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Spicy food a harmless form of masochism?

Pam said:
I never did anything more than get my ears pierced. I had two in each ear until my mother told me anything more than that was disgusting. Naturally I immediately went out and got two more in each ear. Now I'm back to two. It's too much trouble taking all those earrings in and out.
My dad went mental when I got my ears pierced a second time, he said it looks sluttish, he went even more mental when he found out I'd done it myself and was likely to do a few more holes. As for when I did my own nose, all hell broke loose with my Mum trying to calm him down saying "It's just a hole".
Hot Canuck said:



Oh, I forgot - you're English...:snooty:
Plenty have seen it, just not everyday people unless I wear my hair up ;)
ahh geez, I was hoping I had deleted that before you read it...it seemed funny when I typed it, but it is way too rude to say to a girl that I have never met.

I can't even use beer as an excuse...

My apologies RB.

Hot Canuck said:
ahh geez, I was hoping I had deleted that before you read it...it seemed funny when I typed it, but it is way too rude to say to a girl that I have never met.

I can't even use beer as an excuse...

My apologies RB.

How dare you?!

Hot Canuck said:
ahh geez, I was hoping I had deleted that before you read it...it seemed funny when I typed it, but it is way too rude to say to a girl that I have never met.

I can't even use beer as an excuse...

My apologies RB.


You are such a big ol'sweetie!
I've already told Ken what a nice bloke I think he is. There was/is nothing to apologise for. The post made me laugh so thank you Ken for posting it. I never saw it as rude or offensive in anyway, if only there was more people in the world with your sense of humour and kindness then we'd all be a lot happier. RB x
Pam said:
You are such a big ol'sweetie!

Thanks Pam, and RB who replied to my PM apology...The consciensous ( I know I spelled that wrong ) part of my brain doesn't seem to have a permanent connection to either my mouth or my fingers...
Yeah it's a nice humorous ambiance. don't think I would actually insult someone (deliberately) like that comment to Pam was (if it was serious, which is not).
You are such a big ol'sweetie!

I've already told Ken what a nice bloke I think he is. There was/is nothing to apologise for. The post made me laugh so thank you Ken for posting it. I never saw it as rude or offensive in anyway, if only there was more people in the world with your sense of humour and kindness then we'd all be a lot happier. RB x

now to prove my disconnect point, I was about to celebrate these good womanly feelings with a comment about a Kenny sandwich...thankfully I thought better of it...:cool:
Omri said:
I really was just kidding, sorry if it came out wrong.

Thank you for saying that, some of your answers have been a bit pointed this morning...*peers outside*... afternoon. I enjoy you, and wouldn't want to offend you, either.
Again, sorry. I'll do my best it won't happen again.
I enjoy you too, and I did not mean for any of my comments to offend you or anyone else.
well, now that we have had our big group hug ( though I didn't appreciate Omri pinching my a** ), let's get the thread back on track.

I'm whipping up nachos tonight ( big surprise... ), and if they are done right, you cannot eat more than three without removing sweat and downing beer. Besides a hot salsa, I use some combo of Viscious Viper, Black Mamba, caJohns 10, Talon, Radical Heat, Anger Management, Liquid Stoopid ( you are what you eat ) and Nuckin Futs...

The burn should last a good 15 minutes after being done eating, and yeah, it is a definite rush...:fireball::onfire:
all I can do is laugh. might as well throw in a " I'm sorry " just incase someone got offended by that ;):rolleyes:
I cant find ANYTHING offensive in anything you all were just saying, but yet you all are saying sorry & I didnt want to offend you or anyone :rolleyes:

did you all watch sesame street to much & live in the Mr. Rogers household ? because there was nothing offensive spoken.
Hot Canuck said:
Well yeehaw !!! I'm the man...:party:

sorry for the delayed yippee, but I was on the treadmill...ya know, firmin' up my butt...

Yo Babee!

Sorry for the delayed "Yo Babee", but I was trying to keep my hoop house from pulling a Dorthy.
Pam said:
Yo Babee!

Sorry for the delayed "Yo Babee", but I was trying to keep my hoop house from pulling a Dorthy.

what's the weather like? we are just being hammered with snow...

apparently global warming is a local phenomenon...
Hot Canuck said:
what's the weather like? we are just being hammered with snow...

apparently global warming is a local phenomenon...

It's ~windy~~ ~

It's been mild all week, but now that I can get outside, it's gotten coolish. Hopefully tomorrow will be nicer.