peppers.  Right now I have so many naga/bhut types, I'm thinking of slimming down my list to just a few for 2015.  I'll make the call once I get some ripe pods.
That damn Dorset Naga is my white whale. Every year I try to grow one, every year I fail for one reason or another. No word of a lie, I ordered some more seeds the other week, this is gonna be the year, and today, just today I received a letter from customs telling me the seeds have been seized and destroyed. Are you freaking kidding me?? :rofl:
Digging the Naga/Bhut theme, BTW, Charles! The Bhut Jolokia will always be the superhot in my eyes. Nothing has since burst into the scene like it did. Now it's just like, "oh, another record breaker, that's kinda cool..... I guess."

my first time checking out your glog. awesome! loving these bhut pics!
im having a 7 pot year myself and i am missing having bhut, especially that beautiful lime pastel green they pod as. i have a white bhut  but its the runt. next year im definitely wanting to make a bhut year. cheers!
gasificada said:
That damn Dorset Naga is my white whale. Every year I try to grow one, every year I fail for one reason or another. No word of a lie, I ordered some more seeds the other week, this is gonna be the year, and today, just today I received a letter from customs telling me the seeds have been seized and destroyed. Are you freaking kidding me?? :rofl:
Digging the Naga/Bhut theme, BTW, Charles! The Bhut Jolokia will always be the superhot in my eyes. Nothing has since burst into the scene like it did. Now it's just like, "oh, another record breaker, that's kinda cool..... I guess."
I only had one plant this year, but I must have isolated at least 7 pods on it, I was really determined to not end up empty handed in terms of seed.  I can send some to you once they ripen.  Along with whatever else you want to try.  I sent a good number of varieties to Grant, and they arrived okay... just when he tried to send me stuff, it was confiscated and all I got was a note from our customs authorities saying tisk, tisk :cry: .
OCD Chilehead said:
Trying to catch up here. Lovin the pod pics. Interested in seeing how the cross comes out. Shabu's are looking pretty tasty. Good luck thanks for sharing.
Thanks buddy.  I have two shabu plants going, and they are slightly different.... I'll have to post a pic of the single pod growing on the other plant, for whatever reason only on of them is in the mood to set fruit.  Although I am making a few crosses with them :twisted: .
georgej said:

my first time checking out your glog. awesome! loving these bhut pics!
im having a 7 pot year myself and i am missing having bhut, especially that beautiful lime pastel green they pod as. i have a white bhut  but its the runt. next year im definitely wanting to make a bhut year. cheers!
7 Pots are awesome too.  I have a few interesting 7 pot x bhut crosses you may want to try if you have space... let me know and I can try to send some your way...
stickman said:
The Chintexle seems to have 2 different phenotypes...


Have a great Sunday.
I'd say the top one is most likely crossed with a chinense... open pollinated seed: not for the faint of heart ;) .
Spicegeist said:
I only had one plant this year, but I must have isolated at least 7 pods on it, I was really determined to not end up empty handed in terms of seed.  I can send some to you once they ripen.  Along with whatever else you want to try.  I sent a good number of varieties to Grant, and they arrived okay... just when he tried to send me stuff, it was confiscated and all I got was a note from our customs authorities saying tisk, tisk :cry: .
I can actually get the Dorset Naga from within Australia but I tacked it onto an order I placed from over there by accident. I seriously wasn't thinking at the time, saw some stuff I wanted, old habits die hard and ordered away. After I placed the order, "oh crap, that's right, new regulations and all that." Heartbreaking when I got the seizure and destruction notice. :( Who the hell can destroy perfectly good chilli seeds like that?? :lol: Oh well, I will consider what I paid a donation to the vendor. But yeah, cheers for the offer, mate! :) But I should be right.
Interesting how the seeds got to Grant alright! When was that? I believe they have only started cracking down recently. Or perhaps you concealed the seeds well enough to not draw attention and warrant interception/inspection? Bizzare how the ones he sent to you didn't make it, though. Do you guys have new import regulations too?? Screw Australia, they don't trust us so we don't trust them... :lol: I dunno, this whole thing is very weird. Smells fishy to me.
gasificada said:
I can actually get the Dorset Naga from within Australia but I tacked it onto an order I placed from over there by accident. I seriously wasn't thinking at the time, saw some stuff I wanted, old habits die hard and ordered away. After I placed the order, "oh crap, that's right, new regulations and all that." Heartbreaking when I got the seizure and destruction notice. :( Who the hell can destroy perfectly good chilli seeds like that?? :lol: Oh well, I will consider what I paid a donation to the vendor. But yeah, cheers for the offer, mate! :) But I should be right.
Interesting how the seeds got to Grant alright! When was that? I believe they have only started cracking down recently. Or perhaps you concealed the seeds well enough to not draw attention and warrant interception/inspection? Bizzare how the ones he sent to you didn't make it, though. Do you guys have new import regulations too?? Screw Australia, they don't trust us so we don't trust them... :lol: I dunno, this whole thing is very weird. Smells fishy to me.
Well, it's a good thing there are so many chiliheads in Australia... it would be hard to keep a good variety out for long...
maximumcapsicum said:
Trimming Down your naga/bhut list? Say it ain't so?!
Ha, I don't know.  We'll see how things develop.